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Men 143

Men 143

Chapter 143: They Had Lied To Me 

Chapter 143: They Had Lied To Me 


My hand poised to knock froze, I hadn’t expected Marshall to be here but that wasn’t why I hesitated to let them know I was here. No, it was the anger in his voice that had given me a pause

Answer me, damn it!Marshall demanded

Looking through the crack in the door, I could only just make out Marshall’s back. What had he meant by Riccardo knowing about it? Knowing about what exactly? I didn’t want to think the worst but I couldn’t help it no matter how much I trusted Riccardo. He would have told me he had known about me being Marshall’s student. And yet as confident as I was about the fact, there was still a part of me that was afraid I was wrong which was why I now found myself eavesdropping 

instead of making my presence known

I am sorry,Riccardo said sincerely, his voice cracking slightly as he spoke

Fuck your sorry, they don’t mean shit. Now tell me!Marshall barked

You remember the private investigator I had hired to find Angelia for us?Riccardo asked

No, I took an unconscious step back, creating distance between me and whatever I was hearing

He found out she was a student at your university and he told me.” 

No, please, no. I shook my head as new tears filled my eyes

You fucking bastard.Marshall cursed his friend

The last word was almost a whisper but for those who knew Riccardo and his childhood knew it 

would cut deeper than any other word. A sliver of me could still feel bad for him even while my 

heart was breaking for me

I should have told you and I swear to you, I didn’t know she would be your student. We 


We?Marshall cut him off

Did Kingston know too?He asked and Riccardo didn’t respond back but he didn’t need to, Marshall’s reaction was answer enough. He laughed harshly


12:34 Wed, Oct 30

Chapter 143: They Had Lied To Me 


Oh this is great, just fucking great to know that not only one of my best friends but both were keeping this from me.” 

I held a hand against my mouth, trying to mute my soft cries. My body shook as I tried to contain 

them, I wanted to get away, I couldn’t bear to hear any more but my limbs refused to move

We thought,Riccardo tried again

We thought that by not telling you, neither of you would ever find out and you only had one semester left. We figured that since you hadn’t crossed paths by now, you were unlikely to.” 

Pressing my eyes closed, I tried staving off a wave of nausea

And look how that turns out!” 

The anger from Marshall’s and Riccardo’s painful truth finally became too much, not caring if I made any sounds, I pushed away from the door and staggered out of the club. The last thing I saw 

was Adanna’s smug look. I didn’t even have it in me to care

Private investigator, it had all been a lie, I realized. From the first moment we met, they had lied 

to me. They had pretended they didn’t know who I was. Oh my goodness, the sponsored 

membership? Did they have something to do with that too? After hearing how they had hired

freaking private investigator to find me, I knew they must have also been behind getting me back 

to the club. They had made me think they were going to find a dominant and that this 

arrangement between us was just a convenience after they had gone through all of that to find 

  1. me. They had lied and for what? So they could have me? Why me? Right from the start, I had been 

manipulated and I had fallen for it, I had fallen for them. My fear really did come true, falling for 

these men really did shatter me

I made it a block before I threw up, my feelings were too deep, too messy for my body to handle 

and I threw up until my stomach hurts and I didn’t have anything more to empty and even then. I was heavy. With a shaky hand, I used the hem of my shirt to wipe my mouth and cintin walking 

down the road. I didn’t know where I was going but anywhere else better than here. I jumped when my ringtone jerked me out of my thoughts. For a second, I contemplated ignoring it but I was too curious about who was calling. Some stupid part of me hoped it was one of them which 

was just damn dumb of me. Why was it that the people who hurt me were also the ones I wanted 

comfort from? But it wasn’t any of them calling

Hi, girly, I just wanted to hear how your first day went?His cherry mood broke me further

Andy,I gasped as I held the phone to my ear. All my heartbreak went into that one word

Where are you?He asked, suddenly too serious for his usual personality


Chapter 143: They Had Lied To Me 

II don’t know.” 

Send me your location while I am on the phone with you.” 

I hadn’t done that before but he guided me through it

“Alright, stay on the line with me, I will have to take the subway but I will be there as soon as


But you are still sick.I protested weakly

No, I am feeling better and even if I wasn’t it wouldn’t have mattered. When you need me, I am there.His kindness brought fresh tears to my eyes

Stay on the line with me.He said again and I obliged

Other than asking if I was safe, he didn’t question nr and for that, I was grateful. I wasn’t ready to 

talk, I stayed on the phone with him until I saw him running down the street thirty minutes later

He dragged me into his arms and held me as I broke down. Deep sobs wrecked their way through 

my body and he comforted me through it all

It will be alright, girl.He kept whispering reassurance to me and I didn’t believe them 

I was beginning to calm down when he started stroking my hair and that gesture only made it 

worse because it reminded me of Riccardo and right now, I couldn’t stand thinking about him

Shhhh, I am here.He cooed

Come on, let’s get you home.” 

Home as it turned out was his apartment. He must have known my apartment was the last place I wanted to be right now. Whenever they found out that I knew the truth, I was afraid they would 

show up at my door and I didn’t have the strength to face them any time soon. He hailed a taxi and helped me inside before joining me, his hand holding mine throughout the drive. By the time we drove to his block, my eyes were dry and a headache was building in my temple and forehead. He paid the diver ridiculous amounts he charged us without blinking an eye

I am paying you back.I said but he just waved me off

You will do no such thing.I narrowed my eyes because I didn’t have the energy to argue with 

him about money

With my hand still in his, he led me inside his apartment building. His living room was ridiculously clean and tidy for someone who had been sick. His floor was well shining and not


Chapter 143: They Had Lied To Me 

single clothing article was anywhere in sight which was unusual for him. Seeing me talking in the room, he shrugged

James cleaned it while I went to get you, he wanted you to be comfortable here.My lips stretched in a watery smile

That was nice of him, where is he now?” 

He went home, it will be just you and me.I was relieved to hear that

James was a good man but I needed my best friend for myself right now

Do you want something to eat?He asked but I just shook my head

What about something to drink?” 

Could I get some water and maybe an aspirin?He nodded

You look exhausted, go lay down on my bed and take whatever clothes you want from my closet. There is also a new toothbrush in the bathroom and the sheets on the bed are all clean.He said

I will bring water and aspirin to you.” 

Thank you,my voice was low and tired but he could still hear me

After changing into one of his tshirts and brushing my teeth, I climbed into his bed. He came soon after with a glass of water and painkillers. He didn’t ask any questions and only joined me in bed when I had asked him to, I didn’t want to be alone. My phone rang from its place on the nightstand and my entire body stiffened at the sound but I didn’t make a move to get it. After it rang for the third time, Andy spoke

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