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Men 24

Men 24

MY Possessive Mafia Men
Chapter 24: Don’t Hide Yourself From Us
Chapter 24: Don’t Hide Yourself From Us
“I can’t believe I did that.” Angelia said as she looked down at herself.
Her panties were pushed to the side, revealing her swollen p**y wet with her own juice. Her shyness returned with a vengeance at the sight and she hurriedly fixed her panties and tugged her little nightgown down as far as it would go, her cheeks painted red.
“You don’t need to hide yourself from us, Sunshine. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“This is all new to you but we don’t want you to be ashamed of what just happened. There is nothing shameful about owning your sexuality, to be honest, it was so hot. I smiled at her gently, hoping my words helped her some. She gave me a shaky smile in return.
Thanks, I just…I have never been comfortable in my body and what just happened now, well, like you said, this is new to me.”
Her admissions left me astounded. Could she not see how beautiful she is? I mean, come on, just the sight of her from a distance made the three of us pant like dogs. Did she not notice the lustful gaze of men she passed by? Something about that felt wrong, she shouldn’t be uncomfortable in her own body. If she did decide to become ours, I will help her change her perception of herself and make her see what I saw when I looked at her. A s*** vixen who could bring men to their
“Come on, let’s grab a drink and we will talk. How does that sound?” Riccardo asked as he rose from the couch and he didn’t do anything to hide his rather obvious hard d**k. Letting her see what she was doing to us but simply being herself.
“Yes, that sounds great.” She took the hand I held out to her and helped her up off the couch.
Her knees shook a little at first and she used my strength to steady herself before we walked out
the door. I looked behind me once and confirmed my thoughts. The scene had ended long ago, the
room was dark with no one to see. We had been too busy with her to even notice that.
“If you have any questions about the club, just ask. Riccardo here will have the answer to whatever
you might wonder.” I offered her.
We followed Kingston to the L-shape booth away from the other people, it was quiet and perfect for a private conversation. She ended up in the middle with me on her left and Kingston on her
Chapter 24: Don’t Hide Yourself From Us
right side.
“I will get our drink, what do you want?” Riccardo directed his question to her.
“Could I get a scotch on the rocks?” She smiles at him timidly
Goodness, she is so sweet, I was going to get a toothache just from looking at her. Noth that mind, not at all. He gave her a nod as he made his way towards the bar. While he went away, I could see her send-curious glances at Kingston when she thought he wasn’t looking.
“How are you feeling? Just as nervous as yesterday?” I asked
She looked better at least, not as terrified as yesterday. After what we just did, I was almost surprised she wasn’t running for the hills. Maybe she wasn’t that frightened girl I would suspect
her to be after all.
“It is not as scary as it was yesterday. Truth be told, I have no idea how to even start to get comfortable. This is like an entirely new world and I don’t know where to begin, you know?”
“It seems like you are doing fine right now.”
“Yes, but that is because of you, if you hadn’t been here right now, I would probably stand awkwardly somewhere.” She chuckled at her own words but I could see that she really thought
that would be the case.
‘She really didn’t know how magnetic she was, I could see half the room eye her like a new toy. If I hadn’t been here, she would have been snapped up by someone else just as quick.
“And I don’t know how to find a….” She trailed off, shaking her head.
“What?” I prompted her.
“Never mind,” she looked embarrassed and I really knew what she was about to say.
“A Dom?” She lowered her eyes to her hands as she nodded.
“Yes,” she responded.
“Maybe, losing the yellow bracelet would be a good start.,” I teased, bumping her shoulder with mine.
“Probably but I need to take a new medical report first even though I haven’t been with anyone. since my last test. It is considered an old test.” Her eyes widened as she finished speaking as if she couldn’t believe what she had just told me.
Chapter 24: Don’t Hide Yourself From Us
“How old?” I asked as my mind went to a dirty place at the mention of sex from her lips.
“Mhmm…ten months?”
She hadn’t had sex in ten months? We needed to rectify that, a huge part of me loved the thought of being her first after so long. Kingston tracked her lips as she spoke but whenever she looked in his direction, he shifted his gaze to the bar. While she might not have noticed, I most certainly did. Just as I was about to say something, Riccardo came back with our drinks.
“Here you go,” he said as he nudged a glass in her direction.
“What have you guys been talking about?” He asked.
“Angelia wants a Dom.” I responded, sending him a pointed look that he understood.
“We need to do something about that.’ Those were my unspoken words and he grabbed it immediately as an expression passed over his face too quickly for most to see what it was but I
knew. Possessive and determined.
“How about we helped each other out.” He offered her and I had to suppress a smirk.
This man just thought of a plan and 1 was willing to bet my right ball it was something I would.
like of which I can’t wait.



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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