Chapter 6
The next day, I sat my parents down and recounted Julian’s web of lies and betrayals, sparing no detail.
My dad’s face turned crimson with rage, and he practically vibrated with the urge to storm out and confront Julian. My mom and I, however, managed to hold him back, our hands gripping his arms like lifelines. We needed to think clearly, to strategize, not succumb to blind fury.
Thanks to my parents‘ wide network of contacts, my mom quickly connected me with a highly reputable divorce lawyer, to whom I presented all the evidence I had gathered.
Just then, the results from the pharmaceutical testing facility arrived on my phone. As I suspected, the vitamins were indeed tampered with. Julian had been giving me birth control pills, the cheapest kind, which not only disrupt menstrual cycles but can also lead to infertility with prolonged use.
A wave of nausea washed over me, sending me scrambling to the bathroom, where I dry–heaved uncontrollably.
According to my lawyer, though, the evidence I’d gathered wasn’t strong enough to nail Julian. The photos didn’t definitively prove the nature of his relationships, and I didn’t have anything concrete showing he’d tampered with the vitamins.
We needed him to trip up, to expose himself.
With an hour to go before 5:00, Julian texted me.
“Honey, guess what surprise I have for you?”
Playing along, I replied, “Flowers and milk tea?”
“You know me so well, my love. You guessed it!”
He was still playing the same old game, trying to charm me with cheesy romantic gestures. Fighting back the nausea, I texted back.
Chapter 6
“I have a surprise for you too. Guess what it is?”
Chapter 7