MY Possessive Mafia Men
Chapter 139: I Am Nervous To Start School
Chapter 139: I Am Nervous To Start School
I woke to the sound of my alarm and with blurry eyes, I turned it off. I had barely slept the whole night, continually waking up shortly after I had fallen asleep. The last time I looked at the clock was an hour ago and it felt like I had only closed my eyes for a second before the alarm blared. I knew part of the reason I had slept poorly was because of nerves. Even when I have been in the University for two years and knew where everything was located, the first day of school was always nerve wracking. Another part was the emptiness beside me in bed, it was cold beneath the covers and too quiet. I didn’t even have the heartbeat of another or the sound of steady breathing lulling me to sleep.
Yawning, I hauled my ass to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I wished for one of those waterproof speakers so I could listen to music, it would have made the shower experience less tedious. It took several minutes before I froze not because the water grew icy cold but because it didn’t. It still held the perfect temperature I had set before I got in under the stream. Either this was a total coincidence or it had gotten fixed. In my two years in this apartment, I had never showered without the water running cold at least a couple of times so I was betting on the latter.
Since I knew my landlord would have never used the money on his tenants when he could spend it on himself, I only think of one person or three out there who would. Of course, I had showered a couple of times in my apartment after that time Riccardo stayed over but it had only been quick ones before I would hurried off to work. Why I did what I did next, I had no idea, call it intuition. I hurried out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before I went to my living room. Looking first at my ever present bucket which was still there, my eyes went through the ceiling, my perfectly none hole ceiling.
I had gotten so used to the bucket that I hadn’t noticed it wasn’t being filled with more water. I usually poured it out when it held so much water that it almost ran over which I now realized hadn’t happened in a long while. It could have been either of them, still my money was on Riccardo seeing as he was the one who knew about the temperature fluctuations in the shower. How had he even managed to open my apartment door without me here? Stupid question, seeing as they knew who the owner was and had probably gotten access to my apartment through him. I had a feeling my landlord was scared of them after Marshall’s visits, although I still didn’t know what exactly had happened between them.
Grabbing my phone, I tried calling Riccardo but only got to his voicemail and I remembered he mentioned he would be busy today with meetings, I would have to talk to him later about what he had done to my apartment, though mainly, I just wanted to thank him. Accepting help didn’t take
Chapter 139 I Am Nervous To Start School
away my independence and I was starting to learn that. Throughout my life, I had been too proud for my own good. I had seen people offering help as a dig to me like I couldn’t do it myself. It took
me twent the years to realize people could take care of me because they cared for me and it
didn’t make me less than accept what they were offering. I still had thirty minutes until I had to leave for the bus but I was too nervous to eat. If I felt like it, I could grab a sandwich or something at a cafe in school.
Seeing the warm weather outside, I chose a pair of shorts and a tank top along with my favorite pair of sneakers. It was a chill look because I didn’t have anyone I wanted to dress up for in school. Not that women needed someone to dress up. For the millionth time, I checked my bag to make sure I had everything I might need for school. Some professors let us leave after the initial introduction to their class but others started teaching right off the bat. Unable to sit still and wait for time to pass, I decided to get to the coffee shop earlier. It might do me good to get some fresh air while I was at it. Plugging my headset, I found my favorite playlist on my phone and pressed play. There was nothing better than music to ease my nerves. Joyce was already at the cafe when I got there and I was only slightly surprised. She liked being early or more correctly, she hated being late.
“Hi, Angelia!” She squealed when she saw me.
Before I knew it, I was in her arms and she gave me a quick hug, only then did I realize I had missed her. I needed to get my head out of my ass and start making an effort with my friends. Because of me, she never hung out after classes were over and it was something I needed to fix. I knew they were done asking me to hang out, they had tried far too many times already.
“Hi,” I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
“How are you?”
“So excited for school to start, what about you?” She asked.
She was one of the most intelligent people I knew and probably one of the most beautiful people I had ever met. Her sense of style couldn’t have been outmatched either. Compared to me, I looked like a girl playing dress up but she was wearing a stunning suit that contrasted perfectly with her gorgeous mahogany skin color. Being friends with her was challenging in the beginning with her beauty, attention followed both at her and the ones around her. I didn’t do well with spotlights but I was getting better at handling it.
“I am nervous for school to start.” I said and she chuckled.
“There is nothing to be nervous about, you know that. Come on, let’s get us some coffee and you can tell me all about your summer.” She said.
Chapter 139: I Am Nervous To Start School
I bought a simple black coffee and decided at the last second to grab a frittata as well. The last thing I wanted was for my stomach to growl in class. Since it was still carly, there were several tables available.
“So, tell me what have you been up to lately?” She asked when we sat down.
Forcing myself not to blush, I looked down at the food and picked at it, bringing as my mouth.
piece to
“The usual, work.” I replied but I already knew I was an awful liar which she proved by calling me
out on it.
“Bullshit,” she muttered and my eyes widened and I looked back at her.
“I saw you getting picked up from work the other day and he was so damn hot. Who was he?”
“What were you doing in Ogume?” I asked.
Yes, because deflecting definitely worked on a seriously smart person who was studying to become a lawyer, dumbass. She shrugged.
“I had some errands to run in the neighborhood, so, spit it out. Who was that hunk of a man and does he have any brothers?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and made me laugh.
“Umm…what did he look like? It might have been Andy. I don’t know if you have met before.” I tried to be clear, trying to find out who she had seen with me. It could have been either of my
all of them had picked me up at work on one occasion or another.
“Andy is that friend you work with, right?” I nodded.
“Then that was definitely not him unless you kissed all of your friends?” She curled a brow,
“No, I don’t do that.” I inwardly sighed, deciding to just come out with it.
I realized I didn’t want to hide the fact that I was with more than one man. If she couldn’t be supportive of that, then I knew what kind of friend she was. And the truth was if I did want to make an effort with her, I needed to open myself up more.
“It might have been Riccardo,” I finally said,
“Might have been?” She echoed.
Chapter 139 I Am Nervous To Start School
“Or Marshall.” My cheeks felt warm as I continued picking at my food.
“Or Kingston.”
“What now?” She gasped.
“I am kind of seeing them all.” I met her shocked stare.
“What do you mean by seeing all of them? Are you in an open relationship with one of them or what?”
I could tell that she was trying to understand, all the while completely stunned but I couldn’t see any judgment in her eyes or voice. And for a second time, I told another of my friends about my arrangements with my men. I found that the more I talked about it with Andy and now with her, the calmer I became. Turns out, opening myself up made me more accepting of myself.
Bdsm was taboo but the only way to make it less so was by speaking about it. Those outside of this lifestyle knew next to nothing about what it actually was and what it entailed which was also why some frowned upon it. They never had anyone tell them what it was really like so they made a judgment based on the little they knew. She asked questions, she was curious but never mean or thought less of me because I was a submissive. It actually felt pretty good talking to another woman about it. Andy was fantastic, no doubt about it but he wasn’t a woman.
We talked for so long that I damn near jumped out of my seat when I saw what time it was. I had completely forgotten for a second that my classes started today and soon too. For once, I was the one asking her if we could hang out sometime and the smile she gave me made me guilty for all the times she had asked me out.
Hurrying to school, we said a quick goodbye and I moved to the building where my first class would be held. I was even more nervous than I had been earlier. First day jitters were the worst.
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