Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Later, I saw the headlines on motorsport websites:
“F1 Champion Adrian Chase Abandons Monaco Podium in Dramatic Airport Chase” He’d raced from the circuit still in his racing suit, ignoring everyone who tried to stop him.
When reporters asked who he was looking for, he’d just repeated “my fiancée” like a broken record. Not even Sophia could stop him – he’d pushed her aside in his frenzy, leaving her sprawled in her designer dress, blood staining her knees.
But these were just stories now, gossip to scroll past between classes.
In Milan, I was reborn.
Design school opened up a world where I could finally breathe.
I made friends who shared my passion for creativity, who gave as much as they took. No one monitored my friendships or took my dedication for granted.
Weekends became adventures. I went hiking in the Alps, learned to ski in Switzerland, went skydiving over Lake
Como, dove in the Mediterranean.
All the things my mother had loved, the life she’d tried to show me was possible.
I finally understood why she’d always urged me to see the world.
The problems that once seemed mountainous now looked like speed bumps in my rearview mirror.
Life was a kaleidoscope of possibilities, each more vibrant than the last.
Love was just one color in that spectrum – it could enhance life’s beauty but couldn’t be its foundation.
Watching the fish glide through the crystal waters of the Mediterranean, I smiled genuinely for the first time in
I was finally free, swimming in my own direction.
I’d stopped seeking warmth from others and learned to be my own sun.
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