Chapter 114
I pull the zipper up and it’s perfect. I open the curtains and Kasey is standing at the cash. register, paying for the yellow dress I convinced her to buy.
She glances at me and then looks away, only to snap her head back to me. Her eyes go wide and her jaw goes agape.
“Holy shit. Lee thats… That is the one.” She says while walking towards me.
“You think so?” I ask as I look at myself in the mirror.
“Yes. Damion will be on his knees. Well, not that he isn’t already.”
“Kasey.” I scold her.
She throws her hands up in surrender and I look back to the mirror. I picture Damion
seeing me in this and I smirk a little. I pull at the skirt to see if it’s stretchy, because knowing Damion he will wants to pull it over my hips to… you know.
I nod and smile, “Yup, this is the one.”
A week later
“You ready babe?” I ask Damion while he is packing his bag to go to the homecoming game.
“Yeah.” He says as he picks up his duffle bag. he is wearing jeans, a black hoodie, and his jersey on top. Basically, he looks hot as fuck.
I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. “You look hot in your jersey.” I
mumble against his lips before I kiss him.
His hands cup my ass and lightly squeeze. I moan into his mouth and my hands run through his hair. Our mouths start to speed up as our hunger for each other increases.
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chaptet T
Then, the door opens. “Oh sorry kids. I was just checking to see if you were ready, Damion?”
Mrs. Cruz asks.
“Yeah, I am mom. We’ll leave in a few minutes.” He say before she nods and leaves.
“Am I going with you?” I ask him.
He looks at me like I have offended him, “Yeah.”
I laugh lightly, “Ok. Sorry I didn’t mean to make you grumpy. I just thought you would want
to go with the guys.”
He grabs my face and gives me a peck. “I only want you. Fuck the guys.”
I smile and looks up at him. His face drops and then his eyes flash blue. “What’s wrong babe?” I ask him as I get worried something is happening.
He shakes his head, “I thought of you fucking the guys when I said that. Now I’m mad
you because I know you didn’t cheat on me, but it feels like did.”
I look at him like he’s crazy and then try to bite back a smile. It doesn’t work, so I start
He growls at me, “Its not fucking funny.”
“Baby. You know I’m yours. You don’t have to be mad.”
“Damn fucking straight you’re mine.” He grumbles before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
He pulls my phone out of my back pocket and looks at the time. He smiles once he sees my Lock Screen. It’s a picture Kasey took of us at the bonfire last night. We are both leaning on his truck while Damion’s arms are wrapped around me from behind. I am laughing at something while he looks at me with love in his eyes.
“I’m yours babe.” I whisper to him.
He looks up at me and cracks a small smile.
Choptet 114
“Now, lets go before you are late.” I tell him while I take my phone and put it in my back pocket.
Lee’s POV:
“Homecoming court can you all make your way to the front gates please? It is time to get on the floats. Thank you.” A female voice says over the speakers.
“Go on Hoco Princess!” Kasey yells as I walk to the field. I roll my eyes playfully and look for Damion.
I only found out today that I was part of the court for the juniors. I honestly hadn’t even looked at the list until Kasey asked me why I didn’t tell her. I was super panicked because I know there is always a lot fo people at the Hoco games. It is a really big deal in SV, a ton of alumni come home. The court rides on floats that their classes make, which by the way making a float is harder than it looks. Especially when you only have a week to do it.
Anyways, I calmed down when I saw that Damion has also been nominated for Prince. We wear paired and would be walking together, so I knew I’d be ok.
“Hey sweetheart.” Damion says before wrapping his arms around me and giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. His eye black is smeared down his face, giving him a sexy athlete
“Eww you are all sweaty babe.” I tell him as he puts me down.
“Oh come on, I know it turns you on.” He whispers to me.
I open my mouth to deny it, but I know he’s right. Something about a guy being all hot and to me. It doens’t help that Damion is in a good mood because they sweaty, just does thin are winning, so he is all smiley. Which I love.
“Here’s your sash.” I tell him as I hand him a white sash that says “Junior Homecoming Court” in green letters
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