Chapter 73
I have no idea what to do about Samuel Knowing that he still loves me does give me hope and happiness, but on the other hand, he remains unobtainable while he is mated to Leal and am in the King’s harem.
I do find peace in knowing that our past is restored at the very least. Samuel hadn’t given away the necklace that had been intended for me, and now it’s back in my own possession. I cant wear it, of course, so I tuck it away in the pocket of a dress. in the very back of my closet.
There, I reason, it will be safely hidden.
“I think you should get rid of it.” Bethany says, but I shake my head.
It’s not just a symbol of Samuel and my secret affections for each other, it also represents our shared past and a happiness. that I once felt before my disgrace.
“Maybe someday I won’t need to look back on it,” I say, “But not yet
Besides, it’s not like I could give it back to Samuel. If Leah found it, she would make his life miserable and likely destroy it.
No. better that it stay with me. Hidden, it would be safe.
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In the late morning, I am informed that a lunch banquet is being held in one of the dining rooms for the harem and the Alpha’s wives. I have no desire to go, but my presence has been specifically requested by one of Caleb’s attendants. To say to him is to say no to the King himself.
So, with Bethany’s help. I change into an appropriate lunch outfit – in this case, a sleeveless knee–length floral dress with a high collar. It’s one of my favorites but not something I regularly get to wear. As a consort, most of my wardrobe is revealing. But a luncheon with other women seems like a time to dress modestly.
After saying goodbye to Bethany, I follow the attendant to the appropriate dining room. Not all of the harem members are there, only those that are higher in their hierarchy system. Gwen, for instance, and a few of her entourage, as well as some mid–level women.
The consorts are meant to be entertaining the wives, but there’s a clear distinction between the two. The harem stays to the left side of the room, with the wives to the right. The wives keep glancing at the consorts with disgust and distrust in their eyes.
I can’t blame them, exactly. If I were a guest here, and my husband saw so many beautiful women all tied to one man, I might be worried that my husband might start to get ideas of his own.
Well, regardless of the tension, I am hungry for lunch, so I am the first one to brave the other side, heading toward the buffet. As I start to fill up a plate, I can feel the hateful eyes of the wives glaring at me.
“So this is the life you lead now, is it?” Leah asks, approaching me. As the other wives start to whisper, Leah turns to look at them and I swear I see her wink. “Lavish and decadent, you want for nothing. And all you have to do is spread your legs like the whore you are.
With my stomach rumbling, I try my best to ignore her. After years of being a slave in her house, I’m used to tuning out her
“How does it feel to know you will never be respected? That you will only ever be seen as a piece of ass?” Leah asks snidely “If I were you, I’d never be able to live with myself.”
“You aren’t me,” I tell her.
“Clearly. You know no shame.”
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Chapter 73
Maybe I should leave matters alone, but I’m so damn tired of letting her get away with everything. If she would just back off, we wouldn’t have to be enemies like this. But if she thinks she can walk into the capital and be as terrible to me as she was when I was her slave, she is in for a rude awakening.
She no longer has my allegiance or my loyalty. That has been traded to the King when he claimed ownership of me..
Now, she’s just some random guest in my master’s house, insulting him by insulting me..
I look at her sharply. “Are you suggesting that being chosen by the king is an insult?”
Her eyes widen slightly and she pales, clearly not having thought her usual remarks through.
Since my disgrace, the trashing of my virtue has been a common takedown from her. But now, she can’t hint at such things without also throwing mud on the King and his judgement.
“That’s not what I meant,” she says quickly, eyeing the guards stationed around. Some of which are curiously watching the scene. The other wives take a firm step away from her.
Leah swallows thickly and then tries to regain control of the situation. “I merely meant that, while it is an honor to be chosen by the King, of course, it would be a much greater honor to be his wife.”
The words seem to placate the guards, and the wives seem to release a combined held breath.
“For instance, the bond I share with Samuel is so passionate and so.. intense… I wish everyone could have what we have.”
I wonder where Leah was while Samuel was sneaking off in the middle of the night to the courtyard to meet with me. I
I don’t say a word about it aloud, but it does cross my mind, her sitting alone wondering what he’s up to.
Leah knows me well, unfortunately. She can read the doubt in my eyes. Or maybe she’s just projecting. Either way, she says sharply, “What do you know about it, anyway?
“I didn’t say a word.”
“But you were thinking it, you vindictive bitch, Leah snaps. “A marriage even a good one isn’t easy. And it takes time for two people to become acquainted and familiar with each other.
The way she says all that, with a slight blush to her cheeks. Is she admitting that she and Samuel haven’t had sex?
I open my mouth, and then close it. Touching on that feels too cruel, even if it does make my heart hope a little. What other reason could Samuel have for denying Leah, then his feelings for me?
If only I could offer him the same curtesy. But the King has never given me much choice.
“There you go again, acting all smug,” Leah says.
At that moment, Gwen crosses the room, joining us. “She’s like that. I think it’s her face. Some people have resting–bitch face. Harper has resting smug–superiority face.”
Leah laughs at first, then stops herself, eyes wide like she’s startled by her own reaction. Then she glances at Gwen. “And you
“The head consort of the harem, Gwen says. “We have something in common you and I
Leah rears back slightly. “I highly doubt that.”
Gwen doesn’t take offense. Instead, she just grins. “We both hate Harper.”
Leah’s demeanor shifts then, and she frans back in. “Oh Oh, I tell that I’m going to like you.”
Chapter 73
They both turn to look at me, vicious glee in their eyes, as I realize what’s happening in this moment.
My two greatest enemies are becoming friends.