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Men 176

Men 176

Chapter 176: She Is Still Attuned To Us 

Chapter 176: She Was Still Attuned To Us 


Ms. Hartwell.Professor Gilbert smiled, his eyes dropped to my chest like they always seemed to do before he looked back up

I haven’t seen you all week. I trust your new classes are going well?” 

I scratched the back of my neck, already uncomfortable. It was one thing to ask how my classes were going and another thing to comment that he hadn’t seen me, especially when I didn’t take any of his classes this semester. He had no reason to see me

Hi, Professor Gilbert.I said, awkwardly, my eyes flitted around, trying to find escape

Yes, the classes are going great.” 

Not that I would know, seeing as I hadn’t been to most of them

That is good to hear. You are missed in my classes, no one seemed as interested in the materials as you were.” 

He was bullshitting so hard, I hadn’t shown any interest. I had done all could to avoid talking in his class, never asked any questions, and got the hell out of there the second the lecture was over

ThatI had absolutely no idea what to say, and I just wanted to end the conversation as quickly as possible


Angelia!Someone called to me, and I turned around with a huge sense of relief

Jocey, my beautiful friend and a total lifesaver, came running up to me. She ignored the professor as she grabbed my arm and dragged me 


We have so much to catch on!She said loudly, giving me the outing I had been praying for. She kept babbling about something I didn’t quite catch, but I knew it wasn’t for my benefit

What a creep.She shuddered when we were out of the professor’s hearing range

He couldn’t have been more obvious with those fucking wandering eyes. Why haven’t you ever reported him?” 

You know why.I sighed

The university was normally good at handling both professors and students who harassed people, but this situation was a bit different

What can I possibly say? He hasn’t touched me and he has never said anything improper. The only thing he had done was look at me and ask me how my days were. They won’t do anything about it.” 

Maybe not, but it will be worth a try at the very least. He could get a warning or something from his department chair. Besides, if he does anything to you or anyone else in the future, there will be a record of it.” 

She was right

Fine, will you come with me?” 


Chapter 176: She Is Still Attuned To Us 

Absolutely, but only if we go out for coffee afterward. You promised me we would hang out.Her lower lip jutted out and gave me puppy 


Last week, we had a coffee before school started, and for once, I had asked her if we could meet up again soon. Before my men, I had been focused on school too much to prioritize spending time with the few friends I had. When they asked if I wanted to join them at a bar or hang out, I would have said no, too busy with my nose in my textbooks. After a while, they stopped asking, and I knew I had myself to blame that I didn’t have many friends

I am sorry, a lot happened this week.I apologized, hating that I hadn followed through the one time I had initiated something

But is it a deal? We will go for a coffee afterward.” 

Great, I am excited to catch up.She said with a bright smile

Well, I have to haul ass to my building before 

Me too,I forced a smile of my own

am late.” 

It wasn’t that I wasn’t looking forward to it, I just didn’t feel like faking anything for her either

By the way, I was about to ask you 

about that. Why are you here?” 

I have to walk past this building to get to mine and I saw that creep, so I figured I could get my one good deed in today before class.She winked at me

But seriously, I really need to go, don’t want my professor to rip me a new asshole for being late again.” 

Yes,I sighed

That would probably be smart, I am glad I don’t have

professor who is that strict. They are too scary.” 

They scare me too.She said, but there was a shadow of a smile when she said that

But seriously, thank you. The save is hugely appreciated.I said and I truly meant it

I will see you after school.‘ 

See you,I mumbled

She was I gave her a smile before she walked back out. My smile widened as I saw others stop and stared when she walked by. She truly was one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. Unfortunately, for anyone wanting to compete with her, she had the brains too. beautiful, intelligent and had a wonderful personality as well

My first three classes were stressful, having to jump right into a subject they had started on when I hadn’t been there. What was even more stressful was knowing I had Marshall’s class next. The thought made me sweat, I just hoped I would get through it without the pa and heartache I had experienced last time

Marshall POV

The sight of Angelia sitting in the front of my lecture room nearly broke my resolve to not out her to the class as the woman I was falling for. She was stunning. I could feel my eyes wanting to soften as I looked at her, to hold her. I think a part of me had underestimated how difficult it would be to have her as my student, having to watch her a couple of feet away but not being able to do anything about it

Last weekend, when she told us that she wanted a break, I had to be honest,it crushed me. I didn’t know how it was possible to have such 


11:17 Tue, Nov 26

Chapter 176: She Is Still Attuned To Us 

strong emotions for someone I hadn’t known for long. But there it was, she has this ability to make anyone in her presence happy and it was hard not to carve the type of happiness that she provided. So, while I didn’t know how it was possible to fall for someone that quickly, it wasn’t surprising, not with her. My class hadn’t begun yet, we still had some minutes to go. Usually, I would show up right before we started, but this time, I was eager to find out she would join us. She had said she would, but it was something else to get the confirmation of seeing her in my class

A boy sat down next to her and was quick to strike up a conversation with her. My jaw clenched when she smiled at him. One look at the seating chart, I saw that his name was Godwin. Before the class last week was over, I had told everyone that the seat they had chosen would be their permanent seat through this semester. It wasn’t something I usually did but could anyone blame me for making sure she would be close to me? Now, though, I realized I had inadvertently seated this guy permanently with my girl, who I wasn’t fond of. She nodded at something he said, and my jaw clenched when I saw the boy start writing something down on the note before handing it to our girl. She accepted it

As if she could see my attention was on them, she withdrew slightly from him. That action made me relax a bit, our girl was still attuned to us. That had to mean something, right? But my eyes were zeroed in on the paper she was putting away in her pocket. There better not be a fucking phone number on it. I started the class by reviewing the important part of what we learned last week, summarizing the nature and essence of business ethics before moving along. I enjoyed this, having my student’s attention on me and I taught them something I loved. Business ethics was probably my favorite subject, it was such an important thing to learn about and a vital part of life. No matter if it was used for business or in general, I think I enjoyed it the most because it was something my father lacked. And I strives to be the opposite of him in every way I could. Throughout the sixty minutes I had them, my eyes flitted more than once to my girl. It was impossible not to, but the more I looked at her, the more changes I saw in her

At the start of the lecture, I had been so blinded by my need to see her that I hadn’t actually seen her. Now that I have done, I can’t unseen it. Her shoulders were tense and raised, her eyes were dimmed a little. Some of the light in them was gone, and her head was slightly bowed down

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