Chapter 11
Chapter 11
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. How’d did you sleep? Did you dream about me, your Prince Charming?” Warren’s dumbass asks with a wide smile. I roll my eyes.
“Shut the fuck up, War.” I say back to him. He lives to piss me off. Little bitch.
We eat breakfast and listen as my mom talks to us about school, football, and pack stuff.
After awhile Max stands up and says we have to go. Warren and I follow as my mom and dad tell us something about a good first day. Its school, there is no such thing. Anyways, we all get into my truck and I drive us to school. As we pull up and I park, I notice a black jeep that I have never seen before, usually people here drive trucks and we don’t normally have new people here. So, that’s weird.
We all walk into school and I go straight to my locker. I look at all the kids around me. The Freshman look, excited. The Sophomores look, like puberty hit them. The Juniors, my class, look the same just taller. And the Seniors either look like they are having the time of their lives or like they would rather die than be here. I close my locker and lean against it just looking at the people passing by. Warren and Max do the same. That’s when I smell it. Her. I know that scent, it is just as intoxicating as it was the first day of kindergarten. I look around trying to pin point exactly where she is. Then, I see her walking down the hallway to her locker. She has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She is talking, but I can’t even pay attention because I am so shocked she’s really here.
A few minutes pass and I am still staring at her. Then, she smiles to her left and then to her. right. I wasn’t even looking at who she was smiling at until I see out of the corner of my eye. Kasey’s face drop. The only reason I know her name is because she’s Max’s mate, even though he is too afraid to talk to her because he’s a pussy… I guess I can’t say anything. I have been in love with the same girl since Kindergarten and never spoken to her.
I am taken from my thoughts when I make eye contact with her. She is even more gorgeous than I remember. She has long honey brown hair, her eyes are blend of green and blue, freckles on her nose and cheeks, dark pink lips, curves for fucking days that she definitely didn’t have in 5th grade, and long legs I want wrapped around me more than anything in
Chapter 11
the world. I am getting hard just looking at her. My heart is racing and I can feel my
temperature rising as I get turned on. I now realize we are both just staring at each other. I want to say something,
“Lee?” What the fuck man. Really? You know thats her.
Someone moves on her right side. I look over and see Blake a little to close to her for my fucking liking. So he is who she was smiling at. I feel my body tense up, I am pissed. Blake might be in my pack and it might be my duty to protect him, but if he thinks he can have her, he is in for a rude fucking awakening.
I look back to her and her eyes are wide, along with Kasey’s and now Blake’s. Good, he should be scared. I will fucking kill him if he touches her. She is my mate and I will be damned if I lose her again. I am just getting angrier and angrier, so I walk towards Blake to tell him to, respectfully, back the fuck up before I snap is neck. Max and Warren aren’t far
behind, they must have sensed my anger through our bond. They probably already figured out she’s my mate too because of my reaction and the change in my scent. Its stronger now, when we find our mate that happens so other males smell us on her.
I take another step towards Blake, but before I can even get to him, she slams her locker
door, grabs both Kasey and Blake, and bolts into coaches classroom. I stop in my tracks and
so Max and Warren.
“Well shit, I knew she looked familiar.” Warren says chuckling. I just look at him and he
says he saw her a few days ago.
“You saw her and DIDN’T TELL ME!” I shout at him. Like I said, he lives to piss me off.
“Well, I bumped into her when I went to go get burgers, but I didn’t know it was her… I guess I should have though, she still smells really good and is hot as fuck.” He blurts out. Now that really fucking pissed me off. I am already on edge because of Blake standing so damn close to her, and now he says she’s hot and smells good. He has a death wish. He
I slam him up against the lockers and calmly say,“Warren I swear to fucking God, if you say something like that again I will rip your head off. She’s mine, so keep it in your pants or I’ll
cut it off.”
Chapter 12