Chapter 97
I sent out an S.O.S right after I told Lee to get dressed so that I could explain everything.
“W–what’s going on?” She asks fearfully.
My mom tells her to sit down, so she slowly walks over to the black couch and sits down. I join her on the other coach and prepare for my life to end.
She is still confused and keeps asking questions, but everyone is trying to be encouraging.
“Sweetheart, do you remember when I told you about those wolves?” I say trying to find a right way to do this.
She nods in response and I continue, “Well I’m sure you’ve noticed some things that have
been… off.”
“You mean when at eleven o’clock at night you jumped out of bed, locked me in the bathroom, and came back covered in dirt. Yeah, I’ve noticed some weird stuff. What’s this about?” She says with a fire in her eyes that makes me want to bend her over this couch and fuck her until she is screaming my name.
I hold myself back and get back to telling her.
I talk to her about my actions at the library and I feel her getting more upset that I am
“Have you ever seen my eyes glow?” I blurt out.
Her head snaps back to me and she looks at me with wide eyes. That confirms that she has
seen me.
“What?” She asks.
“My eyes. They glow sometimes.”
Shusteres bark at me and then shaps. “You have three seconds to tell me what the hell happened tonight before I walk out that door.” She says with a serious expression. The image of her leaving makes my heart hurt, but I am scared to tell her.
Nothing comes out of my mouth, so she gets up and walks across the living room. Her palm touches the handle and 1 realize my time is up. “I’m a werewolf.” I say.
She freezes and then turns around, “Like… Jacob from Twilight?” She asks making me hold
back my laughter.
I think I just fell more in love with her.
“Lee I am telling the truth.” I say trying to convince her.
She just lazily agrees before trying to leave again. I know I have to tell her, so I run over to her before she can even get out the door. I shut it, caging her in so she doesn’t leave.
“What the hell! How did you get over here so fast?”
“I already told you how.”
“You expect me to believe your a werewolf?”
I sigh, “Look, just sit down and watch.” She hesitantly nods and sits down on the couch.
Luca tells her to not freak out and she sarcastically tells him how encouraging that sounds. When I step in me and Luca starts to argue, which makes Lee even more upset,
“Can we get back to the task at hand so I can beat the fuck out of Damion.”
That grabs my attention.
She turns back to me and I take that as my cue to show her. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and prepare for the worst.
I slowly open them and see her lips part in shock at the sight of my glowing blue eyes. After
a few seconds she stand up and walks over to me. Hope fills my chest as her hand comes to my cheek and her thumb brushes under my eye.
Chaport 97
I decide to show her a little more because she seems ok.
My teeth grow and she takes a set back. Then, I set my hands in from of me to show her claws. She stumbles back again and looks up at me with tears in her eyes.
I stop the change and turn back into plain old me. “I’m still me. I’m still Damion.” I say trying to make the situation better.
“Promise me you will never keep secrets from me… promise me. You will never keep secrets for me. That was the one thing I asked of you.” I try to go to her to beg her to not think of it like that, but she stops me before I even get more than a few steps in.
“You broke your promise.” She says to me.
“Baby. Don’t do this.” I beg her.
All she says is, “We’re done.”
Lee’s POV:
I grab my keys and purse and walk out the door while Damion follows me.
“Lee please don’t go. Lets talk about this.”
“Talk about this! There is nothing to talk about.” I say angrily while walking to my car.
“I can’t control what I am!” He yells as my hands touches my car door.
I stop my movements and turn around. Damion’s eyes are filed with tears and mine are streaming down my face. Everyone is outside watching us break up, but I am so mad I don’t
even care.
and I would still love
not about what you are! You could tell me you are a fucking: you. Its the fact that you promised not to hide things from me. Its the fact that for over a month you have kept this from me. Its the fact that you lied straight to my face when I gave you so many opportunities to tell me… You all could have told me at any time, since
Chapter 97
apparently you all knew!” I yell as they all avoid my gaze out of guilt