Chapter 90
“Wait a second, are you and Damion… together?” He asks with an expression I can’t quite
I sigh, “I was going to tell you ”
“When!?” He yells.
No my fear has turned into anger, “Hmmm, I don’t know. How about when you decided to actually come home and be my guardian instead of traveling all the damn time and just sending me money like that fixes everything!”
“That’s not fair! I am just trying to make sure you have a good life! That requires me
I scoff, “That’s some bullshit! Having money isn’t making sure I have good life Luca. Being here when I n–need you the most, being here when I go into an episode and feel like I am s–suffocating is making sure I have a good life! I don’t want money, I want my brother!” I
as my voice cracks from me crying.
say a
His face his filled with regret, “Lee-”
I cut him off, “No. I don’t have time for this. I need to make sure Damion is ok.” I start to
L away to go call the g
but Luca grabs my arm.
“He’s fine Lee. Trust me. He will explain… eventually.” He says vaguely.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘he’s ok,‘ did you not hear the part about the wolf?!” I yell.
He starts to look angry, “Yes, I did. And that is exactly why I didn’t want you involved with him. You should have told me you were together.”
“What does the wolf have to do with me and Damion dating? And why don’t you want us together? The whole fucking town was ecstatic when we got together, so why aren’t you?”
He rolls his eyes and sighs, “Everything will make sense. Just get some sleep, its late.”
“Its ten and I’m not tired, what aren’t you telling me?” I demand.
“Lee… go to your room.” He demands.
My face twist in disgust, “You do not get to play parent now, not after you left me here with nobody for a fucking month.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would matter that much, but from now on I won’t go away so much. I am going to start being here… I promise.” He says holding out his pinky for me.
I look at him for a few moments, and then I hook my pinky with his. I start to cry and he pulls me into a hug. This is what I needed. I needed my big brother.
“Are you sure he will be ok?” I ask him.
“Positive. I just hope you can forgive me.” He says lowly.
“I do.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t mean for not being here.” I pull away and look at his with a
furrowed brow.
“Don’t worry about it.”
I nod.
Lee’s POV:
“Hey babe.” Damion says as he comes up to me in the parking lot as soon as I am out of my
“Don’t you dare ‘babe‘ me jackass.”
I see the guys and Kasey all look like they aren’t listening, but in reality I know they are.
I push past Damion and try to walk into school, but he grabs my elbow and stops me. “Lee, I
Chapter 90
am sorry for storming off and I am sorry for hurting you. It won’t happen again.”
“You are damn right it won’t. Who the fuck storms off into the middle of the goddamn woods… alone? Your crazy ass, that’s who. I mean do you even know what the hell I went through looking for you? Oh thats right, you don’t.” I whisper yell at him so that the whole school doesn’t know we are fighting.
“Lee-” The bell rings cutting him off.
“I gotta go. I am pissed off right now, so stay away from me.” I tell him angrily.
His whole face drops into one of hurt, sadness, and fear. It breaks my heart, “F–for how long? Are you breaking up with me? You promised you wouldn’t leave? Baby please don’t leave.” He begs.
I sigh, grab him by his collar and pull him to my lips. He is so shocked he doesn’t kiss me back for a minute. Then, he grabs my hips and wraps his arms around me. I softly push my
into his mouth and he moans. I kiss him for a couple of seconds before pulling my
lips away.
His eyes are closed and lips are swollen and red. Slowly he opens his eyes until the are wide. His lips part a little in shock of what just happened. I would be a liar if I said his reaction didn’t majorly boost my ego.
I let go off his shirt and smoothen it out with my hands while I tell him, “Not a breakup… space.” He is looking at me, but I am almost positive he didn’t hear a words I said. He moves. to kiss me again and I pull away with a frown.
“Space Damion. I am still mad.” He looks up at me with a furrowed brow. Then, as if his brain finally realized what I was saying his face relaxed into a slight pout.
I pat his chest and start to walk away, but his arms don’t let me go.
Chapter 91