10 Years 7

10 Years 7

The Fall

Emma felt the strain of balancing work and the simmering tension between herself, Alex, and Victoria as each day grew more complicated. After her and Alex’s recent agreement to approach their marriage as partners, things had seemed almost hopeful. But when Victoria arrived at the office one morning with a self-satisfied smile and a coy announcement that left everyone reeling, that optimism crumbled.

“Alex and I are so thrilled to share our wonderful news,” she said, her voice carrying across the conference room with practiced elegance. “We’re expecting a baby.”

The air seemed to freeze around Emma as her gaze shifted to Alex, whose shock was as evident as her own. His face paled, his brows furrowed in confusion. Emma felt the weight of dozens of eyes on her, the whispers and curious glances. She tightened her grip on her notebook, struggling to maintain her composure, but her mind spun with questions. Had Victoria really managed to pull Alex back into her orbit completely?

“Victoria…” he started, but she continued as if he hadn’t spoken.

“Of course, we wanted to wait until the first trimester was over to make it official,” she smiled, one hand resting delicately on her still-flat stomach. “But given the… current circumstances, we felt it was important to be transparent.”

The room exploded with confused congratulations and bewildered whispers. Emma sat perfectly still, her mind racing. Something wasn’t right. The timing…

“Twelve weeks,” Victoria was saying to an excited board member. “Due in early spring.”

Emma’s analytical mind kicked into gear. Twelve weeks would place conception right around… She pulled out her tablet, quickly accessing the company’s travel records. Just as she thought – Victoria had been in Dubai during the exact period she was claiming.

A movement caught her eye. Victoria was watching her, a slight smirk playing at her lips. She knew Emma had caught the discrepancy. That was the point.

Yet as Emma watched the scene unfold, something about Victoria’s demeanor gnawed at her. Something wasn’t right. It wasn’t just the announcement itself; it was the way Victoria’s expression flickered, almost too practiced, too rehearsed. And if she was being honest, there was a desperation behind Victoria’s eyes that Emma hadn’t seen before.

Later that day, as she processed the news, Marcus came into her office, clearly disturbed. “Emma,” he said quietly, closing the door behind him. “I think there’s more to this ‘pregnancy’ than she’s letting on. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s pulled something like this. Back when she was seeing Alex years ago, she used to spin all sorts of stories to keep him close. I didn’t want to believe it then, but now…”

Emma leaned in, intrigued. “You’re saying she’s done this before? Made things up to keep Alex in her life?”

Marcus nodded. “It’s a pattern with her. Claims, half-truths, manipulations. I think we should dig into her past. I’ve got a few contacts who might be able to help us find out what she’s really up to.”

Emma agreed, her resolve steeled by the knowledge that she wasn’t alone in her suspicions. Together, she and Marcus began looking into Victoria’s history, combing through old records and reaching out to people who had crossed paths with her in the past. What they discovered was unsettling: a series of relationships that had ended in turmoil, each one accompanied by rumors of similar claims, inconsistent stories, and lingering questions.

They spent hours digging deeper, finding a disturbing pattern in Victoria’s past. Other men, other claims of pregnancy, all mysteriously disappearing when she moved on to new targets. But the documentation was frustratingly incomplete – records deleted, witnesses relocated, evidence buried under layers of legal settlements.

Emma was so absorbed in their investigation that she almost missed the plain white envelope on her desk when she returned. No markings, no signatures. Just a single sheet of paper inside:

“Some mothers never meet their children. Be smart.”

She was still staring at the note when Alex walked in, his face troubled. “Emma, we need to talk about Victoria’s announcement —” He stopped, seeing the paper in her trembling hands. “What’s that?”

Before she could respond, her computer chimed. Someone was accessing her private files – financial records, medical information, personal emails. Emma watched in horror as folders began disappearing one by one.

“Alex,” she said quietly, “I think it’s time you saw something.” She pulled up the files Marcus had gathered, starting with the psychiatric evaluations.

