Chapter 11
Emericl frowned as Madam Livia added, “At least, I think that’s at the Urekai call people like you?
A Syren?
Emericl shifted uneasily, feeling confused. “What does that mean?”
“It is what the Urekai call non–Ugekai who can go into heat. It means you are able to bond with a Urekai. Your body is changed enough to mate with them, with new glands and all. Hades, you might even be a Soulbond”
Now, he felt even more confused. His face must have shown it because Madam Livia took a deep breath and nodded. “Very well, let us start again. What do you know about Urekai bonds and bondmates?
“I know that what humans call marriage, Urekai call bonding.” Emeriel began. “It is rare for a Urekai to find their Soulbond. the one person meant to be their true partner. Their soulmate. Only Soulbonds can have children easily. Most Urekai pair up through contracted bonding–they choose their own partners. It is not because they do not want the bondmate nature made for them, but because finding a Soulbond is extremely rare-
“Good, good. You are right so far,” Madam Livia said with a smile “This will make it casier. Go on.”
“Um.” Emeriel thought hard, searching his memory. “I know contracted bonds are very hard to create. There are rituals and steps to follow, and even then, the bond might not form if their souls do not connect. But for Soulbonds, the souls connect naturally, and the bond is said to be ten times stronger.”
Excellent Livia nodded. “I will take it from here. Do you remember what happened last night? Have you ever felt anything like it before?”
Emeriel shook his head.
“You went into heat, Madam Livia stated. “It is like menstruation for human females, but more complicated. Also, while menstruation happens monthly, heat does not follow a set cycle. It might happen once every three months or twice in one month–it is different for every Urekai female and syren. What this means is, you are a syren now, so you can marry a Urekai..
Grand Lord Vladya walked with regal grace as he approached the forbidden chambers.
With his hands behind his back, he moved with poise, dressed in a long, flowing white robe decorated with detailed golden. patterns. The fabric trailed behind him like a river of silk as he walked.
People quickly stepped aside, bowing deeply until their heads nearly touched the ground. Turning toward the southern wing, he followed the corridor leading to the forbidden chambers.
The soldiers bowed as he approached.
He dismissed them with a wave.
Vladya waited until the hallway was empty before stepping toward the massive metal gates, made of iron rods strong enough to resist the Urekai’s immense power.
These gates fortified all the dungeons in Ravenshadow Fortress and had held Urekai prisoners for over a thousand years. They were the strongest of their kind.
15:35 Sat, Dec 28 GD
Chapter 11
Emeriel frowned as Madam Livia added, “At least, I think that’s what the Urekal call people like you.”
A Syren?
Emeriel shifted uneasily, feeling confused. “What does that mean?
“It is what the Urekai call non–Ugkai who can go into heat. It means you are able to bond with a Urekai. Your body is changed enough to mate with them, with new glands and all. Hades, you might even be a Southond
Now, he felt even more confused. His face must have shown it because Madam Livia took a deep breath and nodded. “Very well, let us start again. What do you know about Urekal bonds and bondmates?
“I know that what humans call marriage. Urekai call bonding Eeriel began. “It is rare for a Urekai to find their Soulhond the one person meant to be their true partner. Their soulmate. Only Soulbonds can have children easily. Most Urekai pair up through contracted bonding–they choose their own partner. It is not because they do not want the bondmate nature made for them, but because finding a Soulbond is extremely rar
“Good, good. You are right so far, Madam Livia said with a smile. This will make it easier. Go on.”
“Um.” Emeriel thought hard, searching his memory. “I know contracted bonds are very hard to create. There are rituals and steps to follow, and even then, the bond might not form if their souls do not connect. But for Soulbonds, the souls connect naturally, and the bond is said to be ten times stronger.”
Excellent. Livia nodded. “I will take it from here. Do you remember what happened last night? Have you ever felt anything like it before?”
Emeriel shook his head.
“You went into heat, Madam Livia stated. “It is like menstruation for human females, but more complicated. Also, while menstruation happens monthly, heat does not follow a set cycle It might happen once every three months or twice in one month–it is different for every Urekai female and syren. What this means is, you are a syren now, so you can marry a Urekai
Grand Lord Vladya walked with regal grace as he approached the forbidden chambers.
With his hands behind his back, he moved with poise, dressed in a long, flowing white robe decorated with detailed golden patterns. The fabric trailed behind him like a river of silk as he walked
People quickly stepped aside, bowing deeply until their heads nearly touched the ground. Turning toward the southern wing, he followed the corridor leading to the forbidden chambers
The soldiers bowed as he approached.
He dismissed them with a wave.
