Chapter 118
“Lee where are you going!?” Damion asks as he follows me out of the party.
“I need some space before I go nuclear on your ass. Now leave me alone. I will find you when I’m ready.”
I hear him sigh and I walk out the back door to cool off. I sit on the curb and look at the stars. It is fucking freezing, but I am beyond mad right now and know I will say something I’ll regret if I see Damion right now.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I listen to the music, the leaves rustling, and the
cars on the street.
“Ahhh!” I yell as I look to my right.
I sigh and hold my
chest, “Dammit Alex! You scared the hell out of mes
He laughs and his green eyes light up, “Sorry. I just saw you sitting here and thought you. might want some company… or a jacket?” He says as he sits down beside me on the curb
and starts to take his jacket off.
He gently lays it over my shoulders, and I immediately feel warmer. “Thanks.” I tell him.
“What’s got you upset?”
“My boyfriend just told everyone at the party I was pregnant and engaged to him because he didn’t like the way the guys were looking at me.”
His eyes widen a little and then he starts laughing. I gape at him, “Its not funny!”
“It is a little funny.” He says as he keeps laughing.
“Ok maybe a little, but at the time it wasn’t. Everyone looked at me like I was insane and I
„Aber Taking My Death, My Alpha Husband‘
Chapte 118
can’t even blame them. I mean being pregnant and getting married at sixteen are really big
“Look, I think he just wanted them all to know that you are his. What better way then to make it seem like you guys have your whole little family? Trust me, no guys wants you
now.” He says while smiling.
“Awww thanks. That is so sweet.” I say sarcastically.
“I’m just saying… maybe he needed to have the assurance that no guy would ever do anything with you. He might just be scared that you’ll leave him.”
I think about what he said and realize he’s right. Damion is scared that I will leave him. I just have to show him that there is nobody else. He is my everything.
“I should talk to him.”
Alex nods and bumps my shoulder, “Go get your man.”
I smile at him, “You ok out here?”
“I’m good. Now go.”
I get up and give him his jacket back. I make my way into the party and look around for Damion. I don’t see him, so I ask around. Finally, a sophomore boy who I know is in the pack tell him he looked really upset and went outside to cool off. I thank him and go outside to find him.
I look through the glass door that leads to the backyard. I see Damion sitting by the fire pit with his back to me, away from all the other drunk teenagers. I open the door and walk toward him.
He must hear me, or smell me because his head turns to the side a little.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” He taunts.
I stop in my tracks, “What?”
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He stand up and I see a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. He is totally drunk.
“I saw you with him. Fuck, you even smell like him.” He says with an anger tone.
I sigh when I realize he must have seen me with Alex and gotten the wrong idea. He takes a swig and turns around so that I can’t see him. The fire crackles as he watches it.
“Alex is my friend. There is absolutely nothing going on between us. You now that.”
“Do 1? Because last time I saw you together, you were wrapped up in his arms.”
I walk a little closer and step in front of him so I see his face. “I was crying to him about you. I would never cheat on you. Why do you keep thinking I will?”
He is silent for awhile. I stand there and wait for his answer.
“I’ve killed people.” He says.
My breathe catches in my throat.
“I’m not good.”
“I’m not good… for you. But I’m too damn selfish to let you go because I fucking love you.”
Ile says
frustratedly as tears collect in his eyes. He sits down on the chair he was just in and rests his elbows on his knees. His head hangs low, showing how defeated he is.
led Jared. I should be scared. I should be running away.
He’s killed people. He probably and yet I am walking towards him. The sight of him so broken reminds me how much we need each other.
He needs me to love him, to make him feel whole, to remind him that he is good.
I need him to love me, to make me feel whole, and to remind me that there is always something to fight for.
I walk towards him, drop to my knees, and cup his cheek. “Tell me what you need?”
His brow furrows.
Chapter 118
“Tell me what you need from me. What will show you that there is nobody else for me?”
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