Chapter 17
I hadn’t expected to see Adrian Chase at the charity auction, let alone watch him bid fifteen million for my jewelry collection
I kept my response professional: “Thank you for your contribution to the children’s fund, Mr. Chase.”
His eyes reddened at the sight of me, years of carefully maintained composure cracking.
He gripped my hand like a lifeline, forcing us to retreat to the hallway away from whispers and stares.
“I never stopped looking for you.”
His eyes never left me, as if memorizing every change six years had carved into my face. “Why did you leave?”
“The reasons hardly matter now.” I pulled my hand away.
My indifference shattered his control.
“Was it the tattoo? Your birthday? Or…“ his voice caught, “giving Sophia your mother’s earring and making you apologize?”
He yanked down his collar.
“Look–I had your name redone. And the bracelet – I spent days reviewing security footage, tracking down that boy in the snow. I’ve worn it every day since…”
His voice trailed off as he caught my knowing smile. He could recite every wound by heart – he’d just chosen to ignore them when it mattered.
“Adrian,” I said softly, eyes lingering on ‘Riley‘ etched across his collarbone, “I don’t go by Riley anymore. I’m Aurelia now.”
The symbolism wasn’t subtle. Riley – the rain–soaked girl who’d pulled him from wreckage, who’d lived under the shadows of his making.
Aurelia golden, radiant, summer incarnate.
Like my mother had been, like she’d always dreamed for me. I’d transformed from storm clouds to sunlight, from waiting in shadows to creating my own brilliance.
Adult conversations are best kept brief.
No need to twist the knife.
I wasn’t that girl who’d haunted the edges of his racing world anymore.
I’d found my own spotlight, and there was no reverse gear for this particular race.
Chapter 17
As I turned from his defeated figure, I caught sight of a familiar face by the door.
My smile – genuine, warm, golden – broke across my face as I moved toward waiting arms.