Chapter 131
I look at him like he’s crazy, “What?”
“You aren’t mad at me? You won’t leave me?” He asks.
“What! Of course not! You aren’t making any sense.”
He closes his eyes and rest his forehead against mine. Slowly, the fear disappeared and a weight lifted form my chest. After a few moments, Damion opens his eyes and looks at me.
“How do you feel now?”
“Better. Normal, I guess.”
He nods and sighs, “When I bit you, it made you like me. I can feel all your emotions, and now you can feel mine.”
“So, what I was feeling was your fear?” I clarify.
He nods and brushes his thumb across my cheek.
“You wear scared because you thought I was going to be mad that you turned me, and that I would leave you.” I say to him when I realize why he was so damn scared.
I give him a kiss on the lips and then pull away, “I’m not going anywhere baby. Even thinking about being away from you makes me feel like… like…..”
“Like you might die?” He says with little smile.
I nod and we both start laughing. When we both stop, we gives me this look. It’s like his
eyes are telling me that he loves me. His thumb moves to my bottom lips and he softly bites
He rolls me over, so that he’s between my legs and kisses me. It’s slow and passionate, it’s everything I have ever wanted.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 131
“Now that you’re like me, show me your eyes.” He whispers.
I furrow my brow, “I don’t know how.” I tell him.
“Just close your eyes.”
I do as he asks and wait for him to talk again. “Now I want you to think about… my fingers inside you.” His fingers softly glide over my chest as he whisper in my ear.
“Picture them curling, just the way you like them. They hit your g spot and you let out that little gasp you always do. My lips find yours…” He pecks my parted lips.
and then you cum all over my fingers.”
My mind follows everything he is saying. My cheeks feel flushed and I am already ready for
another round.
“Now, open.” He commands.
I do and suddenly my vision is weird again. It’s like everything is under a magnifying glass and has this glow around it. Damion look heavenly, almost unreal.
“Good girl.” He says as his eyes change to red.
He reaches to my phone that is on the night stand and gives it to me. He flips it so that the back of my case is facing me. There is a little mirror on the case, that I use all the time.
He lays down beside me and says, “Look.”
I hold the phone to my face and look at the glowing blue eyes staring back at me. They have yellow around the pupils, but then the rest are a deep bluish green.
Then, I look at Damion’s red ones.
We look perfect together.
“Beautiful. You’re beautiful.” He says.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 14 11
Lee’s POV:
“rin sure you have some questions.” Damion says as his thumb strokes my hand.
We are laying naked under his covers with my back against his front. His arm is around my shoulders and our fingers are intertwined. I am quite literally on top of him, and yet its still not close enough.
“Why do I feel so… you… I…” I am trying to find the words.
“You feel like you can’t get enough of me?” He asks with a teasing tone.
I sigh and smile, “Yeah.”
He laughs and kisses my cheek. “That’s how I’ve felt since the moment I saw you, and it
only got worse once you came back and I realized you were my mate.”
A sudden spike of pain goes through my heart.
“What’s wrong? You’re hurting? Did I do something?” He ask hurriedly.
I shake my head, “No, its not you. I just… I’m thinking about how it felt when we weren’t
together. The pain the I put you through… I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you.”
He sits up, causing me to sit up. His hands wrap around my waist and he lifts me so that I
am straddling him. “Shh, don’t do that. Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t feel the way I felt yet. You were in love with me, which is different than you feel now right?”
I nod, “I feel like I am consumed by you.”
He smiles softly, “Exactly. That’s why when you first woke up my scent drove you crazy, and you wanted me. The bond was starting to consume you. Don’t apologize for not feeling
like I do, you weren’t able to.”
My hands cup his cheeks and I start to slowly kiss him. His arms circle around my lower
back and his tongue slips into my mouth.
I start to rock my hips and the kiss gets faster. I feel his dick harden underneath me, and I
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 131
grind harder. His hands tighten a round my hips as he groans in my mouth.
Within half a second I am pinned underneath him and he is laying between my legs. There is space between our bodies and I hate it. My hands wrap around his sides and I pull him closer. His body immediately collapses on top of mine.
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