News Lasted 114

News Lasted 114

Chapter 114 

Third Person POV 

-2 Days Later- 

It’s officially been a couple of days since the incident over at the training grounds and while Eros had made it perfectly clear that he had all but handled it, there was still something else going on between everyone else as the patrols and trainings began to take more of a prominent role for everyone within the pack, that it was beginning to take a toll on Athena as well

For while Athena had not openly admitted to her feelings, Athena was beginning to feel less and less wanted by her mates and her friends, for every time she would want to see them or spend time with them they would always be busy, so busy that they were often out to late hours of the night leaving her home alone with the children as she would feed and bathe them before putting them to bed before she herself would go to bed too

Oh who am I kidding, they don’t want me anymorewhimpers Athena’s mind, another night of being alone and without her mates as she again sat within an empty bed

Don’t say that of course they doanswers Artemis softly

No they don’t because if they did, they would be here, right now with me and in this bed sleepingAthena scolded, knowing she was 


But you know why they can’t or have you forgotten the threat that now looms over usremarks Artemis hoping Athena would understand

I haven’t forgotten, but every day and every night I wake up and go to bed alone, just once, just once. I would love nothing more than to wake up to them, to see them with a smile on their faces as we just lay in our bed and snuggle.Athena replied back to her

You need patience Athena, once this is all over with then we can fully have our mates admits Artemis

NO! This isn’t fair, it’s not. How can you be so calm and collective while I on the other hand sit here and worry that my mates aren’t all but avoiding ussnaps Athena, hurt that she wouldn’t take her side in this

Athenawhines Artemis, not liking when she got like that

No forget it, I’m tired, I guess I’ll just see them in the morning I guess whines Athena, moving to do lay down in her big california king size bed before snuggling within the warm plush blankets, slowly letting sleep claim her as she did, Artemis now frowning as she moves to 

contact Ares and Eros

Ares? Eros?calls Artemis softly, knowing that Athena was asleep based on her steady breathing

Yes Artemischimes Ares over the link

You and your brother are in big trouble once you both get homegrowls Aretmis

What? Why?asks Eros, not sure what they had done wrong

You know why! You’ve neglected your wife, us! Athena is here thinking that nobody wants her because she can’t see either of you any moreadmits Artemis making Ares and Eros to cringe

But she knows why we’re doing this, it’s because of her, that we need to protect herreplies Ares again

I know that and so does she but right now, she’s to the point of not caringyou both got so caught up with wanting to help her that you hadn’t realized you’ve neglected other parts of her, like cuddling with her or making her feel special. remarks Artemis



Chapter 114 

And you want to know the real kicker, she already knows she won’t see either of you come morning as you’re both usually gone by the time she wakes upgrunts Artemis, annoyed with them as well now

Buttries Ares only to be cut off by Artemis again

NO! Fix this now or I’m afraid she’ll close off from you two forever.. Boy are you both royally screwed. How do you both go from wanting to be with her almost constantly to now completely ignoring us, are we not good enough for you anymore? Or do you think it’s okay to just ignore us because what you think you’re doing is actually helping when in reality it’s notgrumbles Artemis loud enough for them to hear her

Sighing does Eros move to speak up, knowing that them doing what they were doing was beginning to put a damper on their relationship but wanting to keep Athena safe and sound as well as the children all but a priority to them that they may have forgotten about her in the process

Okay love, we promise to fix this with Athena come morningreplies Eros

Good, see to it that you do or else I’m afraid she won’t want to talk to you for a whileadds Artemis, not thinking that Athena would go that far with them but one couldn’t be too sure about it in the long run 

Next Morning 

It was barely dawn when Athena began to stir, the sun just slowly beginning to stir as the sun’s rays began peeking through the open windows, her hands moving to touch the other side of the bed only to find it still vacant causing her to frown as she slowly moves to sit up, rubbing sleep from her eyes as did

See, knew it, they never came home last night, grumbles Athena’s mind as she moves to climb out of bed her body slowly moving towards the balcony window to open it, wanting to feel the breeze of the cool crisp air as she stood there waiting, waiting for her mates to finally arrive home

Athena?calls the voice of Ares, having just entered the room first, Eros on the second floor checking in with the pups and Adrian who were currently still sleeping a soft smile gracing his lips until he eventually heard shouting coming from His and Ares’s bedroom, Athena clearly angry with them for never being home

DON’T YOU ATHENA ME! YOU BOTH DON’T GET THAT PRIVILEGE AFTER LEAVING ME TO SIT HOME ALL ALONE, ALL DAY EVERY DAY!screams Athena, tears now in her eyes as she moves to stand her ground with Ares who was currently standing a couple feet away from her, startled by her outburst

Please, if you would just listen to us, then you would know that what we’re doing is for you, for the pups. We want to make sure you’re safe and sound. To make sure that Lily can’t get ahold of you without us knowing about itexplains Ares only to wince at her glare

I DON’T want your protection. I want my HUSBANDS, my MATES. I want to feel wantedcries Athena, now at her breaking point

PleaseAthenaJust listen to-tries Ares only to be cut off again but Athena her anger rising

NO! I SAID FORGET IT!, If you both can’t take time to spend some quality time with me and your children then don’t bother coming home until Lily is taken care of because clearly that’s more important to you than family.” 

Then before Ares could reply Athena storms off into the bathroom before shutting and locking the door behind her, wanting to have her space to cool off before seeing them again

Artemis did warn us that she be mad at us, guess we kinda forgot to factor quality time into our patrols and trainingwhispers Eros to his brother

Gee, you think growls Ares as he moves to nudge his brother before moving to head back downstairs to give Athena her space

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Status: Ongoing Type:
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