“At this point, we can only hope that Tanya doesn’t bid on that emerald jewelry set,” Cindy said, her voice tight with anxiety.
Ashley echoed the sentiment. But…was that even possible?
fifteen million.
Ashley countered, “Eighteen million.”
Twenty million.”
“Twenty–five million.”
raised h
When Tanya didn’t immediately raise her paddle, both Ashley and Cindy breathed a collective sigh of relief. Just as Ashley was about to bid again, Tanya paddle. “Fifty million.”
A gasp rippled through the room. Tanya calmly lowered her hand.
Ashley clenched her fist. After
moment’s hesitation, she bid, “Sixty
“Sixty–five million.”
“Seventy million.”
Ashley hesitated. Her grandmother’s seventieth birthday was a significant event. Eighty million…. Before she could decide, Tanya raised her paddle again.“One hundred and twenty million.” Ashley’s chest tightened. She took a deep breath and silently lowered her paddle. Perhaps everyone was still reeling from Chase’s earlier extravagance. No one else bid. The necklace was Tanya’s.
The remaining auction items held little interest for Ashley. Auction rules prevented leaving before the end, so she remained in the hall. The final items were even more expensive. Watching Chase casually spend over three hundred and sixty million dollars, Cindy muttered, “Does Chase intend to keep bidding? Even with his money, that’s insane! He’s really not holding back spending on that mistress.”
< Chapter 206