Chapter 78
I throw my head back and laugh while Damion glares at Blake, “She’s mine, fuck off.” He
“Ahh come on man, I want to hug my best friend.” He whines.
I grab Damions hands and drag him away from between my car and someone else so that
ir friends.
we can see our
“Hey guys.” I say while hugging Blake.
“Hey.” Max mumbles.
“Hey, Lee.” Warren says with a smile like always.
“Hey, babe.” Kasey says as I go and hug her.
I walk back a few steps and lean against the right, front side of my car while Damion is on my left side with his arm around my shoulder. I reach my right arm up and clap my hand
with his. He looks down at me and smiles.
“Whipped.” Warren yells.
Everyone laughs and Damion shrugs, “I’m not ashamed.” He says.
“Awww.” I say.
“Oh my God you guys are so cute together.” Kasey gushes as Max looks at her with a blank stare. I can tell he likes her, but he hides it.
“So tell us, Lee. Is he as clingy as he was in 3rd grade.” Warren asks while crossing his arms.
I laugh and look up at Damion, “He’s worse.”
He looks down at me, “You still love me though.”
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
“Yes, yes I do.”
“Woah you love each other! I think I skipped a chapter or something.” Kasey says with wide
“Ehh, we all say it coming.” Blake says with a shrug.
The bell rings and we all groan. Me and Damion get off my car and walk into school with our hands intertwined. We all separate to go to our lockers and put our stuff away.
I grab my anatomy book out of my bag and put it on my locker since I don’t need it for first period. Then, I close my locker and look over to Kasey.
“He totally likes you.” I whisper to her.
“Huh?” She asks with wide eyes.
“Max. He likes you.”
“No he doesn’t.” She says while shaking her head and closing her locker.
“Hmmm, keep telling yourself that, but I’m right.” I turn around and lean against my locker
as we wait for Blake.
“Blake?” I say.
“Yeah?” He says while looking at me
“Does Max like Kasey?”
His eyes widen for a second and then turn normal, “Umm I don’t know.”
“Fuckin” liar.” I say to him and then turn to Kasey.
“He does.”
“No he doesn’t, if he did he would have done something by now.” She rolls her eyes.
After Taking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
“Ok, then go out with someone else and see how he reacts.”
She furrows her brow, “What would that do?”
Now I roll my eyes, “It will make him jealous and he will realize that he’s holding up the damn line.”
“What do you mean the line, there’s no line.”
“Trust me there is, we just have to find them.”
“Find who?” Damion asks as he prop his hand by my head and leans against it.
“Nothing. Just girl stuff. Ready for class?” I ask.
He gives me a peck and then grab my hand. We walk a few feet until we reach the classroom door and I reach out before stopping and pulling my hand back.
“Good girl.” He whispers in my ear before opening it.
Dammit why does he say such hot things to me when I can’t even fuck him.
We walk in and sit down as our seats.
Class drones on, and then we switch a few times. Each time I stay with Damion and he sits
by me with putting his hand on my thigh. I tried to move it but he just glared at me and squeezed my leg.
I told him we would get in trouble but he just scoffed.
Now, its lunch and I am in the bathroom while Damion is grabbing me lunch. I walk out
and bump into someone.
“Oh shit I’m sorry.” I say while putting my hand on their shoulder.
I look up and see its a guy that I have never seen before. Which is weird because everyone knows everyone.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
He has blond hair and green eyes and is about 6’1. I would say he looks about eighteen give
or take.
“No that was my bad, I got lost and wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Oh, are you new?” I ask while taking my hand back.
He chuckles, “Yeah, I just moved here. Nice to meet you.” He offers his hand.
I take it and shake it hand, “Nice to meet you too, I’m Lee.”
“Where is it you were trying to find?” I ask him.
“Oh umm the front office. I need to change my schedule.” He says.
“Oh ok. Umm its just down this hallway and to the left. There is a Viking painted on the building, you can’t miss it.”
“Ok, thank your help. I will be seeing you soon.” He says with a weird tone.
I smile and furrow my brow a little, “Yeah I guess so.”
“Bye, Lee.” He says while leaning closer to me.
I lean back a little, “Bye.” And I walk away.
I stop and turn back to him when I realize something, “Hey I didn’t get your… name.” I whisper the last part when I see he isn’t there.