Vladya waited until the hallway was empty before stepping toward the massive metal gates, made of iron rods strong enough to resist the Urekai’s immense power.
These gates fortified all the dungeons in Ravenshadow Fortress and had held Urekai prisoners for over a thousand years. They were the strongest of their kind.
15.35 Sat, Dec 28 G.
Chapter 11
But Daemonikai had broken through these gates four times. Foi separate times Effortlessly.
The people believed the beast was locked behind the gates, made to escape. But in truth, it stayed there because it wanted
Inside, the room was completely dark. Pitch black to humans and young Urekai.
But to someone as ancient as Vladya, with his heightened vision was as clear as daylight. The space was vast and mostly empty, with no decorations.
His eyes landed on the girl. She lay curled protectively into herself, unmoving
As he stepped closer, the beast’s scent reached his nose. His own beast stirred inside him, growling at the presence.
Vladya turned toward the huge, powerful form of the king beast, its yellow eyes locked on him. The beast growled, stepping closer.
Vladya stood still, forcing himself to stay calm and unthreatening, trying to appear as harmless as possible. If the beast. sensed danger, it would attack. And as a mindless creature, Daemonikai surely would.
It had happened before, leaving Vladya with scars that reminded him he had lost his best friend forever.
The beast circled him, its movements slow and predatory, showing its annoyance at Vladya’s presence in its territory
Stopping in front of Vladya, it loomed close, towering over him. Then, leaning in, its snout extended, the king beast waited.
dominance. It wanted to assert
Vladya’s own beast growled angrily inside him, furious at the challenge. But holding back his beast and every alpha instinct. Vladva lowered his head and tilted it to the side in submission.
The feral beast pressed its snout against Vladya’s neck, sniffing deeply. Unsatisfied, it released aggressive pheromones, trying to provoke Vladya’s beast.
vladya shut his eyes tightly, enduring the sharp, needle–like pain in every part of his body. He did not respond.
Finally, the beast seemed satisfied. It pulled back, turned, and walked back to its favorite spot behind another set of iron
The danger was avoided.
Vladya exhaled deeply, his tension fading. Turning, he moved toward the girl, planning to lift her lifeless body. But as he got closer, he stopped.
She was still breathing.
He could see bloodstains and bruises around her private area, but she was alive…in one piece. What in the world?
Looking closer, he noticed grab marks, burns from the beast’s snout, and other bruises all over her body. Yet, aside from those, the girl was unharmed
Vladya had not expected this. Shock froze him in place.
When a Urekal beast went feral, the instinct to kill was so strong that some believed it was even greater than both bloodlust and sexual need.
Ayild beast’s touch always led to death. No matter what it did, the end result was always death.
Even if she had survived, Vladya thought he would find her torn into pieces. But here she was,
15:35 Sat, Dec 28 GO
Chapter 11
And she had been in this chamber all night. How was this possil
Vladya glanced at the beast. Its yellow eyes, still empty of recog floor. How is this happening?
A small flicker of hope stirred inside him. Vladya pushed it awa
It had taken him a hundred years to accept that his best friend‘ of healing from the near fatal wounds the same beast had given
Do not do this to yourself again, Vladya, Daemonikad is gone. H
Bending down. Vladya carefully picked up the unconscious girl bruises than the rest of her body.
It had multiple grab marks and snout burns. The beast had repe more than anywhere else.
But why? None of this makes sense.
Outside the forbidden chambers, Vladya saw two guards approa the chamber.
“Tell the head maid, Livia, that I summon her to Blackstone,” he
15.36 Sal, Dec 28 GD
Chapter II
And she had been in this chamber all night. How was this possible?
Vladya glanced at the beast. Its yellow eyes, still empty of recognition, glared at him. Then he looked back at the girl on the floor. How is this happening?
A small flicker of hope stirred inside him. Vladya pushed it away
It had taken him a hundred years to accept that his best friend’s mind was gone forever. And it had taken additional months of healing from the near–fatal wounds the same beast had given him to make that realization final.
Do not do this to yourself again, Vladya. Daemonikai is gone. He had the scars to prove it.
Bending down, Vladya carefully picked up the unconscious girl. His eyes were drawn to her left arm, which had more bruises than the rest of her body.
It had multiple grab marks and snout burns. The beast had repeatedly pressed its nose to her arm, smelling her scent there more than anywhere else.
But why? None of this makes sense.
Outside the forbidden chambers, Vladya saw two guards approaching. They locked the metal gates behind them, securing the chamber.
“Tell the head maid, Livia, that I summon her to Blackstone,” he ordered.
15:36 Sat, Dec 28 GO
Chapter 12