She was surprised Chase hadn’t spoken to Burke, whispering, “Did you have a falling out with Mr. Burke?”
Chase smiled, “No.”
“Then why…” It was a rare opportunity. Why wasn’t he talking to Burke? She considered. switching seats, but Burke was chatting with an influential executive. She was a junior, and interrupting
the might offend
executive. She decided
- it.
He doesn’t like me.” “What?” Tanya was stunned. Seeing Chase’s smile, she realized she’d heard correctly. But wasn’t this a falling out? Chase seemed unconcerned. He didn’t explain further; Tanya didn’t press The conference ended. Word spread that Burke wouldn’t leave immediately. Many rushed to the front row. But when those in the back rows reached the front, Burke was already surrounded. Tanya was in the front row but didn’t talk to Burke. Yonnie gestured to her. Tanya said before Yonnie could speak, “Mr. Burke is surrounded by important people. Even if I went, I wouldn’t talk much. Chase said we can chat later.”
“Right…” Yonnie realized she’d been impatient. She pushed Tanya to return to Chase’s group,
Tanya calmly said, “I already know those people. Because of Chase, they were polite to her. Yonnie, reassured, smiled, “That’s good.”