. Chapter 10
I escaped to my room quickly, unwilling to give the others a chance to ask questions or assume they knew what our conversation was about. It feels like Kellan is purposely going against Darius‘ words when it comes to me.
Why though?
I spend the rest of my day with May, helping and watching her make my dress. Today is a day without an event, it’s a good thing. The ladies will need time to calm down and hate me less.
“I’ve also sorted out gloves.” I look at May. “You need to wear gloves. They need to be a certain length. Gloves that are too short or not wearing any gloves is against the rules. A Luna needs to wear them.” I nod at her words.
She has made sure the dress covers my shoulders. I explained I have a scar there, one which isn’t appealing, so all clothes she creates will ensure the scar is covered. I can’t risk it getting
Later, I begin walking down and see Sage. I catch up with her, and we walk down together for dinner.
“So, Prince Kellan?” She looks at me.
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“I don’t know. I was going to refuse but realised it would sound rude and disrespectful. I can’t refuse in front of the cameras.” It’s like he knows it which is why he suddenly asked then, out loud with the camera’s watching.
“Well, it’s a good thing. I hear that King Darius asked Lyra.”
“As long as it isn’t me, I’m good with it.” We walk into the room, and I see both Darius and Kellan sitting already. We walk in and I find my name next to Darius, which puts me directly opposite Kellan. Great.
On the opposite side of Darius is Lyra. Kellan has Sage and Astrid next to him. Why Sage? That is twice now. Everyone begins eating, and I wish Sage were next to me.
It means I sit in silence. For some reason, Aurora is next to me, and there is no way our conversation will lead anywhere good that doesn’t involve her making it known I shouldn’t be here.
“Elara.” I turn to Darius. “What we spoke about last night.”
I nod my head quickly. “I listened. I didn’t join him and the others. this morning. Was I meant to refuse to speak to him when he requested me to in front of the cameras?”
He sighs slightly, and Kellan grins at us. “I feel my brother is using the camera’s knowing that you refusing, or ignoring him with them watching is bad for you.” He takes his eyes off Kellan
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and looks at me. “I have advised him not to do it again.”
“Well, thank you.” I turn back to my food.
“You sound disappointed?” His words are quiet, and I glance at him slightly.
“Not disappointed, to be expected to avoid him and not join in whichever scheme he is planning is hard. Especially when there are so many cameras and others watching. It makes this harder.”
“How so?” He watches me, waiting.
“Because I am trying to avoid him. I am trying to avoid his conversations. It means I am not as… Involved as the others as I am trying to avoid him, as you wish I would.”
“Hmm.” That is his only reply, and I am grateful. I go back to eating in silence. Every now and then I look up and smile at Sage, not missing Kellan’s wide grin at me and Darius.
Is he just trying to use me for a game, a way to amuse himself and taunt the king? Something tells me he is. Which really isn’t good. As it is working. Darius has warned me to avoid Kellan, yet Kellan keeps pulling me in, knowing I can’t refuse.
Dinner is awkward; everyone is talking and laughing, but I sit in silence.
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Aurora tries to speak to me, but the way she sounds is like she really wants to call me Mutt, so I try to end those conversations quickly. She is only polite to keep up appearances around King Darius to make herself look like a better Luna.
That is proven when both the Prince and King walk out and bid us goodnight; she turns and glares at me.
“What is it with the Mutt and taking all the attention? Did you sleep with them? Is that it?”
My eyes widen at her words.
“That’s it, right? They are using you for sex until they find their Luna’s.” She laughs loudly.
“No.” I sit, shocked by her words, the cameras zooming in.
“Really? As that is twice you have sat next to the king. You’re saying he actually wants you sitting there and is considering you as Luna? This isn’t him giving you attention for the sex you give up so freely?”
“I have not slept with either the Prince or the King!” Wow, I look around, and everyone but Sage is looking at me like they think it. They honestly believe that I am here to give them what they want in the bedroom until they pick a Luna.
Chapter 10
Standing, her hand stops me.
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“We know about your past, Elara. You lied on your application, just how many Alpha’s and Beta’s have you slept with?” She grins at me, and the producer stands smiling, capturing everything.
“Regardless of my past or any of these ladies‘ past. To accuse the King and Prince of sleeping with a contestant is diabolical, which you know considering you kept your belief to yourself until they had left.” Turning, I walk away and hear someone following.
Turning, I see Sage. Her face shows an apologetic look.
“I can not believe she suggested that.” She looks at me, shocked.
“I’m more shocked she did it with the cameras watching. She just accused the King and Prince of sleeping with me.” I expected that this competition would be fierce; this, though, is
The producer has obviously been speaking about me. Surely that is against the rules? Not that he cares, though; the way he has acted before proves that. I say goodnight to Sage and hide away in my room for the rest of the night. Forget sitting with the other contestants when I am their main target for abuse right