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Men 116

Men 116

Chapter 116: Back Off, He Is Mine 

Chapter 116: Back Off, He Is Mine 


When he mentioned baguette, I thought he had meant storebought baguette but this was definitely something he had baked himself. Doing as he had instructed, I took out the pan from the oven which had some water in it and that puzzled me enough to ask what purpose it had

It is to create steam, so the baguettes get crusty.He explained

How much time did he really spend in the kitchen? Enough to impress me at least. With the baguettes shaped dough in the oven, he instructed me on how to fry the bacon step by step. I had quite honestly thought I was okay at making bacon but he taught me how to make them perfect and not too scorched like I usually got them. I let him crack the eggs while I watched because I always fucked up the yolks. My mouth watered at the smell of food saturating the air and while he filled our plates, I set the table with mugs, glasses, coffee and fresh pressed grape juice

For a second time in under twenty hours, I had found joy in spending time with him in the kitchen. Here, he was a whole other person, he was more relaxed and at ease and for however long he cooked, he didn’t scowl at the world. Although he still stuck to his few words when he could. get away with it. By the time we sat down, I was starving. The baguettes were filled with an. omelet, bacon and sliced tomatoes which looked absolutely divine and tasted even better

I will definitely remember to put water in the oven beforehand if I ever make baguettes.I marveled because, seriously, that was a damn cool trick

Aside from a few initiated conversations on my part, if you could even call me asking questions and him answering either yes or no as conversation. We didn’t talk, it would take time to get him to open up but I wouldn’t give up

Shortly, I was back in his car and on my way to the cafe. I had never actually disliked my job until now when all I wanted to do was spend time with my dominants and maybe that was why it was a good thing to be forced away from them, lest they would get stuck and tired of me

Thank you.I said as I unbuckle myself, he had already walked around the car and opened up my door. Walking out, I smiled up at his once again scowling face

So, I guess, I will be seeing you again tomorrow?He asked

Yes,I mumbled and his eyes went straight to my lips and I hoped for his rough claiming kiss but instead, he surprised me by slapping my ass hard.. 


Chapter 116: Back Off, He Is Mine 

“See you then, pumpkin.He whispered and walked away to the driver’s seat and drove off, leaving nie standing outside the cafe

Looking in through the cafe’s window, I shook my head at the way Andy was giving me thumbs up. Tomorrow is the group scene and I will be with Riccardo today after my shift. It was a tight schedule but I didn’t mind, I knew I would go insane if I didn’t have anyone to pull me out of my 

own head

Damnit, girl. He is so hot.Andy whistled when I walked inside

Frightening but hot.he added, I laughed and I made my way to the lunchroom to change into my uniform

Back off, he is mine!I yelled over my shoulder jokingly

Keep him, he is not my type. I would probably piss myself if he ever looked me straight in the eyes.He chuckled back

We had a busy day at the cafe today and by the end of it, I was dragging my feet. The tables were all full and as soon as one was free, someone else took it and I only had a couple of short breaks like five minutes short before I had to hurry back. In other words, we were understaffed but the tips made it just about worth it. I didn’t have to gossip with Andy as we went back and forth with orders. We were lucky today, having had pleasant enough customers and little complaining. Thank, goodness, I didn’t think I could handle that on top of all the stress

Ugh, I am officially dead.I said when the last people walked out the door, leaving me alone with Andy and the chef had already gone

Slumping into the chair I had plopped my ass on, I groaned feeling the aches left by Kingston last night and from spending the entire day on my feet

Yes, tell me about it.He muttered

But we should probably get this place back in order.He suggested but didn’t make a move to get 


Can’t we just take a couple of minutes first? I don’t think I can move yet.” 

We were both ragged and the thought of cleaning up made the soles of my feet throb painfully

If we take a break now, it will get harder to start again later.He said, ever the wise man and he offered a hand to drag me up from my seat


Chapter 116: Back Off, He Is Mine 

With significant effort on both of our parts, we managed to swipe the tables, count the money in the register and get the place ready for tomorrow. We were really dragging it, so much that I had. texted Riccardo to tell him I would be late

How is your father?Andy asked as we did a final sweep of the place

He says he is okay but from what my mother told me, he is going insane. He is not used to taking things easy.I replied

He appreciated the package I sent him.I added

I had gone a little overboard with the candy and crossword puzzle but I wanted him to have something to do when he couldn’t move around much unless it was with crutches

That is good to hear, tell them I extended my regards next time you talk to them.” 

Andy had met my parents on a couple of occasions when they visited me and they all hit it off 

right from the start

I will be sure to tell them.I promised and went to the lunchroom to change into the clothes

had arrived in

The smell of Kingston embraced me and I couldn’t help but sniff the shirt like a creep 

Hey, girl. One of your men is outside!Andy yelled from outside the room, just the words, one of my men made me grin

How did I ever get so lucky to not only have one amazing dominant but three? Shaking off my sluggish movement, I hurried up and not wanting to make him wait for me anymore than he already had. I was at least twenty minutes late by now, grabbing my bag, I went out the door but stopped beside Andy

Go, I will lock up.He said, seeing my indecision

I will call you the day after tomorrow and you better pick up or else, I will smack you ass so hard. that you will see stars. No, wait, I forget you were into that kind of stuff.He winked, making me laugh

Talk to you later and good luck tomorrow with Ben.I said

While I had gotten the weekend off, poor Andy would work with our number one enemy, a tiny bit of an overstatement but Ben really wasn’t that great of a guy

Thanks, I am going to need it. Now go to your man.He ushered me along and out of the cafe


Chapter 116: Back Off, He Is Mine

The sight of Riccardo stopped me in my tracks, he was dressed in jeans and a formfitting jumper, showing a hint of the glorious abs underneath. It was rare to see him in casual clothes but it looks just as good on him as a suit. His intense eyes pinned me to the spot and the raw need I saw in them made my pussy clench in desperation. Even being so tired that I could hardly stand, he made me turn on and that was a feat in and for itself

Come here, honey.He said in that smooth voice of his

My body moved automatically, taking the necessary steps to reach him. He grabbed me around my waist and pulled me to him when I was within reach, bracing my hands on his chest, I could feel the muscles beneath my hands tighten

Hi, sir.I smiled coyly, my heart beating like crazy under his gaze

Hello, bunny.He smirked, bringing one hand on my nape and guided my mouth to his

The kiss started out softly but heated when his tongue demanded entry and with a soft sigh, I let him in. From the start, he took control of the kiss, forcing me to follow his lead. I whimpered as he bit my lower lip, feeling mg panties damped at the slight sting

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