The pain started several hours ago. At first, it was manageable–a dull ache radiating through my lower abdomen. It felt like my body was whispering its warnings. But now, hours later, it’s no whisper. It’s a full–blown scream. Sharp, relentless waves of pain grip me, tightening like a vice around my insides. I’ve been timing the contractions, because the last time this happened, Dr. Casey Patel had sent me home with enough instructions on how to detect real labor.
If this isn’t–labor, then God help me, because it feels like this baby is about to crawl up my spine and burst out of my chest.
I clutch the bannister with one hand and my lower abdomen with the other, pausing halfway down the stairs to catch my breath. Every step feels like a test of endurance, like I’m descending a mountain instead of my own staircase.
“Paula!” I shout, hoping the cook will come running.
But it isn’t Paula who appears. Instead, Javier rolls into view at the bottom of the stairs, his expression filled with concern. He looks a little out of breath.
“Julie?” His voice is calm, but there’s an edge of urgency to it. “Are you okay?”
I want to snap, to tell him no, but all that comes out is a strangled groan as another contraction rips through me. I double over, clutching the bannister so tightly my knuckles
turn white.
“Oh, god!” I manage to gasp. The words feel like they’re being dragged out of me.
Javier’s hands grip the wheels of his chair. “Stay there, I’m coming-”
Before he can finish, Paula bursts into view, wearing her apron and holding a wooden spoon. Her eyes dart from Javier to me, and when she sees my face contorted in pain, she pales.
“I’ll–uh–I’ll call security!” she stammers, dashing out of view like her life depends on it.
I wince as I take another slow step down the stairs.
Javier rolls his chair to the base of the stairs and positions himself beside me as I finally
reach the bottom.
“Come on,” he says. “You’ve got this. Just a few more steps to the front door.”
The next contraction is already building, and I’m sweating like I’ve just run a marathon. My feet shuffle forward, but each step feels like walking on broken glass.
Javier keeps pace, rolling beside me. “Deep breaths, Julie. In through the nose, out through
the mouth.”
The front door swings open, and two security guards walk in with Paula. One takes one. look at me and freezes, while the other steps forward.
“Ma’am, do you need an ambulance?”
“No!” I say. “Get this baby out of me!”
They stare at each other, then back at me.
“She means take her to the hospital,” Javier clarifies.
The more proactive guard scoops me up without hesitation. “Let’s get you to the car.”
“Call Luke!” I gasp, clutching his shoulder as he carries me outside.
‘Already on it,” Javier calls from behind, his phone in hand.
By the time I’m settled into the backseat of the car, Javier has managed to hoist himself from his wheelchair into the seat beside me.
The driver floors it, and we’re off.
The contractions are coming faster now, each one like a tidal wave, threatening to drown me. I grip Javier’s arm with a strength I didn’t know I possessed.
“This is it,” I pant. “This is how I die.”
“You’re not going to die,” Javier says, his voice calm but tinged with amusement.
“You don’t know that! You’re not the one whose body is being ripped apart!”
He pats my hand gently. “Women have been giving birth since the dawn of time. You’ll be fine.”
“Yeah? Did those women have a baby that felt like it was the size of a watermelon trying to come out of a lemon?”
Javier suppresses a laugh. “I’m sure you’ll manage. You’re tougher than you think.”
I shake my head, tears pricking my eyes. “I’m never doing this again. Never. This is Luke’s fault. He’s never touching me again.”
“You’ll change your mind.”
“Don’t patronize me, old man,” I say, though there’s no real venom in my voice.
The car takes a sharp turn, and I clutch my belly, groaning as another contraction hits. “Oh God, this one’s worse.”
Javier adjusts himself in his seat, looking slightly uncomfortable.
I glare at him through the pain, my eyes pleading with him to do something, anything, “Do something,” I grit out.
“What do you want me to do? Sing?”
I groan. “That might help.”
Javier clears his throat, a determined look on his face, and begins to sing. “Hush little baby, don’t say a word…”
His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. He butchers the familiar tune of “Hush Little Baby,” turning it into a comedic masterpiece. I feel a snicker rising up my throat, and before I know it, I’m giggling.
The pain is still there, but Javier’s atrocious singing is the absurd distraction I need. I laugh until tears stream down my face, my body shaking with mirth. Javier, oblivious to his own lack of musical talent, continues to sing with gusto, a goofy grin spreading across his face.
The hospital finally comes into view, and I let out a strangled cry of relief. The driver pulls up to the emergency entrance, and before I know it, he’s helping me out of the car.
A nurse is already waiting with a wheelchair, and standing beside her is Luke in a suit. He must have rushed down from the office. His face is a cloud of worry, and he’s at my side in
an instant.
“Julie,” he says, his voice soft, almost breaking.
I clutch his arm as the nurse helps me into the wheelchair. “Oh, Luke. I’m dying.”
He crouches in front of me, cupping my face in his hands. “You’ve got this, Kitten. You’re a rockstar.”
“I’m never doing this again,” I hiss as another contraction wracks my body. “I’m getting a dog instead.”
Luke kisses my forehead, laughing. “We can discuss the dog option later.”
The nurse starts wheeling me toward the labor and delivery unit, and Luke walks alongside, holding my hand. The pressure of his grip is the only indication that he’s freaking out just as much as I am. I hold onto that hand for dear life, not sure I’ll ever let go.
The delivery room is chaos. Controlled chaos, but chaos nonetheless. Bright lights glare down from the ceiling, sterile and merciless, reflecting off the rows of metal instruments that look more suited to a medieval torture chamber than the miracle of life. Machines
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beep and whir, nurses hustle around like a pit crew, and Julie–Julie is gripping my hand so tightly I think she might shatter my bones.
