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Men 62

Men 62

MY Possessive Mafia Men
Chapter 62: I Am Kind Of Boring
Chapter 62: I Am Kind Of Boring
“Do you guys need help with anything?” Angelia asked as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.
“Sit down, baby girl and relax. We will manage.” I winked at her.
It didn’t take long until we all sat down for breakfast. Ava talked non-stop about a summer job our father had made her do. She wasn’t like me, I had cut him out of any decisions about my future at long time ago. However, she still wanted a relationship with him and I got that, everyone wanted to have a good relationship with their parents but sometimes it wasn’t meant to be even if you tried hard to make it work.
My father was the definition of a heart made of stone, nothing could penetrate the hard surface, not even his children.
“Everyone was afraid even looking at me wrong like they thought I was going to run to my father and tell on them. D****mn it, I am so sorry about my rambling. I love to talk, Marshall can attest to that.” Ava laughed.
“So Angelia, tell me about yourself. What do you do?”
“There is really not much to tell, I woke two jobs and I will be resuming back to school very soon.” she replied.
“I am kind of boring.” She mumbled.
“Nonsense!” Ava said.
“Having a life without any drama sounds peaceful but definitely not boring. How did you guys
Angelia looked at me, screaming for help with her eyes.
“We met at the club and we hit it off straight away didn’t we, Angelia?” I interfere, smiling.
I remembered our first meeting, her pressing against me and her *** grinding on my**k as we watched a scene. I had been afraid I was coming on too strong but it seems like she had liked it.
“That is so cute. Which one of you made the first move?” My sister was practically vibrating with
Chapter 62: I Am Kind Of Boring
“I did,” I muttered.
“I couldn’t possibly ignore the prettiest girl in the room, now could I?”
Ava kept asking questions and I answered as close to the truth as I could. She had no idea that I was dominant or what kind of club Riccardo had. Even though she was close to Adanna, she knew nothing. Adanna had signed a confidential agreement before she was interviewed and accepted for the job.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Father wanted us to have an early dinner today at five.” She blurted and I suppressed a sigh..
I hated having dinner with him because in his world, dinner meant business. He never wanted family time unless it gained him something, I just wondered what it was this time.
My sister left soon after she got me to agree to having dinner with them. She had always been the mediator between us, my father knew I would say no if he asked but I could never say to my sister.
“You don’t look so happy about the dinner?” Angelia said as she blew in the hot cup of coffee in her hand.
“I am not, my father is a piece of s**t. He has never cared about us unless there was something to gain for him and only then did he ever give us any attention. He left us alone and let the nannies take care of us. All was good as long as we were out of his sight and hearing.”
The morning had been so cozy and now the mood had turned sour, talking about my father always doing that. She stretched a hand across the table and squeezed mine.
“I am sorry, that is something no child should ever experience.”
She didn’t look at me with pity in her eyes, only support and if there was one thing I hated, it was pity. I liked that she didn’t do that, it made me feel comfortable sharing this with her.
“Yes, I agree.” I nodded and looked at the clock.
“I should drive you to work, do you need to swing by your apartment first?”
“Yes, I have to get my uniform.” She replied and made an expression that clearly stated her dislike for the dress.
Chapter 62: I Am Kind Of Boring.
I suppressed my laughter because that dress was the worst I had ever seen. It belonged in a circus. and not on a body as beautiful as hers.
“I will find a to-go cup for you instead so you can finish your coffee on the way.” I nodded at the cup in her hand, she had only had time to take a few sips.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, smiling.
Whenever she smiled, she did so with her entire face and her eyes turned smaller and her cheeks grew rounder. In old age, she would have stories written in her skin around her eyes and mouth of times I’d happiness, hopefully.
The drive to her house was spent in comfortable silence. Each of us is just taking in the beautiful morning in the city. The sun was shining once again and people were hurrying from one place to another.
“You can just wait here, I won’t be long.” She said as I parked and she hurried inside.
I didn’t mind waiting, I could answer some of my emails in the meantime. True to her words, she returned back a few minutes later with her circus costume on. I didn’t lie when I said she would look beautiful in anything. We drove off and headed to her work place. I parked just close enough to the cafe, gave her kisses before allowing her out of the car.
I looked at my watch, there was still time before the dinner so I decided to visit Riccardo at his club. He would definitely be in his office working hard like he always did, that guy really didn’t have a life outside of work. Come to think of it, neither did Kingston. It was usually me who had to almost drag them out of their offices so they didn’t overworked themselves.
Walking into the entrance of the club, I had to suppress a sigh at seeing Adanna. She was unnerving for
lack of a better word, I didn’t know why my sister was such good friends with her, they were the complete opposite.
“Marshall,” she purred at the sight of me.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” She said like we usually hung out or something. I had only seen her here or when I visited my sister.
“Yes, I have been busy with stuff. Have a good day, Adanna.” I gave her an awkward smile and
moved down the stairs.
I always tried my best to cut short any conversations with her because as I said, she was
Chapter 62: I Am Kind Of Boring
unnerving. Regular members had to leave their phone in the basket before entering the dungeon. Being the best friend to the owner has its benefits, like not having to give away my phone.
The ground leave was empty of people, seeing as the club was closed until five in the evening for anyone but VIPs, they could come as soon as the doors open at eight in the morning. I knocked on Riccardo’s door, which I usually don’t do but since I didn’t know his schedule, he might have been in a meeting. I wanted to be on the safe side.
“Come in,” his smooth voice could be heard through the wooden door and I opened up and walked
He was sitting behind his desk, his tie hung loosely around his neck and his jacket was draped over his chair. He looked up when I got closer and nodded in hello.
“How was the first night with our little submissive?” He asked and I could tell how curious he was and a little envious if his slightly narrowed eyes were anything to go by.
Walking over to my usual seat on the couch, I smiled just thinking about my time with Angelia..
“It felt so natural being with her like that, man. She is just what I have been chasing.”
go was go
I frowned a bit at that because being with her felt so right but the thought of letting her always circling my mind. I couldn’t let myself forget that we only had her for a while. Would I ever find someone who fit me as perfectly as Angelia did?
“What did you guys do?” He asked and I filled him in on everything that had happened yesterday.
I also told how responsive she had been at the restaurant and how she clearly likes the thrill of the possibility of getting caught. I also informed him about her training or at least what we had. gone through. He smirked at the mention of exhibitionism which I had no doubt he liked, he often chased the same thrill.
“You have her on Thursday, right?” I asked.
“Yes and I have a lot planned. I think I will explore her limits in pain.” He muttered.
He sat with his hand on his chin, deep in thoughts. Knowing him, he would have everything prepped and ready for their night. He looked excited at the prospect of his time with her even though I wouldn’t be there. It would be fun to find out how she would respond to pain at a level higher than some sp***nking and massage candle.



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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