Chapter 22
“Kasey, am I a whore?” I ask as a few tears slip down my face.
She gasps, “No, babe. You are not a whore. So what you guys got a little touchy, what does it
“I just feel like he used me and then threw me out, I mean he didn’t even look at me after.” I say holding my face in my hands.
“Lee, you are overthinking the whole thing. He likes you. He has liked you since we were four. Actually, no. He has been in love with you since we were four.” She says with a smile
on her face.
I just look at her because I don’t know how to respond to that.
“Bullshit. He has hated me for like… ever. He never let anyone get close to me, and didn’t he punch Blake in the face when we were in like fourth or fifth grade?”
“Ugh, Lee. He didn’t let people get close to you because he wanted to be close to you, and he punched Blake because he didn’t like boys who weren’t him by you. When you left it was like a switch flipped. He started getting really angry, for small things. He got in a ton of fights, and he didn’t talked to anyone for like two years until Luca told him you were ok and you wouldn’t want him to not talk.”
I am speechless. I don’t know if I am the cause of his mini breakdown or if he likes me, but I do know that what happened today, can’t happened again. I hate how cheap I feel right
The bell rings and I wiped the few tears that had fallen down my face off.
“Just think about what I said, ok?” Kasey says as we walk to the door.
I nod, but don’t say anything.
Lee’s POV:
My Alp
Chapter 22
School went on as it normally would, and at the end I waved to Kasey got in my jeep and left. I had to make it to work on time so I didn’t get to say bye to Blake since he had to get to football practice.
I backed out and I saw Damion standing at the front of the school with his hands in his pockets staring at me. His expression was blank. I broke eye contact and drove away towards the library. I sat there with the radio playing in the background, just driving and trying to forget. I know Kasey said he was in love with me, but the things he does don’t
show that. I know he isn’t good for me, so why do I constantly want to be around him? Why don’t I hate him? What is happening?
These questions are running through my mind when I pull up to the library. I turn off the car and try to forget about the whole day, and to think I was in such a good mood before
this. When I walk in Ms. Frizzle is at the front desk with a big smile on.
“Lee, how are you?” Fucking horrible is what I want to say
but I don’t.
“I’m fine.” I reply with a fake smile.
Story of my life.
“Glad to hear it dear. Now you know how the books are organized and everything, let me just show you how to use the computer.” I nod and walk behind the desk. She shows me how to check out books to people, check them back in, and enter new books when we get a shipment in. By now it is 4:30 and I leave at 6:30, so I am almost done. She tells me to put a cart of books away, and I go to do so.
I wheel the cart around and put the books back into the place they go. While doing that, I find a few books I want to read, so I put all the titles but one into my phone so I can remember which ones they are. The one I don’t put into my phone I take up to the front.
desk to read.
“Do you mind closing up dear?” Ms. Frizzle asks..
“No, not at all.”
“Excellent! Here is your copy of the key and I will see you on Thursday. Have a good evening.” She says while handing me the key and then walking out the door.
After Taking My
y Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 22
“You too.”
After she leaves, I go back to reading my book. About an hours passes, or so I thought. I look at the clock and its 8 o’clock. I should have left by now.
I put the book back, turn the light off, get my backpack, and lock up the store. It is pretty
dark outside, but there is a dim street lamp that kind of helps me see.
I walk to wards my car and dig into my bag to get my keys, after a few seconds I find them.
Thats when I hear a growl behind me. I look back and there is no one there, but I know I
heard a growl. I quickly turn around and fast walk to my car. When I am a couple of steps away I hear another louder growl. I don’t look behind me, I just keep walking.
Alta Tak