Chapter 79
Huh, that’s weird. The hallways is straight so where the hell did he go?
I turn back around with a confused expression and walk to the cafeteria. Once I am there I quickly see my friends at our usual table.
I sit down and Damion slides me a sandwich, “Hey guys.”
“Thanks babe.” I say to him.
“Hey.” They all say.
“Have you found any Homecoming dresses you like?” Kasey asks me.
“Mmm, no. I haven’t looked.”
“Ugh me either.”
She turns to Blake, “What color should we wear?”
He looks at her with wide eyes, “W–we?” He ask while his eyes flicker to Max who looks pissed by the way.
She gives him a “duh” look, “Well obviously we are going together, Lee is going with Damion, I don’t want to go alone, and you would just take some trashy home wrecker like you did freshman year.”
“Well, yeah but-”
She cuts him off, “I was thinking lilac.”
He makes a face, “Why purple?”
Sh rolls her eyes, “Because you were taking to damn long to answer the fucking question. Now, what color?”
After Faling My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 71
He looks back to Max who gives him a glare that makes me afraid for Blake, “Uhhh.”
I smirk internally, “I think lilac is perfect. Don’t you Max?” I ask.
He looks at me with a scowl, oh I’m sorry I meant his usually face and then back to Kasey
and Blake.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Kasey looking at me with wide eyes.
Max tenses and then relaxes, “Yeah you look great is lilac, it looks good with your skin
tone.” He says to Kasey.
I look over and Kasey’s eyes I swear are about to pop out of her head, “T–thanks.” She says
and then looks down.
I lean over to Damion and whisper, “He totally likes her.”
He looks at me with a smirk, “You have no idea.”
My jaw drops and I whisper, “I fucking new it.”
I look back to the rest of the table and there is a blanket of awkward silence.
“Sooo, umm have you guys met the new student?” I ask them.
They all give me a weird look, “You know the one blonde hair…”
Still nothing, “I didn’t get his name, but he said he just moved here.” I say with a shrug.
“He?” Damion asks.
“Yeah. I bumped into him outside the bathroom, he was looking for the office.”
All the guys give each other a look, “You guys know him?” I ask them.
“Umm Lee, there’s no student.” Kasey says with a confused look.
“What do you mean? I just met him.”
After Falang My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
What did he look like?” Warren asks
“Umm blonde hair, green eyes, about 6’1 maybe.”
Once again all the guys give each other a look, “Ok what’s up with the look you guys are giving each other? Do you know him or something?”
Damion looks down at me, “No, and that’s the problem.”
“Why is that a problem? So what he’s knew?”
“Lee, you don’t get it, if he was new I would know about it. I am apart of the mentor program here. We have a group text where the office lets us know when we have a new student so we can show them around. I didn’t get anything about this new guy.” Kasey says.
“We have a mentor program?” I ask her.
“That’s besides that point, just let us know if you see him again.” Blake speaks up.
“And don’t talk to him.” Damion adds.
“What do you mean don’t talk to him? I can’t just ignore the guy. Plus, he’s knew maybe we can be friends.” I say taking a drink of Damion’s apply juice.
“Yes, you can ignore him. And don’t be friends with him. He could be a serial killer for all you know.” He grumbles.
“Babe, I don’t think he is a serial killer. He looks like a harmless boy, and everyone knows that if your a serial killer you are white male in your mid to late thirties.” I say with an
obvious tone.
Kasey starts laughing, “Hahah you idiot, you got that from Criminal Minds.”
I look at her and laugh, “Yeah, I did.”
We continue laughing for a few moments. When we sober up the guys are giving us, ‘really‘
Chapter 21
I roll me eyes, “Tine whatever. Iudy away, but I won’t ignore him.”
There are growls across the table, “What the fuck is wrong with you guys? He is just a guy.
“Whatever.” Damion rolls his eyes.
“Thats goes for you too.” Blake says to Kasey.
“I know stranger danger… unlike some people.” She says as she turns to me.
“Oh fuck off. He looked nice.”
“The fuck do you mean nice?” Damion says angrily.
“Nice as in he didn’t look like he was going to kill me. Not nice like I like him you dumbass.”
“Better fucking not.” He grumbles.
There is a few seconds of silence at the table until Damion’s hand goes to my thigh. unexpectedly. I gasp and everyone looks at me weirdly.
“Sorry, I just remembered something.” I say trying to hide the fact that his hand is going higher and higher. He reaches under my skirt and that’s when I draw the line.
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