Chapter 100
“Call the doctor.” My mom says.
My dad quickly gets his phone as start to call Carlos. A member of the pack who is also a doctor. He helps patch us up when our woods are to server and we can’t heal.
My eyes get heavier and heavier. I hear my mom telling me to stay awake, but I just can’t
mind. Her voice fades out and my eyes close. I am left in the darkness of my
Lee’s POV:
I feel like throwing up.
Since after lunch I have been so nauseous I had to go home early and drape myself over the toilet. Something is wrong. I can feel it inside me, but I don’t know what it is. Well you know besides the fact that the love of my life is nowhere to be found, we are broken up, and he’s a werewolf, but that can’t be it.
Another wave of nausea hits me making me groan and use my hands to balance myself on the toilet. I wait a few moments until it passes and then slump back down on to the floor.
This on continues for the next few hours until I fall asleep leaning on the toilet.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Lee! Open the door, its Kasey!” I hear her say frantically.
My eyes fly open as I hear her voice. I pull myself off the ground and make my way to the front door while fighting the urge to throw my guts up. When I finally reach the door, I open it and see Kasey looking down and playing with her fingers.
Her eyes snap to mine and somehow get wider when she looks at me.
“Kasey, what the hell. Its one am.” I say as I hold my stomach.
Husband Went Mad
Chaptet foo
“Lee, are you ok?” She asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What’s wrong?”
Her eyes widen when she remembers why shes here, “Oh right! It Damion. He’s hurt, like really hurt.” My heart drops at her words and I somehow feel even sicker.
“W–what? How? Where is he?”
“He’s at his house, he’s not healing. You have to come with me.”
“Lets go.” I say as I slip my vans on.
We both run out of my house and to her car that is still running. When we get is she reverse so fast it makes me dizzy, which doesn’t help my stomach.
“What do you mean he’s not healing? And why isn’t he at the hospital if he’s hurt so bad?”
“Wolves heal really quickly, like in minutes sometimes even seconds quickly. But Damion isn’t. He was attacked in the woods by another wolf and he hasn’t woken up since he got
I let out a breathe, “Drive faster.”
She steps on the gas and we get to the Cruz house in record time. I jump out of the car and run up to the house. I throw open the door and stop when I don’t see anyone.
Mrs. Cruz come halfway down the stairs and then stops, “Lee up here. He’s in his room.
I quickly run up the stairs and go straight into his room. When I open the door I stop and look at Damion laying on his bed. I try to control my breathing as he lays there, motionless.
I look around and see the guys and Mr. Cruz in the room.
“Your here.” Blake says.
“Of course I’m here. Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I don’t care about him.”
I walk over
to Damion’s bed and look down at him. He has sweat droplets all over his toned body and running down his forehead, his skin is paler than normal, and he has a big white bandage on his side.
I put my hand to his forehead and he’s burning up. I start to stroke his hair as I sit down on
his bed.
“I want to know everything… from the beginning.”
Its silent. I guess I’ll start.
“Are you all wolves, like Damion?” I ask as my eyes stay on Damion.
“I am and so are Warren, Max, and Blake. As well as Mr. Cruz.” Mr. Cruz says.
“Well I was bitten, not born like most.” Blake says.
“The rest of us are born.” Warren says.
“So you guys were born like this, but Blake was bitten… When?”
Blake sighs, “When I was twelve. I was sick… leukemia. Mr. Cruz bit me to save me. I’ve been a wolf since.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” I say while shaking my head.
“Its ok. I’m better now. Stronger. Faster.”
“Is that all the bite does?” I ask.
“Yes and no. Yes, you are stronger and faster, but your also more emotional and all senses are ten times better than humans. You feel anger, sadness, and love more intensely and can smell things from a mile away. And we change under the full moon. It takes a lot of control to not lash out.” Max says, which surprises me because he barely speaks.
“We feel each other’s emotions? Is that why this whole day I’ve felt sick.”
Warren nods, “You probably unconsciously felt he was in trouble,”
I nod and continue, “You change under the full moon… is that why Damion almost… bit me one day? He was on edge from the moon?”
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