Death My Alph 49

Death My Alph 49

Chapter 40 

I put down the blush brush and take another deep breathe. Then, I give the mirror a small 

smile. I had to make sure it looked believable, it does. My face drops to blank again and

get up and grab my bag

When I close my bedroom door and walk to the kitchen, my stomach growls. I didn’t eat 

yesterday at all, so it makes sense that I am hungry now. I grab a protein bar of Luca’s and my emotional support water bottle. It is a hydro flask that is plain black, basic I know. I still 

love it though. With that I grab my keys and lock the house

I still need to thank Max for looking at my car and towing it to the school. He missed school 

on Wednesday to do that, I have no idea why, but he still did it

I get in my car and turn it on before making my drive to school. Unfortunately, since I’m 

late I have to got o the front office to sign in. It is right at the entrence of the school, so it 

isn’t out of my way or anything. It just means people that I have to interact with, and I don’t 


feel very 

I still go and smile to keep up appearances. Mrs. Larson gives me the pass and I walk to anatomy. There is only about twenty minutes left of class before lunch, but I still should go

I walk in and everyone looks at me, I just give a small smile to the teacher and give her the 

pass. She smiles back and tells me to take When I turn around, Damion is staring daggers at me


I don’t really acknowledge him, I just still next to Trevor because there is a seat my him 


I don’t even bother getting anything out, I just lean against the table with my elbow propped up and my chin resting in my hand. My gaze remains to the front of the class, but I can feel him staring at me still. I swear if he stares any harder, he will male my head explode. Oh well

Soon, the bell rings and everyone rushes out. I stand up and grab my bag before I leisurely 


After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad 


Chapter 40 

walk out of class. As I walk down the hall, a few people give my smiles. I make sure to keep my soft smile on the whole time

I find myself at the field. Nobody is here, and its quiet. I didn’t want to be around people, especially Kasey and Blake because I knew they would bombarded me with questions. Plus, I for sure didn’t want to be around Damion after our fight, I just wanted to be alone

Once again, I put my AirPods in and listen to sad music. I lay down on my back on the bleacher and close my eyes. I stay like that until I hear the bell ring. I sit up and feel someone staring, but when I look around I’m alone. Weird

Anyways, I get up and walk back into the school. As I am passing my locker when someone attacks me into a hug and I almost fall. A few seconds pass, then I realize its Kasey

That’s when I hug her back

You crazy bitch. What the hell happened yesterday?She says while still hugging me

I smile softly, Sorry, I just needed some me time.I say

She lets go and puts her hands on my shoulders, ME TIME!She yells at me

My eyes widen because she is totally pissed, I mean she should be, but still I was caught off guard

Lee! I thought something happened to you. No one had seen you since the fight with Kristy, you didn’t answer your door and when me and Blake woke up this morning you still 

were in your house. We had to come to school because our parents would kill us if we 

didn’t, but you scared the shit out of me!She says quickly

I asked Damion if he’d seen you and he said no, and then I asked Blake and he said no, so

texted you and YOU didn’t answer! Fuck your me time, when I text and come over, you 

answer me so that I know your not dead!” 

Angry was not the right wordit is more like furious. Luckily, no one is paying attention because they are trying to get to class

I sigh, Look, Kasey. I’m sorry I ignored you and scared you. I didn’t mean to, but 


After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad 


Chapter 40 

sometimesI take a breath to try to keep it together


Sometimes, I’m going to do stuff like this. I’m going to disappear for awhile and your gonna wonder where the hell I am and for that I am so. Sorry. And I would like to say it doesn’t happed often, but it does. Thats just part of being friends with me. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.” 

She just looks at me, Lee. I need you to let me in. Please.She begs with tears in her eyes

My eyes are now tearing up too, I pause and think about whether or not to let her in. It will scare the shit out of her to know what happened when it gets bad. This was only the beginning


Death My Alph

Death My Alph

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Death My Alph


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