He coldly adjusted her shoulder and pushed her away, unmoved. Ashley, smelling his familiar
realized it
Chase. She straightened, saying “Sorry,”
and left.
Tanya and Yonnie thought Ashley did it intentionally. Yonnie snorted, “I knew she wouldn’t be quiet.”
“But it was useless.” Chase was unmoved..
True, Yonnie smiled, “Chase’s reaction reassured you.”
anya smiled sweetly. Mark frowned, realizing he’d misjudged Ashley. She had many hidden.
Tim stopped talking to Mr. Yuan and went to Ashley, “Are you okay?”
Ashley shook her head.
“Did you twist your ankle?”
“A little.” It was swollen. Seeing his concern, she felt warmth but also sadness. She noticed people’s judgmental stares. They thought she’d intentionally thrown herself at Chase. He didn‘ even help her up or ask if she was okay. Only Tim cared.
“Let me see?”
“No…” There were too many people.
Tim ignored her, picked her up, set her down away from the crowd, took off her heels, lifted he leg, saw the swelling, and asked the staff to call a doctor and get her some flats. Many were surprised by Tim’s concern. They realized they’d misjudged Ashley; she seemed clos to Tim.