Chapter 119: We Are Going On A Date
Chapter 119: We Are Going On A Date
“Get some sleep if you would like, we are living in two hours.” With that he left the bathroom.
Did he just say a date? I gawked at the closing door, frozen on the outside while on the inside, I was buzzing with excitement. The previous thoughts of shower sex flew out the window in shock
at his statement.
‘Don’t read too much into it, it could have just been a figure of speech.‘ I reminded myself but I hoped it wasn’t.
With the revelation that I wanted something more with them, I was overthinking everything they said and did to me, hoping it could provide me an answer as to how they truly felt about me, about us. I couldn’t simply ask them, oh no that would have been too easy and as stated earlier, I wasn’t that kind of tough. Although, I wished I was. Riccardo had said we would leave in a few hours which gave me plenty of time if I wanted to sleep and now that he had suggested it, I could feel my eyelids growing heavy. How in the world could he read my body better than I could? He must be some kind of body language analyst or something.
Rinsing out the conditioner I had absently applied while lost in thought, I stepped out of the shower. Towels were folded on the sink which had been there before he entered the room and just that one sweet gesture made me swoon. And lately, I have been doing that a lot. The towels were warm as if they had been heated beforehand, this was the kind of spoiling I could one hundred percent get behind without having to feel bad.
After I was dry enough, I braided the still damp hair and hoped it would make cute curls before jumping into the bed. I only realized after getting under the cover that I hadn’t put on any underwear but the soft embrace of the blanket was too hard to leave so I decided against finding a pair of panties. For the last couple of weeks, I have been sleeping naked. Riccardo apparently did. it all the time and I could certainly see the appeal. It didn’t hurt to have easy access either, two mornings with Marshall proved that to be quite sufficient. My thoughts grew fuzzy as I fell asleep, the last thought I had was what it would be like to go on a date with Riccardo. An actual date.
The gentle touch on my shoulder woke me up and I looked around in confusion. The only light in the room was from the lamp on the nightstand and the curtains were blocking out the view of the city.
Chapter 119: We Are Going On A Date
“Is it morning already?” I yawned, Riccardo shook his head and humor shined in his eyes as he
looked at me.
‘We are going on that date of ours and I figured I would give you some time to wake up fully before we went.” He said and I sat up on the bed in a rush.
“Oh shit, I forgot to set the alarm. How long do have?”
Glancing at the nightstand for my phone, I realized I had forgotten it in the kitchen and when he didn’t respond, I turned back to him. His eyes were dipped low and I followed his gaze to my breast, my very exposed breasts. The blanket must have fallen when I sat up and I made no move to cover them. My breathing grew rapidly as I felt the tension cracking in the air. Looking back at him, I swallowed, painfully aware of the tingling happening down below. It seems we didn’t need
much to raise the fire between us into a blaze.
“As long as you need, you don’t have to stress.” He finally responded but regrettably pulled away
from my breasts.
“had laid the clothes I want you to wear on the bench.” He nodded towards the bench at the end
of the bed.
To be honest, I hadn’t seen the bench until he pointed it out, apparently, I wasn’t great at noticing details. He left me to my own devices and I got out of bed and walked to the bench, curious as to
what he had picked out. Was it another set of sexy underwear or something else entirely? It turned out it was a beautiful black dress with a sweetheart neckline and thin straps. On another part of the bench were black thong and a strapless bra in the same color. A pair of silver heels were placed on the floor that I almost missed when I looked at the clothes. I bit my lips as I put
on the underwear, he couldn’t possibly choose something so sexy without planning to see me in them. A girl could certainly hope..
Having seen the elegant and formal clothing, I figured we were going out somewhere. I hadn’t.
brought with me any makeup but I was sure I had seen some sealed cosmetics in one of the drawers in the bathroom, I just hoped they were for me. If not, I would be pissed that he had stuff for another girl. It was crazy how fast I had gone from being opposed to them buying me stuff to using them without asking. Although in all fairness, I was still opposed to it. I just, I guess I could recognize a losing battle and I didn’t want to fight it.
These men had money, sure and if they wanted to spend some of it on me then, I couldn’t stop them and I had to admit, now that I was learning to accept it, it feels good that they wanted to make sure I was comfortable in their homes and that I had whatever I needed while I was there. It certainly made things easier for me between the four homes I went back and forth to. Four homes? Wow, things have really changed since the open house at Pleasure Palace. It was still unbelievable at times, but what was even more unbelievable was how fast I had gotte
used to it.
Chapter 119: We Are Going On A Date
Searching through the drawer, I found the makeup needed. He had even managed to match my foundation perfectly, something I had never been able to. Still, I couldn’t really be surprised, he was as observant as they came. I chose light eyeshadow and picked a pink lipstick to finish the look. I had heard once that you should only have either eyes or heavy lips when doing makeup but never both. They mentioned something about balance and while I might not necessarily agree, I still made that rule my own. I knew too little about makeup to experiment anyway, so it was better to keep it simple. Although I wasn’t totally unknowledgeable either, I didn’t grow up in the age of social media and make–up gurus without learning a thing or two.
Swiping my lashes with mascara for the finishing look, I went to get dressed. The bust and waistline fit around my breast snuggly without it being too tight and below the waistline, the dress flared out slightly and ended just beneath my knees. It had the kind of material that made me think I was one of the most famous celebrities in the country. If the wind would blow up on my skirt, it would surely lift the dress’s hem. Walking back to the bathroom, I pulled out of the hair tie and let down my hair. I combed my fingers through the strands and made it look presentable. It wasn’t as curly as I had wished but this will do.
As I was getting myself ready, all I could think about was tonight. Riccardo had said we were going on a date two times now and with the formal clothing, it made it feel even more real. This was very different from what we usually do and while I loved being dominated by these men, I couldn’t wait for this…. whatever this was. I could hear him entering the bedroom and I was suddenly glad I had closed my bathroom door by habit. I wanted to see his expression when he first saw me in this dress.
For the first time in a long while, I felt beautiful as I walked out to meet him. My heart pounded. nervously in my chest, waiting for his reaction. He wasn’t in the room but the door to the closet was ajar and light spilled through the crack. Wringing my hands, I waited until he came out and when he finally did, my heart stopped. He was wearing a gray suit with ties matched to my dress perfectly. His hair was combed back but while it was styled, it still looked as rugged as ever, just the way I loved it. I felt like each time I saw him, he only grew sexier.
While I had stared at him, I had failed to notice him staring back at me until my eye met his piercing ones. Although they weren’t its usual color now with his pupils enlarged.
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