Chapter 59
“You’re right, but I’m still sorry. I just… they won’t charge him with anything right, I mean he didn’t do anything to Jared did he?”
Nobody answers me, and nobody makes eye contact.
Nothing again.
“Shit.” I mumble.
“I don’t even care anymore, I just want him out. Lets go.” I say as I open the door.
I look over and there is an older man in a grey suit sitting in a chair. If I’m not wrong he is
Damion’s families lawyer, Mr. Crawford.
Mr. Cruz walks over to him and shakes his hand, they go to the front desk and ask about
Damion while we all sit down. We wait for about five minutes, and then Sheriff Sanchez
comes out. We all stand up and go over to listen.
He looks to me, “Lee. I would like to speak with you.”
“With her lawyer in the room, I assume.” Mr. Cruz says.
“Uh, Mr. Cruz.” He looks over to me.
“I don’t have a lawyer.”
“Mr. Crawford will be representing you.” He says to me.
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Wont Mad
“O ok.”
“Shall we?” The Sheriff asks as he hold the door to the back of the station open for me.
I nod and walk through the door as Mr. Crawford follows me.
“Right this way.” Sheriff Sanchez says to me with his arm extended into an interrogation
I look around to see if I can see Damion, but I don’t. Mr. Crawford comes up behind me and lightly pushed me inside while telling me I will get to see him soon.
The room has a silver table and four chairs to match, and on the side I am facing there is one of those windows that you can’t see out of, but people can see in. There is two black napkins with a glasses of water on top sitting the table.
It is cold, but I feel better with Damion sweatshirt on. It smells like him, and is warm.
The Sheriff sits down across from me, and Mr. Crawford sits down next to me.
“I want you to tell me about what happened last night.”
I look over to Mr. Crawford and he nods.
“I went to the victory party with Kasey and when Damion got there we went into the bathroom to… make out. After a few minuets he got a phone call from his dad so he stepped
out to take it. I was alone in there for about two minutes before Jared came in. I asked him what he was doing there and he came and stood in between my legs. He started touching me, so I asked him to stop. He got angry and started chocking me. He pulled my dress
up and ripped my y underwear off. I screamed and begged him to stop, but he didn’t. Then, he took his… dick out and Damion came in. He pushed him off me and pinned him against the
wall. Blake came and carried me out of the bathroom to Damion’s truck. Then Damion
came outside and took me home. He was with me the whole night.” I say wiping a tear from
my face.
He nods, “And were you having sexual intercourse with both boys?”
“What! No. I haven’t been having sexual intercourse with anyone. Why would you even ask
After Eaking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
me that?”
“I am just trying to get a better understanding of the situation.”
“What happened was Jared tried to rape me because he has some sick fantasy. Damion stopped him and took care of me the whole night.” I said angrily.
“Did Damion ever hurt you?”
“Are you even listening to me? Damion helped me. You want to see what the person who hurt me did, fine.” I grabbed the napkin and dipped it in the glass of water in front of me. I cleaned off my neck and threw the napkin down.
“Jared hurt me, not Damion. You have the wrong person, Damion didn’t do anything.”
He looks at my neck with wide eyes.
Officer Peters comes in and whispers in the Sheriffs ear. He nods and looks back to me.
“Damion would like to see you
I stand up and walk out. Damion is standing by the door with his hands in his pockets.
I run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. His arms find my waist and his kisses.
my neck. We stay like that for awhile before pulling apart.
“Are you ok?” I ask him.
“Yeah, I’m not being charged. They have no proof I did anything.”
I nod and give him a long kiss.
We break after a few moments and he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. We look