News Lasted 102

News Lasted 102

Our Luna, Our Mate 

Chapter 102 

Athena’s POV 

After getting the initial tour of the house I all but tried to relax. Friends and Family still gathered around as we all but chatted amongst ourselves. My Uncles as well as Alarick and Gwen all but taking turns holding the triplets

My mind now wandered back to what Artemis had said to me about each of my children. Remembering the fact that Artemis had all but claimed them to be special

Smiling to myself, I don’t realize I’ve caught the attention of Lucas until it’s all but too late as he moves to come over and stand next to me as he did

You’re smiling my Luna. Care to share what it is that makes you so happy?whispers Lucas, so as not to draw any unwanted attention over to them as they chat

Huh?I say, blinking my eyes as I did, shifting my gaze over to him as I move to greet him

I asked you what it is that makes you so happy?asks Lucas again

Oh.. Just by knowing that I have such great friends and family who all but love and support me. People I know that I can count on when things get toughI admit, my eyes now shifting back over to those within the room before turning back to Lucas

But of course my Luna. And as your Beta it’s my job to make sure you’re always protected. No matter whatreplies Lucas, his eyes now on that of his Luna

But.. I get the feeling there’s something else on your mind that seems to be bothering you and it’s not because of the company. What’s wrong?asks Lucas one he had picked up on her mood

  • Sighing, I move to keep my voice low, You’re right, something else has been bothering me since leaving the hospital. Do you think we could maybe talk in private?I ask, not wanting the others to hear us as we spoke about my dream

Of course you can Lunaanswers Lucas, a smile now rising to his lips as he said those words wanting her to feel like she could talk to him about anything for after all he was her Beta and it was his job

Returning the smile, I all but motioned for him to follow me, deciding to head for the office area, where once there I moved to shut the door, knowing that the room was sound proof, making it harder for those on the outside to hear us

Once inside do I move to gesture for him to take one of the couches as we both move to take a seat. Where once seated do I move to sigh again

Promise me that what I’m about to tell you does not get repeated back to Kai or that of my mates. I’m not ready for them to know of it just yetI tell him, my eyes shining with hope and fear

But of course, my Luna.

Taking a deep breath in, I all but move to exhale softly before moving to give him my full undivided attention. The need to talk to someone other than my wolf all but weighing heavily on me

It started on the day we returned home from our Honeymoon, I was sound asleep when suddenly I had been brought into a dreamlike world. A dream so intense that I couldn’t wake myself up from it.” 

*Dewaan? Yes, I think I remember this, Ares and Eros had explained something like this to everyone who they deemed worthy. Apparently they had been unable to reach you prior to the event because of some weird situation preventing you from waking up?asks Lucas 

sting to be sure he had sorrstood it correctly


Chapter 102 

Kinda. Here allow me to explain. You see, typically when I sleep, I dream of happy thoughts of 1 often spend my nights with Artemis within our space. So you see when I was sleeping I had all but been puffed into a realm of darkness. Scared, I had begun to think it was Mother Mrson again bait unfortunately it wasn’tI say, a sliver running through me as it did

Then what happened?asks Lucas

Well at first, I just did what any normal person would do, I started calling out to people that I knew. And when that didn’t work I tried again and again only to feel a sharp pain hit me in the belly, Almost as I was having a contraction.” 

But you were, weren’t you. You were about to give birth,remarks Ludas

I know I was, but I didn’t stop to think about that. No. All I could feel was sharp pain in my lower belly. Then as if to taunt me, I all but heard a familiar female voice reach out to me, Calling me weak and how Ares and Eros were going to pay. Scared by the voice I moved to pull my hand away from my belly only to see red. Blood if you will.1 love to explain

Blood? Who’s blood?asks Lucas now worried for his Luna

WellI originally thought it was my blood that my mind was playing some weird trick on me into thinking I was badly injured and I was officially bleeding from my belly. So when I all but saw a slight trail of blood before my feet I all but naturally went to follow it only to come face to face with the most horrible sight ever.I whisper, tears now threatening to spill

What did you see?asks Lucas, almost afraid to ask her

The death of my mates, my friends, my family but worst of all my childrenI whisper again, remembering that dream so vividly as tears now begin to fall down my face

Dead?whispers Lucas, shocked

Nodding I don’t dare trust my voice at that moment, afraid of it giving too much away. Knowing that dreams were like windows into the unknown, a window into showing you an outcome, an outcome in which I prayed didn’t come true for I didn’t know what I would do if it 


But that’s not possible. There’s just no way they could have all died. That we could have died. I think someone was toying with you, my Luna, in order to scare you into thinking that this could happen.remarks Lucas, now worried for his Luna, his mate and for those he truly cherished within the pack

Our thoughts exactlychimes a voice, our gaze moving to see who had entered the room only to see that of Ares, Eros, Alex and Rick

Paleing,I all but try to look away now scared. HHow much of that did you hear?I all but whisper over to them

All of it love. Was that why Artemis couldn’t reach you? And one of the many reasons we had all but felt your pain? Because of this dream?asks Eros, now worried for his mate and Luna as well as his family and friends

YesYes it waswas all I manage to say back to them, tears now falling from my eyes as they did

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