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Men 65

Men 65

Chapter 65: I Am Definitely Not A Psychic
Chapter 65: I Am Definitely Not A Psychic
Andy led the way to the bar, the nightclub looked like any other club with a few dark spaces, spotlights in the ceiling, booths in the corners and a huge dance floor. It wasn’t anything impressive, just fun.
There were too many men at the bar for me to identify them, I didn’t even know what they look like and that wasn’t helping either. I trailed behind Andy as he made a beeline towards a blonde hair guy and a guy with black hair. They were both attractive but they couldn’t measure with my men, my dominants that was what I meant. They weren’t mine in any other way, we had a strictly Dom and submissive relationship, nothing more. The guy with black hair smiled warmly at Andy as he saw him. I looked at Andy, he was also smiling at him.
“I have missed you,” the guy said as they came closer.
He had a kind of voice, like the ones I had envisioned as a physiatrist had. He is James and he looked like the sweet boy next door. He wasn’t overly big or small, with a cute face and Harry Potter glasses round with a thin frame. He wasn’t my type though, it seemed I leaned more towards sweetness with spice and danger but chivalrous, dark and mysterious. But even if I didn’t find him attractive for me specifically, I could see the appeal.
“You saw me yesterday.” Andy laughed, he sounded so happy that a smile appeared on my face but I looked away as they kissed.
It felt too private to watch, then my eyes met a pair of hazel eyes. They weren’t that clear like Marshall’s but it made me think of him. Gosh, I need to stop obsessing over him, I had done it all day. If I weren’t thinking about Marshall, I would be thinking about the other two,
“You are Angelia, right?” The blonde hair asked.
He was handsome in the general sense of the word but his look didn’t get a single reaction from me, not like the first I had seen my three men and they stole my heart instantly.
“Yes, hi.” I mumbled, accepting his hand for a handshake.
There wasn’t any electricity when I shook his hand and it didn’t make my heart pound with some strange feeling like when I touched any of my dominants. The three men that had ruined me. If I had met this guy before them, I would have probably blushed and tried to flirt a little. I would have thought he was more handsome than I did now. My three men made me compare every other
Chapter 65: I Am Definitely Not A Psychic
man I saw with them and no one measured up.
“I am Kent, it is nice to meet you.” He smiled, showing off too white teeth, they practically glowed neon in the club light.
Either he was d***n good at taking care of them or he had bleached them and my bet was the latter. He was wearing tight jeans and a jumper, illustrating the hours he spent in the gym. His hair was sliced back with what looked like lots of gel, it was too much in my opinion. If I combed my fingers through it, they would either get stuck or I would end up with a sticky hand. He was clearly a man who cared much about his look, there was nothing wrong with that, though.
“You too.” I muttered.
“So do you think Andy will introduce me to James anytime soon or will they be sucking faces all night?” I joked, saying the last part a bit loud.
I couldn’t help but tease my friend, knowing he could hear me. It was sweet how into each other they were that they forgot the people around them!
“Sorry, girly.” Andy said.
“We will continue with this when we get home.” He said to James, giving him a little wink for
extra measure.
James then looked my way and gave me an embarrassed smile. I hadn’t meant to embarrass him with my teasing and now I felt terrible.
“Angelia, this is James.” He introduced us.
“James, this is the one and only Angelia.”
“Andy had told me so much about you.” He said as we shook hands.
“I am so sorry about the misunderstanding with the whole double date thing. I really didn’t mean anything by it other than I thought it might be fun” He said.
“Don’t worry, I know Andy was right there with you on that one.” I laughed because it truly had been a misunderstanding and it was all water under the bridge.
He had thought I was single because Andy told him so, he didn’t say I was unavailable which was practically the same thing as telling him I was single, I could also understand that they thought it would be fun for their friends to date, wasn’t that what best friends wanted? To date another pair of best friends and move to the same neighborhood? It reminds me of one of my best friends in
Chapter 65: I Am Definitely Not A Psychic
high school wanting to do the same.
“Oh good, I have also told Kent the same so you wouldn’t be put in an uncomfortable position.” He assured me.
While we talked, I noticed Andy had introduced himself to Kent, he was totally different from me. He had no problem stepping out of his comfort zone and talking with strangers, the only reason I had spoken to Kent was because he was the one who had initiated the conversation. It wasn’t because I was mean, just very shy and anxious in a social setting.
“Did you guys get any drinks?” Andy asked, looking at James. His gaze was so soft and loving, it made my heart warm.
I had never seen him like this before, so wholly interested in another person and having eyes just for him. It looked like James was just smitten. I was getting a toothache just watching their interaction.
“Not yet, go grab a booth and we will get the drinks. What do you guys want?” Kent asked, he had a menu of the drinks in his hand.
“Sex on the beach for me and scotch on the rocks for my girl. What about you guys, no, let Angelia guess. She is a psychic, she gets it right every time.” Andy said, shaking my head, I objected.
“I am definitely not a psychic.” I replied.
Although I had automatically guessed their drinks already, it was like a game I played with myself but I didn’t want to tell them. It was too embarrassing to say out loud to strangers if I got it wrong especially with how confident Andy was in my abilities.
“Come on, tell us what drinks you think they prefer?” He pleaded, showing me his puppy eyes and I couldn’t deny him.
“I can guess wrong obviously but I think a Smirnoff ice for James?” It came out as a question because that was precisely what it was.
I wasn’t the all seeing that Andy had made me out to be. Andy’s eyes widened and he sputtered out a laugh.
“How did you know?” he asked,
“I didn’t, it is just a lucky guess.” I chuckled.
Chapter 65: I Am Definitely Not A Psychic
“Lucky guess, my a***.” He mumbled.
“What about me?” Kent asked, his brow raised in a dare..
“Strawberry daiquiris, frozen?” I muttered without hesitation and I got a strong strawberry daiquiris vibe from him.
His face turned red and he worked out a laugh.
“No, I am more of a jack and coke kind of man.” He said and I
shrugged, chuckling.
“Well, I did say I could be wrong. I guess I was off the map on that one.”
And when we got our drinks, I saw Kent make a face at the first sip and the second, it was like he couldn’t stand the taste. Toxic masculinity was men thinking feminine drinks made a man less masculine. I had met a lot of them working at the nightclub and I was not impressed.
On the other hand, he was best friends with a gay man so maybe he wasn’t that bad after all. I guess I would see.
“So James, tell me about yourself?” I asked after I had finished my first drink.
“I want to know who has gotten my friend so smitten.”
Fortunately, when we sat down, Kent didn’t try to sit next to me and I was glad he knew this would only be a meet and greet sort of night and not a date.
“Ummm, I guess I am rather boring.” He said, pushing his glasses up with one finger.
“I just finished my bachelor’s degree in business administration, so I am trying to find work in that field. In the meantime, I am working at a restaurant in the city.”
I had to suppress my laugh because once he mentioned business, all I could think about was the song from Tik Tok trend. The song was used to explain to people that they worked as a business when in reality they were sex workers, just to avoid any awkward conversation.
MY Possessive Mafia Men



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