Chapter 115
Mine is white with green letters and says the same thing.
Mrs. Miles tells us to get on the float with the rest of the court. Damion gets up first and then lifts me up. We get in our positions and wait for the truck to start going.
it went
“Nice shoes.” Kristy sneers while looking at my dark green Old Skool Vans. They match Damion’s jersey, which is why I got them. Plus, my dress for tonight is black so it together. For the dance I will wear heels, but for now I would rather not face plant when my heels get stuck in the dirt.
I smile, “Thanks bitch. Have fun falling across the field in your heels.”
She rolls her eyes and turns around. I look up to my left and Damion is glaring at the back
of her head.
“I hate that bitch.” He mumbles.
I sigh, “Me too babe. Me too.”
Soon, the truck starts going and Damion holds my waist so that I don’t fall. The Junior class float goes first. We make our way onto the track and drive in a circle as the Senior float
follows us.
The court waves as that announcer asks the crowd who they want to win for prince and princess, as well as king and queen. The trucks do a lap around the field and then stop at the back so that we can all get
get off.
We line up with girls on the right and boys on the left and then each couple walks forward Wel when their name is called. Me and Damion are last, so we wait until everyone’s gone.
Kristy’s name gets called, and like I said she fucking fell. Everyone laughs and she looks pissed. Her partner helps her up and they finish walking across the field as she holds onto him for dear life.
“Our last nominees for Homecoming Prince and Princess are Damion Cruz and Lee
Emerson The principal announces as me and Damion walk towards each other and meet in the middle
We both smile at each other, and then he offers me his arm. I take it and we walk forward
as people yell and clap for us.
Before now, winning never really mattered. But then I remembered my mom was Homecoming Princess and Queen, and I kind of want to win so that both of us have our names in the robe. Every year the winner of each title gets their name embroidered into the robe, so that our legacy lives on. I feel like it would connect me to her and make it seem like shes here, even though I know she can’t be.
We are at the end of the field, facing the crowd as we smil
for a picture. Once I hear the
click of the camera, I start to walk to get in line by the other girls.
Damion’s hands go onto my hips and he quickly spins me around. I gasp and then he leans down as lays one of me. My hands instinctively go to his bulging biceps as his lips that taste like sweat move against mine.
I hear another click, and I know that will be in the town newspaper.
He detaches our lips and smirks before walking to get in line by the other guys. I stand their dumbstruck, and then finally realize I have to get the fuck out of the way so that the
crowning can start.
“Thank you all of coming to Sun Valley’s Homecoming Game. I would like to start off by having the alumni stand.” The alumni stand up and we all clap. The principal drones on about the Viking legacy and how it is an honor to be nominated for any of the titles.
Finally, he asks the nominees for Prince to step forward. The whole line does as he asks and steps forward. The crowd is silent as they wait for the principal to open the envelope.
“It is my honor to announce that this years Homecoming Prince is… Daaaaamion Crrrruz!” The crowd cheers as last years king places the crown on his head. Damion has to bend down because he is so tall, it is the cutest thing ever.
He is handed the scepter after he hooks his arms through the loops on the robe. Then, he is asked to step forward and wave to the crowd. He does and people go fucking wild. I can’t
Chapirt 115
even blame them. He looks damn good.
“Thank you Damion, and congratulations! Now, if you would crown your princess.”
Damion walks over to the principal and opens the envelope. The corners of his mouth lift slightly and then he hands the envelope back to the principal.
Last years queen hand him a little rhinestoned tiara as she keeps the robe and scepter in her hands. He walks to our line and slowly makes his way down. Stopping for just a second
at each girl.
He fully stops in front of Kristy and she smiles.
Then, my perfect jack ass of a boyfriend lifts the tiara up and places it on my head while making eye contact with Kristy. Her jaw drops and then he looks at me and smiles. Everyone is clapping and cheering for us.
The robe is placed around my arms and then lifted so that it wraps around me. Then, Damion takes the scepter and lays it in my arms before he slides his fingers into my hand. They intertwine, and suddenly everything feels right.