Chapter 63
I think of the feeling of her nails scratching my back as she screams my name.
I think of her soft lips around my dick as she swirls her
I think of how sweet her pussy tastes.
I groan and throw my head back while my cum shoots down the drain.
I wash my body, turn off the water, and step out while grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist.
I wipe the mirror down and look at my reflection, “Don’t fuck this up.” I say.
Then, I start getting ready. I brush my teeth, put on deodorant and cologne, and get dressed in a white shirt, jeans, and black vans. I know Lee like when guys wear vans.
I put my silver chain and wolf ring back on and check myself in the mirror one last time before leaving.
“Alright, lets go get my girl.” I mumble to myself before walking out of my room.
Lee’s POV:
I am crazy about him.
Like, I think I need to be medicated or something.
He left not even thirty seconds ago, and I already miss him so much it physically hurts me.
That pain in my chest is back, and I hate it… but I love hi-
After Faking My Death, My Alphia Husband Went Mad
Chapret 3
Hell to the no.
I get up and walk to the bathroom, and then start the shower. I get in and condition my hair, while that sits I wash my body and shave. Then, I rinse the conditioner and shampoo
I turn off the water and ring my hair out. I grab a towel and throw my hair up in it and the
wrap another one around my body.
The mirror is foggy, so I wipe it down. I stare at myself for a few moments. “Don’t fuck this
up.” I say to myself.
I walk away and start getting ready. I lotion my body, do my skin and hair routine, blow dry my hair into slight waves, do some natural makeup (including covering Jared’s bruise), and
go to my closet.
I look around, but I have nothing to wear.
I gasp and run to my phone.
I click on the contact and it rings once, “Hello?” They ask.
“I have a date with Damion in and hour and have nothing to wear.”
“I will be there in five.” And they cut the call.
Five minutes later, I hear a knock. I run to my front door and throw it open, “Kasey! I am so glad you’re here!”
She comes in and hugs me, “Ok, we got this.”
We walk into my room and she throws the dresses she brought down on my bed, “I am loving your hair and makeup bestie.” She says with a big smile.
“Thanks I just finished it!”
“Well, it looks great! Now, we need to find you a dress.”
After Taking My Death My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapet et Спорит
We both nod and I try on about agazillion dresses.
I put on a a cute white, sleeveless sun dress that has a v neckline, ties at the waist, and stops at my upper thigh. It says, I am an innocent angel who needs a bad boy to ruin me.
Damion… Damion is the bad boy who is going to ruin me.
I look in the mirror and smile. “This one.”
I do a little hair flip, “Why thank you.”
We both laugh as I walk over to my jewelry stand and pick out some light blue pearl earrings for my first holes, and silver studs fo my seconds and thirds.
“Do you think I can wear my light blue vans with this?” I ask Kasey.
“Mmm, yeah. I think it would look cute.”
“Good, I really didn’t want to wear heels.”
I sit down on my bed and put my socks on.
“Are you nervous?”
I think for a second, “No.”
“Yeah, its weird. He doesn’t make me feel nervous, he makes me feels… calm.”
“Awww, that is so sweet.”
I laugh, “Shut up.”
My cheeks are definitely turning red now.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chaput d
I tie my shoes and stand up to look at myself in the mirror. Kasey comes up behind me and hugs me. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks.” I say with a smile.
“And thank you for helping me get ready.”
“Of course, that’s what best friends are for.”
We laugh.
“Well, I better go before Damion gets here, call me when you get a chance ok?”
I nod. “Thanks Kasey, I love you.” I yell the last part as she walk down the hall to the front
“I love you too.” She yells back.
I hear the door shut and I go sit on my bed for a few minutes to wait for Damion. I scroll through social media and a picture of Jason and Kayla pops up.
I can’t wait to post pictures of me and Damion.
That was my first thought. Not wow, he moved on quickly, or ouch that hurts, no I thought of me and Damion. I smile and scroll past without a care.
Jason was a sucky boyfriend and Kayla was a sucky friend, they deserve each other.
I hear a knock, so I shut my phone off and walk to the door. When I open it Damion is standing there is all this glory leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. he has a white shirt, jeans, and Vans on. He looks good enough to eat, if you know what I
Before I can even say anything he kisses me.
“I missed you.” He mumbles against my lips.
I laugh and give him a peck, “I missed you too.”
After Taking My Death. My Alidia Husband Went Mad
Chapter 6
I nod.
He groans, “Come on, we have to leave before I tie you to the bed… again.”
I throw my head back and laugh. Then, I push him outside and lock the door.
“Lets go you dirty dog.”
“I thought you liked how dirty I was?” He says while taking my hand and walking to his
“Once again, never said I didn’t.” I say with a smirk.
I stand by the door and wait for him to open it. When I do he smiles at me, “What?” I ask.
“You are finally learning that you aren’t opening doors around me huh?”
I roll my eyes, “I was tired of getting my hand slapped away.”
He laughs and shuts the door after I get in. While he gets in the truck I buckle he gives me a peck and puts his seatbelt on after. He starts driving. But not before putting his hand on my thigh and gently massaging my leg. His actions made me smile. I loved the way he made me feel.
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