Chapter 135
Lee’s smile drops and she looks back to Kristy. “Listen up you skanky bitch. He’s mine. Always has been, always will be. And if you think you can change that, you better think again. Now stop trying to ruin our relationship, it won’t work.”
“It may not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t keep trying just for the hell of it.”
And that, ladies, gentleman, and non binary babies is exactly what not to say to a possessive wolf when talking about their mate.
Lee is on top of her before I even that she’s moved. “Ah shit.” I say before running over to Lee.
I try to pull her off, but she pushes me away… hard. I fly through the air and land on my back before sliding even further away from her on the dirt. I groan as I lay there and contemplate my life.
“You get Lee, I got Damion.” I hear Max yell.
I hear someone running towards me and then Warren face appears above me. “You got knocked on your ass by a girl didn’t you?” He asks with that stupid smile of his.
“Oh shut up. She’s stronger than all of us, girl or not”
He laughs and puts out his hand for me to grab. When I do, he pulls me up and I see Lee being pulled off Kristy by both Max and Blake. She is fighting them both, and by the looks of it she’s winning. Which I won’t lie makes me a little happy.
“Dammit Lee, stop fighting!” Blake tells her. His arms are wrapped around her body, and are pinning her arms down.
I go over to her and stand in front of her so she can’t see Kristy.
“Hey hey shh. Its ok sweetheart.” I tell her as I cup her face.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 135
I continue to soothe her until she finally calms down. When Blake finally loosens his grip she pushes him away and kisses me. Then, her pretty blue eyes meet mine.
“You’re mine.”
I nod. “I’m yours.”
“Hey guys, we have a situation over here.” Max says from behind us.
I look over my shoulder as see Kristy laying there, with blood all over her.
Lee’s POV:
“You can’t go around attacking people.” Damion calmly tells me as I sit on the couch surrounded by the guys.
“I can if they are skanky bitches who can’t keep their grimy hands off what’s mine.” I, also
calmly, tell him while I scrape out blood from under my nail.
He groans, “No you can’t Lee. You seriously hurt Kristy. We made it look like an accident,
but still.”
“Baby let me make this clear. She’s lucky all I did was hurt her… and of she tests me again I’ll do a hell of a lot more.” With that I stand up and grab my purse while everyone stays
silent. I hear Damion sigh and then he stands up.
“Where are you going?” He asks.
“Out. I have things to do.”
“Like what?”
I grab my keys from the hook by the door and look back one last time. “I’ll be back later.”
Everything around me is always buzzing. I can hear, smell, and see even the smallest of things. It’s amazing, but sometimes I just want to turn it off.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
I can’t focus on anything without being distracted by the smell of hotdogs fifteen miles away, I just want some peace and fucking quiet, but it looks like I won’t get that in $4.50, I’m about twenty miles outside of home on Suicide Bridge, I think you can imagine out why
we call it that.
After being here for just five minutes, I finally know why people do it here. It’s peaceful and quiet. No buzzing, just bliss,
It’s dark now, but the bridge is close enough to the valley that you can see all the city lights, If you look behind you, towards SV, you can see all the stars.
I get up on the edge and lay down on my back so that I can think and process everything
I’ve been a wolf for a few days now and so far I’ve learned that I’m more possessive over Damion, I don’t get tired easily, sometimes it sucks being able to smell everything, I love bacon, and if I wanted to I could be a killer.
Kristy was an accident, and I know I should feel bad but I don’t. When I think about her all
I feel is anger.
Anger because of what she said about my mom a few months ago. Anger because she thinks she can take Damion. Anger because she got to stay in SV. And anger because she
still has her mom.
It’s not fair that she got to keep her mom and I didn’t. Especially when I know what a total bitch her mom is.
I close my eyes and remember what my moms hugs felt like. They were comforting and warm and whenever she hugged me I always felt better. I wonder what she’d say about me now. What I’ve become. Would she be angry, confused, hurt?
The sound of tires on the road takes me from my thoughts and my eyes snap open. I look to my left and see a truck coming down the hill towards the bridge.
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