Love Story6–Chapter 1Chapter 1
Three years into my marriage with Julian, I stumbled upon a secret that shattered my world.
up covering
I manage an amusement park and was supposed to have the day off, but ended a shift for a coworker. As I made my rounds, a little boy suddenly slammed into me.
He was holding a hand–carved wooden dragon, which unfortunately broke in the collision. Wanting to avoid a scene, I quickly apologized.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie. Let me get you a new one, okay?”
The kid was pretty cool about it, brushing it off with a shrug.
“It’s alright. My dad can just make me another one.”
And with that, he took off running.
I picked up the fallen dragon claw, turning it over in my hands. The feel of the wood, the familiar grooves, and the tell–tale bloodstain sent a jolt through me.
It all started three nights ago. I got up to use the bathroom and found Julian still awake, hunched over something under the lamplight.
I got closer and saw he was carving wood.
“What are you making?”
My sudden voice startled him, causing the knife to slip and nick his finger, leaving a smear of blood on the dragon claw he was working on.
I rushed to get the first aid kit and patched him up.
He explained that his boss’s son was having a birthday and he wanted to make him a little
I distinctly remember the look of pure love and affection in Julian’s eyes as he talked about the kid. It even made me feel guilty that after almost three years of marriage, we still hadn’t had children of our own.
Too Late to Say Sorry
hapter 1Chapter 1
But now, staring at the dragon claw in my hand, and remembering the boy’s face. I knew he wasn’t the boss’s son. He looked strikingly similar to Julian, and even had the same accent.
A wave of dread washed over me.
I took off running in the direction the boy had gone.
Sure enough, there, in front of the Merry–Go–Round, was the man I shared my life with, the man I thought I knew.
“Daddy, the dragon you made me broke!”
Julian knelt down, stroking the boy’s hair with a tenderness that spoke volumes.
“It’s okay, buddy. Daddy will make you a better one soon. Now go have fun.”
Chapter 2