Chapter 72
Samuel starts to squirm, something that Caleb deeply enjoys, expecially because he knows he’s the cause. This man is a worm, upsetting one of Caleb’s consorts, then trying to meet her here secretly behind everyone’s back.
“I can’t imagine your wife would like hearing about this,” Caleb says, rubbing salt in the wound.
It must hurt because Samuel winces. Good. The more pain he suffers the better.
It’s mostly the betrayal and the potential plot against him that has Caleb furious at this snake. Though, if he admits to himself, he’s not exactly pleased with the way this man had hurt Harper. Seeing her so defeated, after she had been so defiant for so long, irked him the wrong way.
A frustrating image, Harper broken. Unfortunately, it’s stuck with him all this time. Like an unwelcome pebble in his shoe.
*Please, King Caleb, Samuel says, bowing low. “I didn’t mean any harm. There’s no reason to tell Leah…”
“No? But I suppose it is alright for you to lust after my consort?”
“We’ve been friends a long time,” Samuel says. “I merely hoped to repair our friendship. I do love her, as you said as a
Caleb inwardly rolls his eyes. He has some serious doubts about the honesty in that. But he keeps his outward face expressionless and cold. He has no intention of giving Samuel any insight into what he’s thinking.
“She is in my harem now,” Caleb says. “She belongs to me. If I wished it, it would be well within my rights to have your eyes ripped out for daring to look at her too long.”
“Forgive me! I meant no offense!” He bows impossibly lower. It looks uncomfortable.
What a sniveling little coward. If he actually loved Harper, he’s doing a piss poor job of showing it
Though… while he has Samuel here, cowering like a child, perhaps Caleb can finally have some answers to the questions that have been bothering him.
“Tell me of your relationship with Harper. You were engaged once, weren’t you?” Caleb asks.
“Yes, sire.” Samuel continues speaking down to the ground, afraid perhaps to even lift his gaze. “We grew up together. I proposed, thinking she might be my Luna..”
“She was disgraced,” Samuel says. “She had an affair. She swears she was drugged, but there’s never been any truth to that. My family… Her family… The whole pack thinks she’s lying and that she just wanted to shirk her responsibilities as Luna,”
Caleb frowns. From what he’s seen of Harper, she does not back down from a challenge. He doubts she would have hidden away from the responsibilities of leading her pack. If she didn’t want the job, she seems like the type who would have just told Samuel so, not go through the deceits and deceptions.
“What did you think? Did you believe her?”
“I wanted to. Samuel says.
Not good enough. This man never deserved to have a partner as defiant and strong as Harper. It’s no wonder to Caleb why a weakling like Samuel would instead flock to the lesser sister.
“So she was disgraced. Is that when you moved onto her sister?”
11:51 Thu, Nov 21
Chapter 72
“It’s not that simple…‘
“It sounds that simple to me.” Caleb growls, actually mad now, though he doesn’t fully understand why. “An Alpha makes his own choices and decisions. What kind of leader will you be if you can’t even decide to marry the woman you claim to love?”
“We’re just friends” Samuel says.
Caleb growls louder. “Liar.”
This pathetic fool has an excuse for everything. Caleb absolutely hates him. If he didn’t need him for the success of this Council, he would tear him to shreds right here in the courtyard.
Samuel falls to his knees. “What happens now, King Caleb? Please, spare me!”
This time Caleb does roll his eyes. This despicable coward! He will not stand up for his love, or even for himself!
“If I hear you tried to talk to Harper again, I will rip your throat out,” Caleb growls. “You will never talk to anyone else ever
“Y–yes, sir.”
“Now, get out of my sight. The very sight of you disgusts me.”
Samuel starts to move a
at once. “Thank you, my King. Thank you so much!” He turns and darts away.
Caleb watches after him, already plotting his demise.
It will have to come later, after the Council and the war.
But someday, Caleb will challenge this coward to the ring himself and tear him apart with his bare hands.
1 sits awake in my bed, nervously waiting for Bethany to return. Bethany said she’d be fine, that no one questions handmaidens, but I still worry. I didn’t send the poor girl to her death, did I? I’d never be able to live with myself if something happens to her.
I should have just ignored Samuel entirely, I’d have gladly stay broken if it meant Bethany would be safe.
Selfish. That’s all I’ve been lately. I need to pull myself together. I need to do better..
Just then, the door bursts open and Bethany walks inside.
Immediately I jump to my feet. Bethany’s out of breath, she must have run all this way. I need to make sure she’s safe.
“Are you okay?” I ask. Circling around her, I see no obvious injunes. “What happened?”
“I’m fine,” she says. “I told you, no one stopped me. Everything was fine until your ex–boyfriend spotted ine.”
“He did? Bethany.”
“It’s fine. Here, sit down, she says, leading me to the table.
“You should be the one to sit down,” I tell her. I’ve done nothing but rest in her absence.
“We’ll both sit,” she says, compromising. “I don’t want you to fall over and bust your knees again when I tell you what he
I keep pace with Bethany, not wanting to seem too rager. When he sits, I join her.
“He was disappointed,” Bethany says. I could see that. “And the dummy kept saying your name, like it wasn’t going to get you
Thu, Nov 21
Chapter 72
both in trouble”
I worry my hands together. “He must have been desperate to be so reckless.”
“Yeah, sure.” Bethany says, clearly not believing me..
“He’s a good man, I tell her. “When we were kids-
“Yeah, yeah, you’ve told me.”
I close my mouth, knowing more talking about Samuel would be unwelcome. Bethany has made clear her dislike of him. That seems to have amplified now that she’s met with him.
“So what did happen 1 press gently.
“He said he wanted to speak with you to explain. He’s been living something of a double life, I guess, pretending to be in love with his wife.” Bethany says. “Seems like he’s still holding a candle for you.”
“Did he say that? Did he use those exact words?”
Bethany sighs. Then, as if saying the words against her will, she admits, “He said he loves you”
My heart leaps into my throat.
“And there’s more.” Bethany reaches into her pocket. She pulls out a familiar moon pendant on a silver chain and places it on the table.
I look at it, knowing what I’m seeing yet I still can’t believe it.
“How can you have this?” I ask
“He said the one he gave your sister isn’t genuine. She apparently could tell he still has feelings for you and wanted him to cough it over to prove his devotion to her. Instead he had a replica made. The original, apparently, he kept.”
With shaking hands, I take the pendant and lift it closer. I catch every imperfection, knowing first–hand how they all got there.
This is genuine.
He held onto the true necklace.
He still loves me.