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36 I’m Glad It’s You
36 I’m Glad It’s You
Rain was crying, her face a mix of embarrassment and desperation. She felt exposed and vulnerable, and the shame of the whole situation was overwhelming.
“I’m here to help you,” Alexander reassured her as he stepped closer, keeping a respectful distance away from her. “I believe your ex–boyfriend drugged you. Fortunately, I was there in time to get you away from him when you lost consciousness.”
He then took a deep breath, his eyes flickering away from her naked form as he explained, “Dr. Lambert already injected you with an antidote. However, it will take six hours for the Erotoxin in your system to be completely eradicated. During that time, you’ll still experience the drug’s effects.”
Without warning, Alexander quickly turned on the faucet, filling the bathtub with cold water. “Come here and sink your body into the cold water,” he gently instructed. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay to help you if you need it, but I’ll make sure I won’t–uhm–do anything-.”
His voice trailed off, clearly frustrated and flustered.
36 I’m
Glad It’s You
He was cursing under his breath, and Rain couldn’t help but see his anxiety mirroring her own. She felt a strange mix of relief and discomfort, knowing that he was trying to protect her despite feeling so exposed.
With trembling legs, she stepped into the bathtub and sank herself into the cold water. The shock of the temperature made her gasp, but it helped clear her mind a little. Sinking into the water, she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to hide her nakedness. However, the drug made her feel an unbearable heat, one that came with an inexplicable urge to be seen.
Meanwhile, Alexander sat by the edge of the tub, careful to keep his eyes averted. “Just stay in the water,” he softly added. “I’ll be right here. You’re safe.”
Rain bit her lip as tears streamed down her face. Her body craved contact, warmth, anything to soothe the fire burning inside her.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she whispered, her voice cracking under the stress.
“I know,” he gently nodded, his voice full of empathy. “But you have nothing to be ashamed of. This isn’t your fault. We’ll get through this.”
36 I’m Glad It’s You
Rain’s thoughts raced as she pieced together what had happened. She had heard about Erotoxin before… It was the name of the illegal drug found in the bodies of women in a case Brandon was handling.
The realization that she was now experiencing its
effects made her blood run cold. Her face darkened
with anger and disbelief as she wondered where Paul had gotten such a dangerous substance.
“It must have been in the wine,” she muttered to herself, her mind going back to the waiter who had served them as she strained to remember the details.
“Paul must have arranged for a particular glass to be given to me, the one with the drug in it.”
The waiter’s face was still a bit fuzzy in her mind, but she recalled the name tag on his uniform. “The name of the waiter is Randy,” she said aloud. She was going to make sure Paul paid for this.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed Alexander already on his mobile phone, giving instructions with a steely calm. “I need you to
investigate the waiter at the gala named Randy,” he ground out. “Get me everything you can on him. I want to know where he went after the event and who
14:03 –
36 I’m Glad It’s You
he’s connected to.”
Rain blinked at the sight of him. She was baffled by how quickly Alexander had taken action, but a part of her also felt a strange comfort knowing that he was already doing something about it. He was taking charge, just like when he found her in the hallway.
“I won’t let Paul get away with this,” Alexander reassured her right after he hung up, his expression as hard as stone. “We’ll find out who that waiter is, and I’ll
make sure Paul pays for what he did to you.”
“I’ll never forgive him for this,” Rain muttered with a trembling voice. She then turned to Alexander, her voice soft but sincere. “Thank you and I’m glad it’s you I’m with now instead of Paul.”
Alexander’s eyes widened, and he seemed momentarily taken aback. He gulped, his lips parting as if to say something, but no words came out.
Rain, suddenly feeling a flush of embarrassment, bit her lower lip. Her face heated up as she quickly looked away, the strange sensations in her body becoming
more intense.
“I feel really weird right now” she murmured,
36 I’m Glad It’s You
struggling to maintain her composure.
The urge to reach out… To cling to Alexander and satisfy the overwhelming need surging within her was almost unbearable. She cursed under her breath,
trying to push those thoughts away.
Meanwhile, sensing her distress, Alexander abruptly stood up. “I’ll get you some iced water to drink,” he said, his voice strained.
Rain simply nodded as she watched him leave the bathroom. As soon as he was out of sight, she scrambled out of the tub, grabbing a bathrobe to cover herself and a towel to dry her hair. She was stumbling on her own feet, and the heat within her raged with a fiery fury.
“This is not good,” she mumbled out, her breaths ragged with each step.
Her body felt like it was on fire, a relentless heat pulsing through her veins. But at the same time, she was shivering as if she were freezing. The throbbing in her lower half further intensified, making it almost impossible to think clearly no matter how much she tried. The need for someone’s warmth, for contact,
36 I’m Glad It’s You
was growing more desperate by the second.
Wrapping the robe tightly around herself, she did her best to try and quell the trembling in her hands. The cold water did something, but it hadn’t helped her as much as she had hoped. Rain just knew she had to find a way to get through this without losing control, but the drug’s effects were becoming harder to resist.
Trying to take control, Rain stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes quickly scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. The room was spacious, modern, and unmistakably masculine.
“Is this his bedroom?”
Her words echoed in her own ears, the realization making her stomach flutter with a mix of anxiety and something else she couldn’t quite place.
As she walked further into the room, she saw Alexander by the refrigerator. He turned around just as she approached, his eyes widening in surprise at seeing her out of the bathroom so soon.
Without a word, Rain reached for the glass of cold water he was holding, her hand brushing against his as she took it from him. She then drank it all down in one
36 I’m Glad It’s You
go, the icy liquid doing little to cool the fire that seemed to be raging inside her.
In front of her, Alexander watched her with a mix of
concern and something deeper, something that he was trying hard to suppress. “Rain, you should rest. The cold water will help, but you need to try to stay calm.”
Rain nodded, but her body was betraying her. Every nerve was on edge, her every instinct telling her to get closer to him. Thinking quickly, she took a step back, trying to put some distance between them. But try as she might, it felt like an invisible force was pulling her
toward him.
aid Privilege Chapter Unlocks
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