Our Luna, Our Mate
Chapter 76
Ares POV
The moment Athena had finally succumbed to the darkness of her own nind, do I sigh, Zeus having snapped out of whatever it was that forced our change, our eyes now scanning over our now naked mate, making sure there weren’t any other marks along her body other than her arm and legs.
‘She needs a doctor‘ whispers Zeus, having spotted her wrists that were completely raw from what appeared to have been cuffs and silver ! might add as silver was the only thing in this world that could seriously injure or hurt a wolf or even kill them if one allowed it.
‘I know, but we’re both naked, and I’m not walking around pack grounds with our pregnant mate naked in my arms, her body is for our eyes only not for the entire pack to see‘ I growl softly back to him, for now that she was back I wasn’t planning on letting anyone else see her until I had her checked out by a doctor first.
‘Who says you have to carry her, just call for Kai to bring you both some clothes, then once she’s clothed you can take her to the hospital‘ replies Zeus as if stating a fact.
Huffing, I move to ignore him before moving to lay our body over our mates, making sure to be careful as we attempt to cover her, keeping her warm until help could arrive. Hold on love, I’ll get you to safety if it’s the last thing I do, I say to myself before moving to
contact Kai.
‘Kai?‘ called him.
‘Yea?‘ asks Kai, a little reluctantly.
‘I need you to bring clothes for me and Athena, she’s back and very naked and I will not go parading her around the pack grounds while naked‘ I bark, hoping to get my words across.
After a few minutes of silence does Kai move to speak again, ‘W–What did you just say?‘
“I said… bring me clothes for Athena and I, NOW‘ I ordered, tired and wanting to get my mate home safely before it got dark out, for once it was dark, the temperature would drop and I wasn’t willing to risk that while she was pregnant.
‘I’ll be right there‘ was all I heard from Kai as he moved to close the link, probably off grabbing clothes from our closet since he was left standing in our room just before I stormed off, shifting into my wolf form when I did.
Chuckling now in amusement, I move to keep my attention focused on the surrounding area like a good mate would, attempting to protect what was mine until Kai could arrive to help. Mine, I growl softly to myself, feeling calmer than I had over the past 2 weeks since she vanished only to pick up on rushing paws which alerts me, my body now moving into a protective stance, taking nothing for granted as I move to sniff the air, picking up on familiar scents causing me to calm down slightly as my eyes move to look for the presence.
Searching the area, my eyes eventually move to focus not only on Kai but on Eros as well, both running as fast as they could in wolf form as they move to approach, Eros a little breathless when approaching as he hadn’t shifted in over 2 weeks due to the lack of strength.
“ATHENA” cried both Kai and Eros, both skidding to a stop directly in front of me, Kai shifting long enough to hand me clothes from a bag that was carefully placed on Eros’s back before they made the quick journey over to us.
Nodding my thanks, do I move to quickly throw on a pair of shorts before moving to grab an overly large t–shirt and slipping it over her head, being as gentle as possible until it was tugged into place, my arms then moving to scoop her into my embrace as I move to walk back towards the pack hospital and to where a doctor could finally check her out.
“How is this possible?” whispers Kai who had also moved to throw on a pair of shorts before walking alongside me, Eros still in wolf form until we made it to the pack hospital safely.
“Not sure, but she was definitely naked when I found her which meant that wherever she was she left there in a hurry” I say with a frown,
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Chapter 76
the Rogue Kings scent all over fer as well making Zeus growl dangerously low as he fights for control to reclaim our mate over and over again until all that was left on her was our scent and nothing more.
ould let her rest, for who knows what all ‘Easy there, we’ll have plenty of time to do that once she’s better and awake, but for now we happened to her while being in his presence‘ I mutter back to Zeus, hoping he would understand where I was coming from as I wanted to lay claim to her as well but didn’t want to attempt anything until I knew for sure if she was safe.
“That bastard’s going to pay dearly for this‘ growls Zeus, feeling our mate whimper, as if sensing our discomfort, in which makes us pause our eyes moving to look at her before purring, hoping to ease her pain as she moves to settle back down within our arms.
‘Nice going pale‘ I mutter again, slightly annoyed with him. ‘Look I know you’re pissed, we are too but we have to keep our anger under control, we can’t afford to scare her‘ I add, needing Zeus to be more considerate of our mate who’s probably been traumatized by everything.
‘Sorry‘ whispers Zeus sadly, trying hard not to scare our mate any more than necessary.
‘It’s okay, she’ll understand I’m sure‘ I answer, an image of Zeus being a sad and dejected puppy popping up to the forefront of my mind.
Easing his pain for our mate, my focus eventually turns toward the pack hospital, my pace quickening as it did, the need to get her inside and being checked out now taking control. “Kai, find a doctor ASAP, our mate needs help and fast” I move to say to kai as he all but moves to run up head hoping to find a doctor who could help us.
‘Please let everything be alright, and that she along with our pups are safe‘ I plead just as we make it into the hospital, a nurse moving to rush ús over to a waiting bed before they move to roll her away, Kai gently laying a steady hand against my shoulder as Eros and watch helplessly as she’s wheeled away from us.
“She’ll be okay Ares, she’s strong. The Moon Goddess paired her with the two of you for a reason. Until then, let the doctors do their job and check her over” replies Kai before gently squeezing my shoulder, Eros sitting next to me still in wolf form, the feeling of helplessness still weighing heavily on us as we move to wait for the doctors and what they would find when checking her out thoroughly.
Unable to form words, I simply nod moving to take a seat in the waiting area until the doctors could come back with the news, my body sagging into a chair as I move to wait, Eros laying by my feet as Kai moves to sit next to me, refusing to leave our side until he got the news about his Luna as well.
Please Moon Goddess, let her be okay, our pups too, come my final thoughts as I spend the next couple of hours praying to the Moon Goddess and to every other god out there as I move to pray, hoping they would help protect our mate and children from any and all upcoming dangers that we might face as a whole.
Chapter Comments
I thought wolfsbane could kill