Chapter 126
This was his plan all along. He didn’t want Alex with me, he wanted him to be powerful and 1 am just a weakness,
1 fall onto my back and my head falls to look at Damion and Alex still fighting. They are both trying to survive the other, but neither is winning.
“Damion.” I whisper as a tear falls from my eye and onto my temple.
Alex has him pinned to the ground, parallel to me. His head snaps in my direction and I give him a soft smile. As I look into his eyes I see something shift. The flame they once held
looks like it was snuffed out.
More tears escape my eyes as the pain in my heart replaces the pain in my bruised and bloodied body.
I am bleeding out, literally dying… and still watching his flame extinguish is a worse pain.
Suddenly, the light from his eyes starts to slowly come back. His beautiful baby blues start to glow. The seem to get brighter and brighter with each passing moment until red starts to disperse from his pupil and out into his irises.
His eyes look like an ocean, slowly being replaced by blood.
He looks up at Alex who as his hands around his neck, and shoves his palm to his chest. He flys back and Damion gets up with a renewed strength.
I see Alex try to swing at Damion after he comes to his feet. Damion catches his fist in his hand and twists his arm. Alex yells in pain and drops to his knees. Then, Damion’s left knees come up and hits Alex’s nose. I hear a crack as I fight to stay conscious.
“She will never, Be. Yours.” Damion says to Alex before he puts his hands on each side of his head and twists them so that Alex’s neck snaps.
I look to my other side and see Blake holding Alex’s dad back by his arms. He also is
Death My Aloha Husband Went Mad
covered in blood and cuts. At this point I think everyone here is.
I slowly blink and look up at the sky. The stars make me think of mine and Damion’s first date. How good being with him felt then, and even now.
“Baby! Its ok. You’re going to be ok. Just don’t close your eyes. Please.” Damion begs as he lifts my upper body into his right arm and cups my cheek with his left.
I look at him and see tears streaming down his face.
I will myself to lift my right arm and swipe my thumb across his cheek. He leans down and puts his forehead on mine as we both silently cry. My thumb moves upward and brushes under his eye.
“Show me your eyes, babe.” I whisper.
It feels like everything has stopped. Silence surrounds us as we say our goodbyes.
He closes his eyes and opens them so that they are glowing bright red. My heart flutters a little as I think about how he can always remember me when his eyes flash red. I helped him get here, and I couldn’t be more proud.
“I know.” I breath out.
He furrows his brows as his tear filled eyes look at me in confusion. I continue, “You once told me you wished that I knew how much you loved me. I know… I know because for the last three months you have showed me what it feels like to be loved. I needed… I needed you, and you needed me. I’m glad we finally got to be together.” I struggle to say as I feel my body shut down.
“I still need you. Don’t leave me… you promised you wouldn’t leave me. Please.” He cry’s.
My heartbreaks a little when I here him beg me for something I can not do. I wish I could stay and be with him. I wish I could marry him, and have kids with him, and I wish I could grow old with him.
I bring his face to mine and give him a sweet kiss. Probably the last one I’ll ever give him.
When we pull away I see people start to surround me. Max, Blake, Mr. Cruz, Amber, the list. goes on and on. Each wears a pained and sad expression.
“Lee! Lee!” 1 hear a voice yell.
I can’t see who it is, and I can barely move as blood slowly pours from my stomach and
I see people start to make a pathway and then Luca and Kasey come into view. Luca drops. to his knees on the opposite side of Damion and grabs my hand.
I see Kasey start to cry and Max wraps his arm around her to comfort her.
“You’re ok.” Luca whispers while trying to convince us both of something we know isn’t true.
“I’m not, but that’s ok.” I tell him as his tears hit our joined hands.
He looks up at Damion and says, “Save her! Bi-”
And then nothing.
Damion’s POV:
“Save her! Bite her!” Luca yells at me.
I can’t bring myself to look away from her face. I feel like if I do, she’ll disappear into thin air. Her eyes just closed and I can feel time breathing down my neck.