Death My Alph 15

Death My Alph 15


We can’t have that! Take a seat at the counter, I will get your order done as fast as I can.” 

I do as he asks and I wait. I look around as see a few kids staring and whispering. I am pretty sure I recognize them. Jared, Sarah, Matthew, Jenny, and Thomas are all at a booth. My heart stops when I see them all nod at each other and walk towards me

Fuck, fuck, fuck.I whisper to myself as I quickly turn around a put head down

Hey! Lee is that you?I hear Jared ask

I sigh, look over to him, smile, and nod. We go through the whole, your back, I heard you 

were hurt pretty bad, sorry about your mom, are you staying, and I will see you at school. Then finally, Franky saves me when he comes out with my order

I say goodbye to them, take the order, pay, say goodbye to Franky and tell him I will be back soon. Of course he makes me pinky promise, because he knows I would NEVER break a pinky promise. He was the one that taught me about them and since then I have and will 

never break one

As I am about to leave someone walks in the door and I bump into them

Oh my gosh. I am so sorry.I say and look up. Damn, he is kind of tall, ok tree trunk

Wait, I remember him. Warner? William? Warren! He was in my same grade from kindergarten to 5th grade, when I left

That’s ok, babydoll.He says while smiling at me for a second before it kind of falters

Shit. I don’t want anyone else to recognize me.. 

I quickly go around him and practically sprint out the door. I can feel him looking at me as a jump in my car and drive away

Ok well that’s weird. Why would he call me babydoll? Only creeps do that sir


I pull up to Luca’s house, well our house, and go inside. Amber is gone and Luca isn’t home, so I guess its just me. I take my food up to my room and eat while listening to some music and finishing the summer assignment for the English class I will be starting tomorrow. I am absolutely fucking terrified for school. But, unfortunately I have to go. The rest of my day is spent reading, singing, facetimeing with Francesca for my weekly session, and overthinking. You know, the usual stuff

It is already like eleven and Luca isn’t home. I do my nighttime routine and as I crawl in bed my phone dings. Luca’s text said, Be home in an hour. Take your meds. Go to bed. You have school tomorrow.I roll my eyes and reply, No shit, Sherlock.” 

I take all my medication, lay back and stare at the ceiling again as I wait for my sleeping meds to kick in. My bod relaxes and my eyes start to feel heavy. I am mentally praying

don’t have nightmares tonight, but I know I will

Sleep overtakes me

Warren’s POV (Damion’s best friend)

I am hungry.I groan as I set the controller down and lean back into the couch

Me too. You should go get us burgers from Frank’s.Damion says casually, so that it doesn’t seem as if he is asking for the biggest favor in the world

Oh come on. Why can’t you or Max do it? I always go.I pout

Because me and Max don’t like people. Plus, you suck at this game anyways.He mutters while still playing the game

I gasp. I do not!” 

Dude. We have been playing for like four hours and you have died within the first 15 minutes every time.Max says with his usual cold expression

Whatever.I mutter


Damion rolls his eyes and says, Just go. Money is in my wallet.” 

I sigh, get up to get the money, and leave

As I pull up to Frank’s I can smell the grease from outside the building. My wolfy senses are 

the wors 

sometimes. I get out and start to walk in. Then, someone bumps into me

I hear her say, Oh my gosh. I am so sorry.As she looks up at me. I made sure to have my 

best smile on because she could be hot

That’s ok babydoll.” 

When she looks up I realize I was right, she is hot. And also looks and smells really fucking familiar. Before I can get a good look, she walks away and is out the door

Weird. But man, she smells good. Wouldn’t mind tapping that

Lee’s POV

I can feel it as soon as I open my eyes and hear that awful alarm sound. The overwhelming 

sense of nausea, worry, and dread. I turn off my alarm, roll over, and scream into my pillow. Then, I take a deep breathe and get up. I do my morning routine, my hair and makeup, and then go to pick out my outfit. I decided to be basic because the last thing I want today is to stand out. I put on a black vnecks shirt, ripped jean shorts, and red old skool vans. I grabbed my black backpack and put my notebooks, pencils, pens, IPad, AirPods, and everything else I might need in there and walked out of my room




Death My Alph

Death My Alph

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Death My Alph


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