Chapter 37
*Nolan’s POV
I watched as the room emptied out and I was still seated, not moving an inch and not having the slightest intention to. This was probably one of the board meetings that I have ever had. Everything was solely my decision and even though I felt like I was making the right decision for the company, it was risky doing what I was doing.
“I think you made the right call.” Laura’s voice sounded in my cars suddenly, I flinched slightly and turned my head, only to see her still standing by my side.
“Do you really think so?” I asked her, wanting to at least hear an honest response from someone. She cleared her throat and smiled a little.
“I might not own any shares or have the right to say this, but I think this investor, whoever it is from, is a trap. And I know I might have said something different before, but right now after going through everything, it looks like the perfect way to overthrow.”
“Is that what you would have done? if you are a competitor?” I asked again, trying to get this to become a conversation. She hesitated for a while and then shrugged.
“I really don’t know. I might probably start producing the same products, using our failure as a market opportunity.”
“Thank you,” I said, nodding slowly.
I know she would have probably asked something different, a bit different from what she said, but I could understand where she was coming from. This offer felt like a trap and a lifeline at the same time. And I wished above all things that I was right with my
decision. On the other hand, it felt a lot like it was something that was crafted to get to me.
“I should probably get going, sir.” Laura said quietly, moving towards the door.
“The team still had a lot of-.”
“-How about dinner, Laura?” I asked sharply, without thinking through it. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me.
“Sorry?” She asked in a hushed voice.
“I’d like to hear your opinions about these things, you’ve spent your time with it so much and your response to that prick, made me realize that you probably know a lot more than me on this topic.”
“But you already made the decision, Boss, we’re not taking the investment.” She said, trying desperately to avoid my invitation. But as much as I understood where she was coming from, it was also slightly embarrassing, especially when I
harm. didn’t mean any
“I’m not asking, Laura,” I said firmly. “You’ve expressed a strange level of knowledge concerning this and I don’t know why I haven’t sat you down and had a discussion before.”
She smiled and was probably feeling a lot more comfortable about my invitation.
“It’s my job, sir. I just try to do my best.” She said with a shy smile. I waved her off with my hand and watched as she left the boardroom.
I sat alone once again, staring at the empty chairs in front of me imagining the faces of everyone who were seated here. They all probably weren’t with me and were probably trying to averthrow me, and I had to stay ready.
I opened the document once again and went through it for the hundredth time. Everything seemed normal and nothing seemed dodgy with it.
10:35 Fri, Dec
Chapter 37
Just then I heard a knock on the door. “It’s dinner, Laura, you can bring the team along if you want,” I said without lifting my head, and when I did, I saw it wasn’t her.
“What are you doing here?” I asked Zoe, who was standing by the door. She crossed the threshold and began walking inside the room but I stopped her before she could get closer.
I just wanted to help, nothing else ” she said, staring at me with defiant eyes. I was too mad to even think that she was in her right senses and the more she tried to prove it to me.
“I heard you won’t accept the offer of investment.” She said, stepping forward and sitting down in one of those seats, I was quiet as she talked, watching as she explained herself in the seat of a man who readily abused her without thought.
I was mad at Zoe, but l’already made up my mind that I was going to fuvk Schwab up. He probably had forgotten that I was still Alpha, and even though the company was slipping away, I still was in control.
“You should leave, Zoe,” I said finally, getting up from the chair and walking towards the door, but she held my hand before I could take another step.
“Don’t cause a scene, Zoe ” I said softly before pulling my hand from hers after some difficulties. I walked towards the door and stepped out of the room.
“Help her out please,” I said, leaning towards the guards and he nodded. He walked out of the office as I asked her off and I was beginning to hear what sounded like a pretty good conversation.
I was losing it, but I couldn’t let them win. Whoever it was that had this whole thing planned, I couldn’t let them play with everything that I had built like it was nothing.
I walked straight into the elevator and got in, but just before the door shut, Laura rushed in and it was just the two of us. “About the dinner, sir.” She said after a while. I didn’t say anything, so I just let her finish.
“It’ll be just me, the team has another engagement, so it would be just us.” She said softly, refusing to meet my gaze.
I’ll see you there then,” I said without much interest, momentarily. Something was happening in the company, and I needed to know what it was. The door opened and I stepped out faster than I intended, but I didn’t care.
I walked straight to the garage and got into the car, something else was on my mind and it was probably going to get my attention off of some things for a while, and it couldn’t have been better.