Chapter 92
Blake sports from beside me and Damion. Both of us shoot him a glare and he stop..
We talk and laugh for awhile, until…
“You whorish bitch.” Someone says.
We all immediately turn around to see who the fuck. It turns out its Kristy, yay. Oh but not really because she was calling me the whorish bitch. Let the drama commence.
“Call my girlfriend a whorish bitch again Kristy. I fucking dare you.” Damion scowls at her as his arms tighten around my waist.
Her eyes widen a and her jaw drops. She recovers a few second later looking even more pissed, “First you get me kicked of cheer, and now you take the guys that I like. God, what
more do you want? My life too?”
I furrow my brow and look at Damion who looks equally confused, “Who the fuck do you like?” He asks while moving his gaze from Kristy to me.
I shrug, “Don’t look at me. I have no idea what she’s talking about.” He turns to Kristy.
“Are you kidding me? You! I wore your jerseys at all your games when I cheered. I saw you. everyday at your locker before school. That was all me. And now this prissy bitch is back and you are all over her. At first I let it go because I thought you were having some crisis or something, but now that you are dating or whatever its not ok.”
We all just look at her.
I can’t tell if she’s lying to stir up drama, or if I need to beat Damion’s ass.
“First, he asked you to stop wearing his jerseys and you wouldn’t. So I made sure you had none to wear. Second, he would always purposefully avoid his locker so that he didn’t have. to see your crazy ass. He never led you on, you were just oblivious.” Kasey says.
„After Faking My Death. My Aluba Husband Went Mad
Chapter 2
Ok, so she is lying Looks like Damion lives another day.
“That is not true.” She argues.
“Yes it is. Now go away. I want to hug my girlfriend is peace.” Damion says before turning around in his seat and going back to our original position.
I am still a little stunned so I don’t really process that he moved until he grabs my hand and puts it in his hair. I take this as my cue to play with his hair again.
Kristy storms off and we pretty much all ignore what just happened.
Lee’s POV:
“My body hurts.” Damion groans as he flops onto my bed, stomach first.
He just got off practice and is super sore because Mr. T made them run drills yesterday and
“You want me to massage your body out babe?” I ask him while sitting down next to his big ass body that barley fits on my bed. He’s shirtless like always, but I am not one to complain
because he’s hot.
He just groans like a zombie in response. I take that as a yes and straddle his back. I take
hands and start to rub his shoulders making him groan again, but this time in pleasure.
“Ugh don’t stop.” He says as he turn his neck to the side so that his cheek is on my bed.
I put more pressure and start rubbing down to his back. I keep doing this for about five minutes before I get a little turned on from rubbing him down his fucking Greek God like body. I rub my way down the back of his thighs, using my thumbs to massage out the
I am trying to keep myself under control, but its hard. I already love looking at his muscles
and tattoos and now I am rubbing them. I am soaked and he doesn’t even know. God, this shouldn’t affect me the way it does.
“Flip over please.” I tell him quietly after finishing both of his legs all the way down to his
„After Taking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chamet e
He flips over and I straddle his again, but this time we are facing each other. I start to massage his pecks and I subconsciously lick me lips. I feel him stiffen. His hands slowly come up to my ass. I don’t need to look at him to know he’s looking at me.
1 got down to his abs and massage him softly. I look up at him and start to rock my hips slightly. He groans and squeeze my hips, but he makes no move to take control or touch me anywhere else.
I rock a little more and this time he reacts, “Stop.” He commands with a scowl directed at
- me.
I frown, but do as he asks. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. We just can’t have sex.” He says while avoiding eye contact with me.
I start to get self conscious and anxious.
What if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if I messed things up? What if he isn’t attracted
to me anymore?
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” He says quickly.
“Its me… I just… I-” He starts to get frustrated.
He sighs with his eyes closed and then whispers something that breaks my heart. “I don’t
want to hurt you.”
Suddenly tears fill my eyes as I watch Damion look down ashamed of himself. I know
whatever happened the other night was wrong, I also know that something else was going on. That’s wasn’t fully him. He was on edge the whole day, but that night it was much worse.
After Taking