Defiant Surrogate 45

Defiant Surrogate 45


09:53 Tue, Nov 19 BBB

Chapter 45 

Bethany continues to clean Harper’s wounds, though her mind is reeling. Why won’t Harper tell the King what he demands? Madeline, Gwen, and the others deserve whatever punishment comes their way, not just for what happened here today, but also for so many other atrocities they’ve committed against fellow harem members and their wait staff

Bethany’s previous mistress was even the victim of their crimes once. They tied a frail rope around her waist and dangled her off the rafters, laughing about how she looked like a bobber on a fishing line

They didn’t even ask her anything, or seemingly want anything from her. They just wanted to watch her suffer

Bethany had been younger then, more timid. She’d been too afraid to intervene

Not like she was this time, rushing in to save Harper from the knife. Maybe Harper’s kindness had helped embolden her. After all, Harper stood up for her against the bullies. Fair’s fair, Harper deserved that kind of loyalty in return

Harper is a good person, unlike most of the people in this place. Perhaps that is why she is unwilling to give up Madeline. and Gwen. She knows, with the King’s temper, they will most likely die

But why give such loyalty to people who don’t deserve it? Especially if it earns her the King’s ire in return

Yet, after looking at Harper’s face of defiance, I slightly turn to glance at King Caleb’s reaction

He’s clearly furious, at the start of shifting into his wolf, yet he does not lose control. The opposite seems to be true h slowly returning to his normal human self

His glare falls onto Bethany, and she holds her breath, frightened 

Finish cleaning her wounds and then bring her back to the partyCaleb tells her. Then, turning toward the door, he barks at Tristan. Stay with them to ensure they follow my commands 

Yes, King Caleb,Tristan says with a small bow

Without another word, Caleb strides to the door, opens it, and walks through. He slams it closed after him

Bethany jumps, but neither Tristan nor Harper have any outward reaction.. 

In the King’s absence, Bethany is even more confused. She has seen King Caleb interact with dozens of harem members 

er the years. He has never invested himself into their drama before, usually leaving the women to sort it out for themselves even after bloodshed, or the dangling of Bethany’s previous mistress from the rafters

Why, suddenly, does he seem to care so much about this one woman

What could possibly make Harper so special

It’s not Bethany’s place to question, so she continues her work, now covering the wounds with bandages 

Yet the question does stay on her mind as she does so

Tristan walks closer Bethany and me, that familiar bored expression on his face

You could just tell him the truth,Tristan says

I don’t know what you are talking about,I continue to lie

Looking at me, Tristan tilts his head slightly to one side. Why protect the women who did this? If you say their names, King Caleb won’t even question you. Not now, and not after. He will simply eliminate the threat.” 


09:53 Tue, Nov 19 BBB

Chapter 45 

I imagine that’s how things often happen around here,I tell him. But that’s not how things will be with me. I’m not going to have people murdered on a whim.” 

It’s justice,Tristan says. They attacked the King’s property with a blade. They deserve to have that same blade driven through them.” 

The way he can so casually talk about killing someone makes me feel sick to my stomach

You are too soft. Tristan says

Not vindictive enough, is more likely,I reply. I’ve seen enough death and what counts for your idea of justice around this place. I certainly won’t contribute to it.” 

Some of the boredom ebbs from Tristan’s face, replaced now with a distant curiosity, the kind someone might express as they look at something unusual in an otherwise wellknown place

You aren’t like anyone else in this kingdom, Tristan says. None that I’ve met before, anyway. No wonder you’ve stayed on his mind.” 

I’m not all that strange,I reply, feeling selfconscious

You are,Bethany agrees, speaking up. As I consider her. I find her giving me the same odd look that Tristan is. No one here would take the time to learn the name of a slave.” 

You are my handmaiden,I argue. We are going to talk every single day. Why would I want to keep you so distant?” 

Typically, Tristan cuts in. “Everyone here only looks out for themselves.” 

I couldn’t live like that,I say

That’s why you are strange Bethany says

Now, with the two of them ganging up on me, I’m really starting to feel selfconscious. Not enough that I will actually change anything about who I am, but enough that I really want this conversation to move onto something else

How are my arms?I ask Bethany. She’s placing on the final bandage. I don’t want to keep the King waiting.Almost done,” Bethany says, focusing on her work

To Tristan, I say, People will notice the tears of my sleeves and my sudden bandages. Should I change?Tristan shakes his head. It would be more obvious if you changed.” 

We’ll remove your sleeves,Bethany says. They’ve gotten all bloody anyway.” 


o one will say a word 

not to be approached.” 

Tristan says. They couldn’t ask even if they thought to. The King has made clear your are 

After fixing my bandages, Bethany removes her sewing kit once more and starts working on my sleeves. She cuts away the bloodied scraps then quickly mends what’s left, to make it seem as if the sleeves had been like this from the start

I’ll wait outside, Tristan says, stepping into the hallway

When he’s gone, Hook at Bethany. They kept confronting me about who did this. You were there, but they did not ask you 


Bethany lightly shakes her head. I’m a slave. My word means nothing. I could scream Madeline’s name until my throat went hoarse, bilt go one would believe me. You are the one they will listen to. You have to be the one to tell them, or they will not act.” 

09:53 Tue, Nov 19 BBB

Chapter 45 

I won’t tell them,I say 

Then they won’t act. Bethany finishes her work, then stands. You are ready.” 

Outside of the room, I reconvene with Tristan and together we walk back to the Hall. He doesn’t speak to me along the way, so I don’t speak to him either

The guard at the door lets us in, and immediately I start searching for Caleb. Tristan stays at my side as he scour the room, then begin walking through. I suppose, in this case, Tristan is acting as Caleb’s proxy, keeping away any potential 

conspirators that I might be plotting with. Or whatever else Caleb’s paranoid mind invented

There he is,” Tristan says, spotting Caleb first. He touches my arm, veering me in the right direction

A few people clear from our path, opening up the line of sight, and 1 see him, Caleb

I also see the woman standing very close to him

The woman whose hand is resting far too comfortably on Caleb’s chest


Defiant Surrogate

Defiant Surrogate

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Defiant Surrogate


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