Alex’s expression darkened as he read, his hands gripping the back of her chair. “This can’t be… but the timing matches. And those incidents…” He looked up sharply. “Sarah Harmon. I always wondered why she left so suddenly.”

“There’s more,” but before she could show him the most damning evidence, there was a knock at the door. Lisa Harmon, Sarah’s younger sister who still worked in accounting, stood there looking anxious.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Barrett, but there’s an urgent issue with the Singapore merger numbers. Mr. Zhao is on the line demanding immediate clarification of the discrepancies, and you’re the only one who worked directly on the original projections.”

Emma hesitated, looking between Alex and the computer screen.

“Go,” Alex said, eyes still fixed on the documents. “I’ll keep reading through these.”

Emma stood, touching Alex’s shoulder briefly. “Start with the file marked ‘Dubai Records’ next. It’s important.”

She followed Lisa through the office, her analytical mind already preparing to address whatever issues had arisen with the merger numbers. But instead of heading toward the conference rooms with video conferencing capabilities, Lisa led her toward the back of the building.

“I thought we were connecting with Singapore,” Emma said, slowing her steps.

“Mr. Zhao prefers the smaller meeting room for privacy,” Lisa replied smoothly. “Given the sensitive nature of the financial discrepancies…”

Something in Lisa’s voice made Emma pause. “Lisa… did your sister ever tell you why she left the company?”

Lisa’s step faltered slightly, but she kept walking. “Here we are,” she said, gesturing to the small meeting room by the back stairs. Her face was a mask of carefully controlled fear as she opened the door.

Victoria stood inside, elegant as ever in a cream-colored suit. “Thank you, Lisa dear. Your sister will be so pleased to hear about your help today. You can go now.”

Lisa practically fled, leaving Emma alone with Victoria. The door clicked shut with finality.

“You know,” Victoria said conversationally, “Alex always had a weakness for trying to save people. It’s what drew him to you, I imagine – the ambitious scholarship girl, so determined to prove herself.”

“Is that what drew him to you?” Emma asked quietly. “Do you need to be saved?”

Victoria’s laugh was sharp. “Oh, darling. I don’t need saving. But you…” She stepped closer. “You’re going to need much more than Alex’s protection very soon.”

“The pregnancy is a lie,” Emma stated flatly. “Just like Dubai, just like the medical records, just like everything else you’ve built your life on.”

“Sarah Harmon made the same mistake you’re making now. Thinking that evidence and truth were enough to stop me.” She moved closer, her designer heels clicking on the floor. “Do you know where Sarah is now? Teaching basic accounting at a community college in Singapore. Such a waste of her Harvard education, don’t you think?”

“Is that why you had Lisa bring me here? To threaten me with her sister’s fate?”

“Oh no, darling. Sarah’s story was just a gentle warning. What happens next…” Victoria’s perfect smile twisted into something darker. “Well, let’s just say accidents are so tragically common during pregnancy. All that dizziness, those balance issues…”

Emma backed toward the door, but Victoria was faster, maneuvering her toward the stairwell entrance instead.

“You really should have just signed those divorce papers,” Victoria continued, her voice almost sympathetic. “Alex and I are inevitable. We always have been. You’re just… an interruption. A brief detour on our path back to each other.”

“He knows what you are,” Emma said, feeling the stairwell door handle press against her back. “He’s reading the evidence right now.”

Victoria’s laugh was chilling. “Evidence can be explained away. Grief, on the other hand… grief can make a man so vulnerable. So in need of comfort from an old flame who understands his pain.” Victoria’s mask dropped completely, revealing something dark and obsessive beneath. “And people – can disappear. Accidents happen every day. Especially to clumsy pregnant women near the stairs.”

She moved suddenly, faster than Emma could react. The door opened behind her and Emma felt Victoria’s hands connect with her shoulders.

“Give my regards to Sarah,” Victoria whispered, and pushed.

The door opened behind Emma. She had a split second to register Victoria’s satisfied smile before feeling a sharp push. As she fell, her last conscious thought was of the triumphant gleam in Victoria’s eyes.

10 Years

10 Years

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
10 Years


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