Defiant Surrogate 43

Defiant Surrogate 43

09:53 Tue, Nov 19 B BB 

Chapter 43 

When the kiss ends, I feel a little lightheaded, caught up in the whirlwind of King Caleb and his masterful tongue. As I try to catch my breath, Caleb glowers at all the onlookers, as if making sure the message was received 

I am King Caleb’s. No one else is allowed to touch

I know better than to argue with a king in front of a crowded room, so I keep my mouth shut about it. Though, in my mind. I will always belong to myself

Slowly, the band begins playing music again, and the guests start talking amongst themselves, going on as if nothing occurred

Near the door, I watch as a pair of guards escort the man with the green the out of the room

Glancing around, I notice that the only people who haven’t continued on are several of the other harem members. Instead, they are glaring at me with hate and envy in their eyes

Don’t they understand that I had nothing to do with what just occurred? Though perhaps it’s not my actions that upset them, but those of the King. After all, his arm lingers around my waist, not theirs

Jealousy could drive someone to hate

Looking back to Caleb, I speak softly. Perhaps I should return to mingling?I intonate it like a question, so as not to raise offense by having my own mind

No,Caleb says gruffly. His arm tightens around my waist, pulling me more firmly against his side. Everyone in this room wants to steal you away, I will not give them, nor you, the opportunity to plot against me

I have no intention of 

“I don’t believe you.he says, cutting me off

How can he possibly function at all, being this paranoid? Still, I suppose his distrust of everyone has kept him alive this long

I can’t fault him for that, even if it does seem like it makes his day to day life utterly unbearable

You flirted with him,Caleb grumbles at me. If I see you do su again, it will not be a kiss I give you next.” 

Images of torture flash through my mind, all needles and blades, blood and misery. The blood drains from my face

Caleb notices. Are you afraid? For yourself or for your collaborator? He will go under my knife. But you? You, I will fuck right here on this throne, in front of everyone. I will make you stream my name and they will see and know without question that you are mine.” 

My face goes from pale to blushing so fast, that I feel a bit dizzy 

I’d rather not have sex in front of a room full of people, thank you very 


Now,Caleb says smugly, likely recognizing the change in me. Do we have an understanding?” 

Yes,” I somehow manage to say, despite my heart being in my throat and pounding sq loudly it echoes in my ears

No flirting with other men.” 

understand,I say

Good.Slowly Caleb lifts one of his hands, the other still on my waist, and lightly traces the metal collar around my while humming in satisfaction


09:53 Tue. Nov 19 G

Chapter 43 

After a few more moments. Caleb lifts me down from the stage, then hops down himself, and we start to walk around. King Caleb and his guests talk as if I’m not even present. If they glance at me, it is only for a fleeting moment or two. Meanwhile, Caleb’s hand stays firmly on my waist

I’m a decorative ornament more than a person. I guess this is my place now. It’s certainly better than being trapped down in. the pit under the arena waiting to die. Though there remains a certain level of danger here

I must always be careful to not embarrass the king, or I might wish I was facing down those lions again

A shiver of fear runs down my spine at the memories, and it’s suddenly becoming much harder than before to maintain my smile

I need a moment to myself, to recollect myself in time to face this once again. But how can I slip away unnoticed

Only one excuse comes to mind, that might satisfy Caleb 

As he leaves one conversation, moving to head into another, I lightly tap his shoulder and whisper, I have to use the bathroom.” 

He gives me a long, searching look, then starts to remove his hand from my waist. He does so slowly, trailing his fingers lightly over my backside as he lets his hand drop

Return quickly,Caleb growls under his breath. Lest I think you plotting something 

Of course,I reply. Then, free of his hand, I spin and hurry away 

I’ve been to the Hall many times and therefore know exactly where the bathrooms are in the hallways outside of it. Exiting the bathroom, I turn the corner down the hallway to find the bathrooms, and nearly run straight into Madeline and two of her entourage, lesser members of the harem 

They all turn to look at me

Well, well, look what has walked right into our lap,Madeline says coolly. Here we were, trying to devise a way to get you alone, and all we really had to do was wait.” 

I start to take a step backwards, but I bump into a third entourage member behind me. This one, I quickly notice, is carrying a knife

I’ll scream,I say. We might not be seen here by the bulk of the party, but if I scream loud enough someone will likely hear and investigate

You won’t,Madeline says. Unless you want Gwen to cut your throat.Madeline huffs a quick laugh. It wouldn’t be the first time, would it, Gwen?” 

Nor the second,says the girl with the knife- Gwen, presumably 

I swallow down my fear. A murderous woman with a knife is still not as frightening as a pack of lions

What do you want?I ask Madeline, who is clearly the leader of this group

You are willing to be reasonable. Good Disappointing for Gwen, but less cleanup.Madeline tilts her head. As the newest of the harem, you should be least important. Sure you are a shiny thing that the King is obsessed with for the moment, but he will soon cast you aside as he has all the rest. You need to learn your place.” 

You aren’t special,Gwen says from behind me

I turn, placing my back against the wall to keep all of my threats in view in front of me

You aren’t even that pretty,says one of the other women

09:53 Tue, Nov 19 

Chapter 43 


I am the head of the harem, now that Veronica is gone,” Madeline says. “You will listen to my commands, as well as those of all who came before you. That is the way things are done here.” 

She wants me to blindly obey every single member of the harem? Like hell. I may be a slave here, but only to the King and those he tells me to obey. I’m not going to run errands for a group of bullies

Even if one of those bullies has a knife

Although that does make negotiations slightly more compelling 

I didn’t choose this,I say. The King picked me. He gave me the room beside his. He chooses to shower me in gifts and attention. I’ve done nothing to warrant any of this.” 

So you won’t fall in line?Madeline asks, narrowing her eyes

I’m not your slave.I tell her

Her upper lip curls. If you think we haven’t dealt with girls like you in the past, you are mistaken.Turning to Gwen, she nods. Once we tarnish your pretty little face, the King will lose interest. Then you will know what it’s like to be at our 


Gwen takes a threatening step forward, lifting her knife

Swallowing thickly, I try hard to remember the Pitmaster’s training. I really wish I still had my blade. As it is, I have nothing to defend myself

Gwen roars as she slashes forward

I raise my arms

Blood splatters over the tiles of the floor


Defiant Surrogate

Defiant Surrogate

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Defiant Surrogate


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