Chapter 88
He kisses me harshly and then moves to my neck. His pushes my tank top strap off my shoulder and bites my sweet spot. I let out a loud moan causing him to bite harder. His hands tighten on my wrists and I feel a pinch on my neck.
“Ahh! Damion.” I say in hopes that he stops.
“Damion, that hurts.” I whimper.
As if he finally hears me, he lets go like I’m on fire and I grab my neck. I feel something wet, I look and there’s a small drop of blood on my finger.
His eyes widen when he sees it, “Lee, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m so sorry.” He says before surging forward and softly grabbing my wrists and examines them There are light bruises in the shape of his hands.
He runs his fingers over them, “I’m sorry. I–I lost control… I am so sorry.” He whispers.
“It’s ok. It was an accident a–and those bruises were already there. I mean, they were lighter
but they were there.” I reassure.
He looks up at me, “From me?”
I nod, “From… last night.”
“God, I just keep messing up.” He mumbles to himself.
“Babe, it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve had worse.”
“From me?”
“No, no. From… Jason. Sometimes he would get a little… angry.
He lets go of me, turns around, and runs his hands through his hair in frustration.
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
“Damion. Don’t do that.”
“Do what!?” He yells.
“I just hurt you, Lee. I hurt you! I am just like him.” He whispers
the last part.
I furrow my brow trying to figure out who him is, but then I realize, “No, no. You aren’t like
Jason. Please don’t do that ok? I’m fine. We are fine.”
“You aren’t fine, Lee. You aren’t fine.” He say quietly.
He turns to leave and I try to stop him, but he ignores me and storms out. I am left there wondering what the fuck just happened. We were fine few hours ago and now Damion is upset. I am upset that he’s upset and at the fact that he thought I cheated. Its like a switch just flipped.
I walk over to the window and process what happened. Its pretty dark out, but the moon is really bright. I look up and stare at it. Its a full moon, and it looks beautiful.
Damion’s POV:
I shouldn’t have gone to see her. Its too close to the full moon. My sense and emotions are everywhere, but I just wanted to see her. No, more like needed. But I hurt her, I can’t be careless like this anymore.
I quickly park my truck on the side of the road, get out, and start to walk into the woods. while tearing my clothes off.
The look on her face. The blood on her hand, the bruises on her wrists. I did that because I
thought I was in control.
I start to get flashes of her face. She looked scared and hurt. I did that and I will never forgive myself for it. From now on I have to hold back, I can’t pretend like we are the same.
I’m not human and she is. Its time I act like it.
“Damion.” I hear her whisper in my head.
I feel the change start to happen. My nails turn into claws and I push them into the tree.
After Faldry My Death. My Moha Husband Went Mad
Chaptet H
Lam too close to the road, so I stumble forward and use another tree to catch myself as I let the moon change me. My teeth start to poke my lip as my fangs grow. I drop to my hands as knees and feel my bones start to break. I grunt at the pain. I am used to it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt like a bitch.
“Damion?” I hear someone yell.
At first I thought imagined it, but then I hear it again. This time it was closer. A pomegranate and lemon scent fills my nose and my heart stops for a second.
Its Lee.
“Damion! Its me! Are you ok? I saw your truck!” She yells as she makes her way through the woods with her phone light on.
I have to ge
get out of here. For the first few minutes after the change my human mind is fuzzy. The wolf inside is in control until I finally adjust. I could hurt her again.
I stumble through the woods is hopes of putting some distance between us. Her life depends on it, which means my life depends on it.
My eyes start to glow so that I can see in the dark, my spine breaks a little to adjust to my wolf form. My arms, legs, and everything else is breaking so that I can become what I really am. An animal.
I hear a gasp.
She can hear me, I know she can. I can’t let her see me though, not yet. Its too soon. Finally, my body completes the shift. I smell her. I hear her breathe and her heartbeat.
I growl and suddenly her heartbeat picks up.
“Damion?” She whispers.
I turn around and slowly walk towards her. She comes into view and I stop and stare at her. She’s mine. I need to make her mine. I lick my snout and make my way through the the
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
trees so she can see me.
- HO)
Chapter 89