Cindy swore,“Damn! Nearly $10 million!” Both items together were close to that amount. Her teeth didn’t just hurt; her whole body ached with envy.
Ashley’s expression darkened. Cindy asked, “Ashley, are you… okay?” Seeing Chase so gener with his mistress, and that mistress being the daughter of her mother’s mistress, was that much to bear?
But Ashley’s discomfort wasn’t due to that. “He has money; how he spends it isn’t my concern Her worry was, “If I want something Chase and Tanya want, I can’t compete Cindy realized, “True… but she’s already won two items; she shouldn’t bid again, right?” They hoped so. But considering Chase’s wealth, he could easily spend tens of millions more that night.
As she thought this, the embroidery she wanted was presented. The starting bid was $500,000. Someone bid $600,000.
Ashley bid, “$700,000.”
Tanya initially didn’t notice Ashley, but recognized her voice. She looked over, meeting Ashley’s gaze. Without emotion, she turned back, bidding, “$1 million.”
Ashley’s heart sank. Tanya heard her; Ashley doubted Chase didn’t. But he didn’t look back Cindy swore again, “Damn! She’s going for it again!”
< Chapter203