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Men 152

Men 152

MY Possessive Mafia Men
Chapter 152: You Broke My Trust
Chapter 152: You Broke My Trust
“Hi, you have reached the apologetic ***le who truly wished he had been forgiven. How may I help you?” I joked but at the same time, not really.
you, s**** head.” Marshall laughed.
“Yes, I have come to my senses. You can thank our…Angelia for that, she kind of gave me s***t about being a hypocrite and she was right. You guys withheld information from me but we were doing the same to her and if I want her to forgive me then I should forgive you guys.”
“Oh, thank goodness. I thought I had to send you some flowers and a card.” I said.
I had seriously considered it, maybe not flowers but rent a suit for him at the Yankees’ next game
or something. I would have even added flowers, I had thrown in
Marshall didn’t know what he was missing by forgiving me too soon.
apology chocolate as well.
“I am glad you didn’t, I am sure you would have brought the ugliest flowers.” He joked.
“So what has happened since I last saw you?”
“Beside being punched by Angelia’s friend?” I asked.
“No shít! So that was your blood I saw in the hallway? Andy punched me too, he has got a mean right h***k and I hadn’t expected that. He **n near broke my nose.”
I shook my head at the ball of that guy, I respected him for standing up for Angelia like that especially when it was against men twice as big as he was. Marshall filled me in on his meeting with her yesterday and it turned out mine was the only one left and it felt like the weight of the upcoming conversation fell heavy on my shoulders. I couldn’***k this up, my friend’s happiness and the happiness of the girl that I loved were at stake. If I had to shoulder the whole f**ing world so they thru would be okay, then so be it. I didn’t care about myself as long as they were fine. Having Marshall forgive us made it easier for the meeting I was about to have with Angelia. It was like a bandaid on a big wound but it stemmed some of the bleeding.
It was crazy to think that this week, we were supposed to have a meeting and go through our arrangement. What she hadn’t known was that the three of us had talked and we had agree we wanted her as a submissive permanently. We had known she wasn’t ready to be a slave a maybe she never would be but it hadn’t mattered. Having her in whatever shape and form that
Chapter 152: You Broke My Trust
might be, was enough. We were supposed to give up a part of ourselves for her and in the end, we did only it was our hearts instead of our desires. And now, I would give up everything to make sure the people I cared about were happy. I was resolute and kept a tight rein of my emotions as I showed up to the park where I knew she had also met Marshall. The weather was on the colder side as fog swept through the park. It was a somber kind of weather, perfectly mirroring my own feelings.
She was standing stock-still by the lake, staring at the water and deep in thoughts. Her body stiffened the closer I got and I swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the lump I felt in my throat.
“Bunny?” I breathed, lost for words now that I was here with her.
She finally turned around, meeting my eyes with hers and my breathing caught seeing so much of everything inside them. I saw her hesitation, her indecision, her pain, all of her thoughts and emotions swirled inside those beautiful orbits of hers. She didn’t move from her position by the railing, so I went to her instead. I kept a couple of feet between us, not wanting to overwhelm her and not knowing if my nearness would be appreciated. For a moment, we didn’t talk, all we did was stare out into the lake, watching the ducks swimming around in the water.
“You broke my trust.” She finally said, her voice was so small, so unlike the Angelia I knew and my heart ached at the difference because we were the reason for it.
My stomach knotted with the guilt, the guilt for being the reason my friends might lose the one they were falling for. Guilt that she was hurt because of something I did, guilt that our entire relationship was going to hell. If I could do something to make up for it, to both her and my friends, I would do it even if it meant I had to bear the brunt of it all.
“I know,” my grip on the railing tightened as I tried to center myself.
I couldn’t afford to be emotional, not when there was so much that needed to be said. God forbid I would have another panic attack, that was the last thing she needed to deal with right now.
“I’m so sorry, honey. I so so *n***g sorry.”
“I know,” she echoed.
“But it doesn’t make this any easier, what you guys did was not okay. You look at information about me that I hadn’t given to you, I didn’t even know you yet. If you had gotten any sensitive information, what would you have done then?”
“There wasn’t. When I had my private investigator track you down, I asked him to stick to the basics. How old you were, where you lived, school and work, that kind of stuff. He wasn’t allowed to dig any deeper than that, it doesn’t excuse anything. I know it doesn’t, what I did was wrong no
Chapter 152: You Broke My Trust
matter what and I realized that.” She nodded slowly.
“That is good to know, not that I actually have any sensitive information. It is still good to know you didn’t go that far but why did you do it? Why did you go through so much trouble to get to
“When I met Kingston and Marshall, we were children who all needed the connection only a strong friendship could provide. Marshall only had his sister but he took care of her, protecting her from their home life and no one had his back. I had my grandparents, while I loved them, they didn’t always have the energy to take care of a teenager with abandonment issues. Kingston…he didn’t have anyone at all.” I began to explain.
“Our friendship filled a void we all felt and so when we discovered bdsm and realized that we were all masters, we decided we would share a slave. We didn’t want several people getting in between our bond, we were too loyal to one another to allow that to happen. We figured if we had one slave together, it could only strengthen the bond between us. For years we searched for that one person that would fit us perfectly, that one person who wouldn’t disrupt the flow but instead contribute to it.”
Taking her hand, I turned her towards me. I needed her to see the truth when I said it.
“That is where you came in. We hadn’t been able to find someone we were all interested in until you. That night when you walked in, you stole our breaths, there was this instant connection we felt even from a distance and we couldn’t ignore it. We panicked when you left and we had no way of reaching you. So instead, I was the complete idiot who made the wrong choice because I couldn’t let you slip through our fingers.”
Her eyes widened as I spoke, the shock was written clearly in her expression like this wasn’t the reason she had expected.
“When we first talked to you, we just knew you were the right fit for us. Marshall might seem carefree and for the most part, he is but you brought out an inner peace in him I had never seen before. Kingston has been through a lot, but it was like the weight of his past vanished from his shoulders whenever you are near. And with me, you gave me everything I had wished for and more and for that, I can’t thank you enough.”
My eyes misted over as her own welled, we were both carrying so many emotions, they couldn’t be contained in our bodies. I could feel my heart breaking as I whispered.
“Blame me.” I squeezed her hands softly, taking in the feel of her skin against mine and memorizing it because it might be the last time I would ever get to.
“I was the one calling the shots, I was the one who hired the private investigator and the one who
Chapter 152: You Broke My Trust
chose not to share with the other than you were a student at Marshall’s university and that you worked at Kingston’s club. As much as I don’t want to lose you, I don’t deserve you. They do, so blame me.” She shook her head as tears wetted her cheeks.
“You might have been the one behind the trigger but they are just as responsible for not telling me.” She let go of one of my hands to palm my cheek, I leaned into her touch and soaking it up.
“I could never choose between the three of you, it is all or nothing. I just need to figure out if I can risk putting myself in that position again. You broke me, Riccardo, you all did. If it were to happen again, I don’t think I would ever get through it.”
“It won’t happen again.” I said adamantly.
“Maybe not,” she agreed.
“But it already happened once, I don’t know if I can risk a second time.” With a sad sigh, she broke our contact, distancing herself from me.
“You have given me a lot to think about, I will contact you guys when I have decided. Take care of yourself, Riccardo.”
“Take care of yourself too, my bunny.” I whispered, my voice heavy with anguish.
It was hard letting her go but I forced myself to stand still as she walked away from me. I didn’t know what I should feel as I watched her disap



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