Death My Alph 45

Death My Alph 45

Chapter 36 

It is actually extremely common here. When a kid throws a party, the parents provide the drinks. It is definitely illegal, immoral, and shouldn’t happen, but its hickesville so it does happen

The bell rings and 1 go to class. I sit by Kasey and wait for Blake, but he doesn’t sit down. Instead, Damion does. I look around and him and Damion traded seats

What the hell

I look at Blake and raise my eyebrow. He just shrugs and smiles


Anyways, we go through the whole class and of course nothing interesting happens. I go on about my day and walk to my second period, which is Calculus

I fucking hate math

I walk in and sit in my usual seat, but to my utter surprise Jocelyn isn’t sitting next to me. You guessed it, Damion is. He literally isn’t even in this class

I look at him, Dude, I think your in the wrong class.I whisper

He smirks, Nope, I’m in the right class. I switched to this one.” 

Why?I ask, genuinely confused

I like the people better in this class.Is all he says before he faces the board

My jaw drops a little. Did he justyeah he did. Umm, ok. I guess

Class starts and we are going through some equations, and surprise surprise. I am getting them all wrong. I finally just give up and lay my head down. That’s when I feel a hand on my thigh. My body tenses and I don’t move until I feel that hand start to massage my thigh

It feels good, and it feels a little better knowing its Damion. Even though it shouldn’t

I sit up, close my eyes, and breathe

Try the rest of the problems on your own.Mr. Freeze says

I groan

Come on, let me help you.Damion says with his hand still massaging my thigh

I look over to his a paper and he got all of them right, so I guess it couldn’t hurt off he 

helped me. I nod and he walks me through all the problems. I slowly start to get the hang of 

  1. it

He wrote the steps I need to follow out in my notebook so that when I get confused I can look at them. After that I actually started to get them right

The bell rings when I have three problems left, that means homework. Fuck

We all pack up, and I thank Damion. He nods in return. I walk out and start to go to my next class when I feel a presence next to me

Oh my God. Don’t tell me you have Anatomy too.I say to Damion

He of course just smirks


We go through the whole class and instead of Warren sitting by me Damion doesagain. That’s pretty much how the whole day goes. I go to class, Damions there, and he sits by me. I guess we have all the same classes now

Basically, the whole day was pretty boring. Although, it was funny when Jonas sat by me in CTE and Damion glared at him so hard he got up and moved

Now, its lunch. I was walking to the zoos usual table after getting my food, when someone grabbed my waist. Well I’ll be damed, its Damion. Shocker

Chapter So 

He leads me to his table and I follow because I see Blake and Kasey are already there

When I sit down I give them both a look that says, Why the fuck are we sitting here?The 

both bite back a smile

It is surprising relaxed. We are talking, laughing, and making fun of each other. I like it 


Huh, I heard the prissy bitch was back?I hear the most annoying snobby voice say. I turn around and see a snake, haha not really. She may act like one, but unfortunately her personality doesn’t match her appearance

Kristy Travis. My arch nemesis since Kindergarten. She always was a bitch, but I was always the bigger bitch. I guess it’s time I remind her why

With out missing a beat I say, Oh, yeah. I heard you had left for a couple weeks to get your ass done.I say with a sweet smile

She scoffs, Whatever, Lee. I just came to tell you that your spot as Sun Valley’s Most Beloved Princess is gone.” 

Oh, honey. That’s sad. You still aren’t letting that go. It was years ago. Move on.” 

A little backstory. When we were in third grade, there was a town pageant. It is called Little Miss Sun Valley, and you compete to win Sun Valley’s Most Beloved Princess. If you win you get to ride on floats, be in the newspaper, and basically get treated like a princess. Here’s the catch, you only get one shot. So, the year I was in third grade, and won. Kristy got first alternate. She was pissed, and so was her mother. They threw a big fit and Kristen, Kristy’s mom, tried to rip the crown off my head. I mean, can you imagine a grown ass woman trying to rip a crown off a 8 year old head. It was a cluster fuck

That title was mine, and you cheated. Everyone knows it.She says while pointing her finger in my face


Death My Alph

Death My Alph

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Death My Alph


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