“Breathe, Julie,” a nurse says, leaning over her shoulder. “Nice and slow. You’re doing great.
Julie squeezes my hand, and I swear I hear a crunch.
I’ve never felt this helpless in my life. I want to help her, to take the pain away, but all I can do is stand here and mutter the same useless words over and over. “You’re doing great,
babe. I’m here.”
She turns her head toward me, her eyes blazing like a woman on the edge of homicide. “If you say ‘You’re doing great‘ one more time, I swear I’ll-” Her words cut off as another contraction grips fier. She screams, her whole body curling in on itself, and I feel like the floor might give out beneath me.
“Push, Julie!” the doctor calls out. She’s seated between Julie’s legs, a calm presence ín this maelstrom. “You’re almost there. Big push. Come on!”
Julie lets out a guttural roar that could scare the devil himself. “I’ve been almost there for HOURS!”
“Push, babe,” I say. “You can do this.”
She glares at me.
Her face contorts with effort, and I can see the veins in her neck straining. The nurse counts out loud: “One, two, three, four… keep pushing, keep pushing!”
I glance down toward the business end of this operation and instantly regret it. I sway on my feet.
Julie notices. “Don’t you dare faint on me, Luke! If I’m doing this, you’re staying conscious!”
“Not fainting,” I say, even though I totally might.
The doctor interrupts. “The head is crowning! One more big push, Julie. You can do this!”
Julie lets out another scream, and for a second, I think her hand might actually detach mine from my arm. But then, suddenly, the sound changes. There’s a tiny, sharp cry.
“¡Dios mío!” I whisper, my chest tightening.
‘She’s here!” the doctor announces triumphantly, holding up the squirming little human. “A beautiful baby girl.”
Julie collapses back onto the bed, tears streaming down her face, her body shaking with exhaustion and relief. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God.”
The baby lets out another sharp seal, her by fits fledling in protest against the bright,
dad be to cut the cord?” a nurse aks holding out a pair of scissors to the.
Julie, still gasping for air, nods at me, her face softening in a way that makes my heart ache. “Go on. Do it.”
My hands are shaking as I take the scissors, the weight of them absurdly heavy. I glance at julie again for reassurance, and she gives me a small, tired smile.
I lean in, focusing on the umbilical cord, and carefully snip it. The cut is clean, but my hands are trembling so badly I almost drop the scissors.
“Good job, Dad,” the nurse says with a grin, taking the scissors back
The baby is handed off to another nurse, who starts cleaning her up and checking her vitals. I watch, mesmerized, as they wipe away the blood and vernix, revealing her pink, perfect skin. She lets out another cry, her tiny face scrunched up in pure indignation, and I feel a surge of protectiveness so fierce it nearly knocks me off my feet.
Meanwhile, the medical team is still working on Julie, delivering the placenta and starting the cleanup process. Machines beep around us, and their quiet conversations blur into background noise as my focus stays on Julie and the baby.
“Okay, Mom,” one of the nurses says, pulling Julie’s hospital gown down slightly. “Time for some skin–to–skin contact.”
They place the baby on Julie’s chest, her tiny body trembling as she nestles against Julie’s skin. Julie’s arms come up instinctively, cradling her, and the nurse covers them both with a warm blanket
“Hi,” Julie whispers. “Hi, baby girl.”
I step closer, my eyes burning with unshed tears. “She’s beautiful.”
Julie glances up at me. “She has your nose.‘
“Does she?” I say, leaning down to get a better look. “That’s definitely your nose. Look at the little bujton tip.”
“No way. That’s all you. And the lips. Total Luke lips.”
“Those are Julie lips.”
The baby stírs, letting out a tiny, soft sound that melts my heart on the spot.
“Welcome to Earth, Ramona,” I say.
Julie’s head falls back against the pillow. “Ramona,” she says. “It’s beautiful. It suits her.” I nod, swallowing hard. “Yeah. Ramona.
We both stare at her, completely captivated. Her tiny fingers curl and uncurl, and I can’t help but marvel at how perfect she is.
“She’s got a strong grip,” I say, touching her little hand. Her fingers close around mine, and I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces
“Like her mama,” Julie murmurs.
I’d been out of town when Juan was born, so everything here is new to me. I didn’t know it could be this magical. It’s the only place I want to be.
The room feels still for a moment, like the universe itself is holding its breath. I lean down, pressing a kiss to Julie’s forehead.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
“For what?”
“For being the strongest person I know. For giving me her.”
Julie smiles. “You’re such a sap.‘
I laugh, brushing a thumb over Ramona’s tiny cheek. “Completely hopeless.”
Julie closes her eyes, her head resting against the pillow as Ramona settles against her chest. The baby’s cries have quieted now, replaced by soft, contented breaths.
In that moment, nothing else exists. Just us. A family.
“So,” I begin. “You were saying something about a dog?”
Julie chuckles, eyes still closed. “Fuck you, Luke.”
I lean in, gently kissing her forehead. “I love you too,” I whisper.
And as I wrap my arms around them both, holding them close, I know this is just the beginning of our new life together. Julie’s breathing evens out. She’s asleep. I feel the warmth of their bodies, the gentle rise and fall of their chests, and I’m filled with a sense of wonder, awe, and profound gratitude. I know I’m exactly where I’m meant to be- surrounded by the people I love most in this world.
Elysian Sparrow Author
Welcome to Earth, Baby Ramona!!!
It’s been a wonderful journey with you all. The comments. The
votes. The love. They’re the reason I’m always motivated….
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